Thursday, September 12, 2019

Newbury Business Today

What’s On - Calendar of Business Meetings and Events Restrictions and charges may apply for meetings listed. Please contact the event organiser to book a place before attending. 4Networking - www.4networking.biz Newbury Group - Tuesday 24th September, 08.00 – 10.00, Chequers Hotel, 6-8 Oxford Street, Newbury RG14 1JB. Basingstoke Lunch – Friday 13th and 27th September, 12.00 – 14.00, The Red Lion Hotel, Basingstoke RG21 7LX Twyford Lunch - Meeting Wednesday 25th September, 12.00 – 14.00, Hennerton Golf Club, Crazies Hill Road, Wargrave, RG10 8LT JB GROUNDCARE Commercial Ground Maintenance

Commercial contracts Soft/hard landscaping Garden maintenance For other services please visit www.jb-groundcare.co.uk Local based company Contact us on 07899 100 071 info@jb-groundcare.co.uk M ICHAEL P AGLIAROLI A RCHITECTS www.mp-architectsltd.com Residential developments, alterations and extensions. Barn conversions, stables and interiors. 01635 246177 office@mp-architectsltd.com Bartholomew House, 38 London Road, Newbury, RG14 1JX Advertise your business to 38,717* readers with an advert in next month’s “What’s On” Page in

Business Network International (BNI) Jack O’ Newbury Chapter – every Friday morning 06.30 – 08.30, at Double Tree by Hilton, Newbury North, M4 Junction 13, Oxford Road, Newbury RG20 8XY. www.bni-newbury.co.uk Bourne Chapter – every Thursday morning 06.45 – 08.45, also meeting at Double Tree by Hilton, Newbury North. www.bni-berkshire.co.uk

The Athena Network

Business Biscotti Networking Event We warmly welcome guests to all our club events and are well known for our flexibility and informality. Our events attract business owners, directors and senior management from a rich mix of business sectors Each Club is run by a Team of Local Ambassadors who actively facilitate business to business connections, helping your company raise its profile, build valuable contacts and develop new business opportunities. Reading East Group Double Tree by Hilton Reading RG41 5DG. Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of each month from 9.30-11.30am – next meeting Thursday 3rd October . Newbury Group Meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month. The next meeting is on Thursday 31st October 10am- 12 noon, The Lodge, Newbury Racecourse, RG14 7NZ. Oxford Group next meeting is held every 3rd Tuesday of each month next meeting Tuesday 17th September 9.30am to 11.30am at The Tree Hotel, 63 Church Way, Iffley Village, Oxford OX4 4EY Contact www.businessbiscotti.co.uk Networking Organisation for Women in Business Visitors are always welcome. Please book in advance by email to Debbie.Miles@TheAthenaNetwork.com THATCHAM group Tuesday 17th September from 12 - 2.30pm at the Regency Park Hotel, Thatcham In the business development training, Felicity Lucas of Ridgeway Nutrition, will be discussing the book ‘Will It Make the Boat Go Faster’ looking at the strategies employed by the British rowing team for the Olympics and how they can benefit your business. NEWBURY CENTRAL group Wednesday 18th September 12 - 2.30pm at Arigato, 1 Bridge Street, Newbury This month Gina Bartlett of Wilkins Kennedy will be offering financial advice to ensure you are up to speed with the new rules coming into force from HMRC and Dale Campbell of Posy London will be looking at Stephen Covey’s ‘Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’. NEWBURY WEST group Thursday October 10th 12 - 2.30 pm at The Red House, Marsh Benham Penny Wright a partner at Gardner Leader will give her top tips for ensuring that your business assets are protected in the event of death or incapacity” and Debbie Miles Regional Director The Athena Network will be looking at different ways to build rapport with your networking colleagues. Hungerford group Friday October 11th 12 - 2.30 pm at Audley Inglewood, Kintbury Natasha Sedgwick from Berkshire Business Growth Hub will be explaining how the Government funded growth project supports SME’s at all stages of their journey, through fully funded and impartial business advice.

Newbury Business Group

Every Friday morning 07.30 – 09.00, Donnington Valley Golf Club, Oxford Road, Donnington, Newbury RG14 3BG. Email: info@newburybusiness.co.uk or Tel. 01635 812006

Newbury Professionals Monthly Meet-Up

– informal gathering An opportunity to meet up with fellow professionals working in the town, strengthening existing relationships and developing new ones. We meet on the first Thursday of every month - Thursday 3rd October, from 6.00pm The Newbury Pub, 137 Batholomew Street, Newbury, RG14 5HB

Fore Business

Golf and Business Networking Event Basingstoke & Newbury Group, Sandford Springs Golf Club Wednesday 9th October at 07:20am Reading Group, Caversham Heath Golf Club, Reading RG4 7UT Thursday 3rd October at 07:20am

Oxford Golf Club, Hill Top Rd, Oxford OX4 1PF Wednesday 2nd October 2019 at 07:20am Contact www.fore-business.com

Call: The Sales Team on 01635 550444 Email: reception@newburynews.co.uk *source JICREG - Aug 2016

Buzz Connect

Monthly Networking Events Morning monthly network meetings first Thursday of every month next meeting 3rd October at the The Metro Bank, Northbrook Street, Newbury , 8:30am and 10:00am and then at the Donnington Grove Hotel, Newbury between 5:30pm and 7:00pm Non-Members: £5 Fee

at the heart of your community business ^

Business Breakfast Club – Hungerford Every third Tuesday of the month - 17th September 2019 , 7.30-9am, Walmesley Restaurant, Audley Inglewood, Templeton

Road, Kintbury, Hungerford RG17 9SH. Contact Laura@pink-spaghetti.co.uk

Is your business celebrating an anniversary in 2019..? If the answer is “Yes!” then please get in touch with the Newbury Business Today team on 01635 886643 to discuss your requirements for an ar�cle, feature or advert.

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