Early Learning - Autumn 2021
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Newbury Weekly News
Elstree School Nursery and Pre-Prep
ELSTREE is an award- winning day and boarding school for boys and girls aged three to 13, less than 10 miles from Newbury and Reading. Elstree Nursery and Pre- Prep provides a stimulating environment for children aged three to seven and now caters for nearly 80 girls and boys. Separate from the main school, but within the same 150-acre idyllic grounds of Elstree, the Pre-Prep is made up of four year groups – Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Girls and boys can begin their journey in Nursery and smoothly transition through Pre-Prep to Prep until the end of Year 8. We aim for the children to leave Elstree Pre-Prep inspired and enthused. We want their first encounters of learning to be full of excitement and joy, framing their approach to education for the years ahead. As this is often a child’s first experience of education, the transition from home to school is supported with home visits and taster days. This warm and homely approach is based upon the family principles of Elstree School.
Tigers Day Nursery
TIGERS Day Nursery has been established for 26 years and is a happy, safe, fun-filled day nursery set in beautiful countryside close to the A4 in Thatcham, Berkshire. Caring for babies and children from three months to five years we have a homely feel in our barn conversion with fantastic outdoor space, setting Tigers above the rest. We have exceptional facilities and resources both indoors and outside, with a large wild garden, mud kitchen, tents and large mushroom tree under which the children have picnics, drinks and stories. We have a lovely planting area where the children can grow their own flowers and vegetables. There are multiple outdoor
play areas, all with safety surfaces and high-quality equipment. Inside, there are stimulating, well-equipped rooms, each with their own bathroom and hand-washing facilities, as well as a sensory Bubble Room and mirrored dance studio. Extra activities include French, dance and Forest School sessions for the older children. Our on-site cook produces well balanced meals from fresh ingredients daily and caters for all allergies and dietary requirements. The children also have access to fresh fruit throughout the day. We use the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework to provide stimulating activities based around the children’s interests to support the children’s learning and
development. Each child has a key worker who tracks the children’s development and uploads observations with pictures and videos, so parents are involved with their child’s learning using the Parentzone app. The senior staff are well qualified which ensures the children are receiving high quality early years education and all staff have regular training opportunities to enhance and build on their existing knowledge. Our experienced management team have a hands-on approach and are involved in all aspects of the nursery. For more information email tigers@tigersdaynurseries. co.uk or call (01635) 528857. www.tigersdaynurseries. co.uk
Elstree Nursery
Picture: Jonathan Bond Photography
Children have access to bright, airy classrooms, dedicated learning areas, outdoor play spaces and a designated woodland. Supported by a team of energetic, enthusiastic and experienced teachers, every child is valued as an individual and encouraged to explore and develop their talents to the full. From Nursery, children are encouraged to adopt a love of learning and a natural curiosity at their own pace. Every week on ‘Woodland Wednesdays’, the Early Years children get the chance to do exciting activities such as mini-beast hunting, den building, foraging harvest
fruits, or willow tree weaving. Sport, French, music and drama are also thriving at Elstree Pre-Prep, and taught by specialist teachers. Parents, grandparents and carers are welcome to join Elstree Pre-Prep’s Thursday Toddler Sessions, held four times a term between 9am and 10.30am. Email registrar@elstreeschool.org. uk for the dates. If you would like to visit our school, please book your place on our Open Morning on Saturday, October 16, at www.elstreeschool.org.uk/ admissions/open-days or arrange an individual visit by giving us a call on (0118) 971 3302.
01635 528857 tigers@tigersdaynurseries.co.uk
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