Early Learning - Autumn 2021

Thursday, October 14, 2021 35

Newbury Weekly News


Jubilee Gems

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

WE love to create magical moments through hands on experiences all year at Jubilee Gems. However, our 60 acres of private gardens, woodland and farm truly come to life during autumn. It’s a wonderful time for the children to head outdoors and explore a treasure trove of natural wonders. After saying hello to the animals, we’ll pick blackberries, collect conkers and acorns or maybe go on a bug hunt. We learn all about the changing seasons and animals readying themselves for hibernation. On our return, there’s just enough time to check on our vegetables to harvest for cooking and then it’s back to nursery for a delicious homemade lunch, after which our smallest people can snuggle down for a well- earned nap before getting ready to bake some delights in the mud kitchen. We believe in children ‘learning by doing’ – both inside and out – every day. It’s what makes Jubilee Gems children confident and independent young learners. Jubilee Gem’s top tips for activities over autumn: n Go on a bear hunt and encourage children to explore. Crunch through leaves, jump in muddy puddles and leap over logs!

AT St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School the nursery class has been making the most of the spring sunshine with sensory walks around the grounds. The children were particularly delighted to see two ducks on the pond and to create flower craft with their collections. “I liked hammering the yellow colour flower,” said one child. Caring, passionate practitioners welcome and settle each child daily, according to their individual needs. The children have access to both classrooms and the large garden during free flow for long periods each day, with a wide variety of resources and areas available, reflecting all areas of the Early Years Curriculum. These include a free choice art area, music area and role play zone, providing a variety of opportunities to develop vital communication and

physical skills. Knowledgeable practitioners, including a class teacher, use a combination of the children’s interests and planned activities to teach them new skills in interesting, relevant according to their individual development and next steps. Activities include baking, sewing, music, dance and gardening. Group times are kept short and interesting and focus on developing early phonics and mathematics skills as well as weekly RE and literacy. The aim is to ensure that children not only succeed academically, but also grow spiritually and morally, developing into fully rounded individuals. Everyone follows the diamond rules at St Joseph’s, working hard on copying the example of Jesus, using good manners, caring for friends and resources and following and practical contexts. Each child is extended

instructions. The children love to receive stickers for following these rules. Practitioners develop warm relationships with parents and carers, communicating daily with them face-to-face as well as via an online learning journal. Families are also encouraged to join in school life and are invited to events such as the Harvest Festival. One parent commented: “My son got attached to all the staff, which remarks a caring and child-friendly attitude. I can’t thank staff enough.” As the children approach their Reception year they join in with some whole school events, such as collective worship and World Book Day. There are also opportunities to explore the Reception classroom and share activities with them. Practitioners sensitively encourage children to be as independent as possible, in collaboration with parents, assisting with a smooth transition into Reception year.

n Collect natural objects and make an autumn display. n Go fruit foraging and talk about edible and inedible berries. Collect apples and blackberries and bake a pie together. n Help with hibernation and create a hedgehog den. n Get creative with muddy mark making! n Look at pumpkins and squashes – talk about shapes and colours and make soup. Give your child a truly unique experience, start their journey with us here at Jubilee Gems. Jubilee Gems is a term-time

nursery, located in the heart of the countryside in West Berkshire, offering a flexible range of sessions to suit you and your child. At Gems we are all about giving all children the time and space to explore, discover and use their imagination both indoors and outdoors in a language-rich environment with our caring and highly skilled practitioners. To book your show round call (0118) 983 4018 or drop in to pick up a prospectus. You can be sure of a warm welcome.

www.jubileegems.co.uk School Road, Padworth, Berkshire, RG7 4JA

S T J OSEPH ’ S C ATHOLIC P RIMARY S CHOOL & N URSERY , N EWPORT R OAD N EWBURY Please contact us at - office@stjosephs.w-berks.sch.uk or 0163543455

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