Thursday, May 20, 2021 23

Newbury Weekly News


Affordable homes boost Developer loses argument that houses for rent and shared ownership are unviable


CLAIMS that affordable homes at Hungerford’s controversial Lancaster Park development are unviable have been shot down in flames. Permission was originally granted for the project, in the face of fierce local opposition, subject to the condition that it would include 40 ‘affordable’ homes comprising 28 rented homes and 12 offered as shared ownership. Developer Wates then claimed the condition rendered the project financially ‘unviable’ and sought its removal. The bid triggered more than 70 formal objections from residents. But a planning officer’s report stated: “There is insufficient evi- dence that a policy compliant pro- vision of affordable housing will not be financially viable.” It quoted official guidance which states: “Under no circumstances will the price paid for land be a rel- evant justification for failing to ac- cord with relevant policies in the plan, without justification, other than profit.” The decision was welcomed by Hungerford Town Council as “a fantastic outcome for the town”. The town council said in a state- ment: “We are pleased to advise West Berkshire Council has re- fused the application from Wates to modify the original planning ob- ligations for the new development off Salisbury Road. “The developers will now need to abide by the ... agreement made

n The percentage of social rent dwellings was a crucial part of the original approved planning appli- cation n The reduction in number of so- cial rent dwellings would have a negative impact on local residents and local house rental prices n The application undermines the district council’s own Local Plan, which states there should be 40 per cent affordable housing on green- field sites n The developers have already signed a legal agreement of S106 The statement continued: “At our full council meeting in De- cember 2020, we further voiced our concern to West Berkshire Council at the attempt being made by Bewley Homes, Wates Man- agement and the owners of the land south of Priory Road to de- prive West Berkshire families of much-needed social rented homes, and to renege on the formal con- tractual commitments they signed in 2017 and their promises made to the town via press releases and public meetings. “A large number of residents had also expressed their concerns about the application through the planning portal, further underlin- ing the position taken by Hunger- ford Town Council.” It concluded: “This is a fantastic outcome for the town and we wish to thank West Berkshire Council and our district councillors for their actions in bringing forward the right decision.”

Have you got a story? Contact our Hungerford & Lambourn Valley reporter JOHN GARVEY, on (01635) 886628, or email: john.garvey@

newburynews.co.uk Twitter @johng_nwn

News updates from Hungerford and Lambourn are now available online throughout the week. Go to newburytoday.co.uk and select the district pages

Men barred from pub TWO men been have been legally barred from The Pheasant in Shefford Woodlands following a public order offence. In the dock at Reading Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, May 4, were Andrew Green and Nicholas Lowe. They admitted causing racial- ly aggravated harassment, alarm or distress to Alexander Daley and to assaulting a police officer by beating him the course of his duty. Mr Green, who lives in Westcliff-on-Sea, Es- sex, was sentenced to 14 weeks imprisonment suspended for 12 months, ordered to complete 120 hours of unpaid community work and or- dered to pay £85 costs and £100 compensation. Mr Lowe, from South East London, was not given a custodial sentence but was otherwise punished in the same way as Mr Green.

The Lancaster Park development in Hungerford

to provide 40 affordable dwellings, 28 of these being social rented dwellings and 12 shared owner-

ship. “Following an independent via- bility study West Berkshire Coun- cil concluded that the previously agreed provision of affordable housing is viable. “Wates had wished to change the split of affordable housing so that all 40 affordable dwellings were of intermediate/shared own- ership tenure.” The town council had objected on the following grounds:

The developers will now need to abide by the ... agreement made to provide 40 affordable dwellings

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Mary Trigwell Pop-up paintings go on display

A POP-up exhibition of paintings is being held at The Courtyard, Hunger- ford. Kintbury artist Rosemary Trigwell, will be displaying

her pictures of animals and birds in oils on wood. She will also be selling a selection of greetings cards and her fire screens which are paint- ed using the same genre.

The exhibition runs every day from Tuesday, May 18, to Saturday, May 29, from 10am until 4.30pm, except for Mon- day, May 24, when it will be closed.

Teenager arrested after hammer attack POLICE have made an ar- rest following an incident in Hungerford in which a man was attacked with a hammer. During this incident, one of the men was holding a ham- mer and approached the front seat passenger, hitting him with the hammer and making threats to him.

proximately 11.15am in Mor- ley Place, a man approached the front passenger door of a cream-coloured Mini One ve- hicle, striking the passenger in the face, before running off. Then, at approximately 12.30pm in Priory Avenue, the same suspect, along with two other men, blocked the road, preventing the same Mini from passing.

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A 17-year-old was being held in police custody on suspicion of affray and possessing a knife in public following two linked incidents on Friday, April 30. In the first incident, at ap-

A 23-year-old man from Hungerford was previously arrested on suspicion of as- sault by beating and making threats to kill and has been released under investigation.

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