A Levels

Thursday, August 22, 2019 17 NEWBURY NEWS A-LEVEL RESULTS Junior Bake Off star Freya cooks up another triumph The Downs head girl gets three A*s and is going to Cambridge to study economics THE DOWNS SCHOOL Report by CHARLIE MASTERS email charlie.masters@newburynews.co.uk twitter @charliem_nwn

Newbury Weekly News


‘Difficulties can be overcome’ MARY Hare School for the Deaf said it had been a pleas- ing year for A-levels as its overall pass rate for grades A*-E stood at 100 per cent. am very pleased by the pupils’ performance in these examina- tions.

“Deafness has a massive impact on language development and the language required in the teaching, learning and assess- ment of these courses provides a very great challenge to students and staff. “The results show that, work- ing together, these difficulties can be overcome. “Our students have chosen a variety of post-18 options, includ- ing higher education, further education, apprenticeship and employment. “Students, their families, and staff have worked together to achieve these results and I thank them all for their contributions. “I also hope the results will be celebrated in local authorities who fund the places from around the country.”

Seventy-six per cent of grades were awarded at A*-C, while 57 per cent were at B and above. The school said this was a remarkable achievement for its profoundly and severely deaf pupils. The school’s pass rate for Level 3 BTEC subjects was 96 per cent. Among the top performers were Alex Courtney-Guy who achieved A* in English litera- ture, a B in French and a merit in sound engineering; Ciaran O’Brien achieved A* grades in photography and fine art, with a merit in performing arts; Martha Ryan achieved a distinc- tion* in applied science. Principal Peter Gale said: “I

Head of Sixth Form Pete Hogan said: “Right from the start, the students in this year group have really gelled together, creating a really positive ethos. “The most pleasing part of my job is seeing the students’ hard work pay off, as they get the places on university courses and apprenticeships that they have been working towards for two years.” Right, former Junior Bake Off winner Freya Watson

the OxLat programme, which introduces Latin and the classics to comprehensive school students.” Not all Downs pupils will be heading off to university. Elijah Wilkinson got As in mathematics, biology and chem- istry. He will be going on a religious mission abroad for two years. He said of his plans: “I’ll be going on a religious excursion. “I’ll be doing humanitarian work, teaching people about my religion.” Headteacher Chris Prosser expressed his delight with the results, saying: “Our students have produced excellent results and I am really proud of what they have achieved. “There are so many wonderful success stories that lie beneath these statistics and the students, staff and parents worked so hard to make it happen – it was a real team effort. “My biggest pleasure is know- ing that so many of these students will now be able to access their chosen destinations, whether that will be university, appren- ticeships or a career. “I wish them all the best on their next adventure.”

THE Downs School has cele- brated some of its best A-level results, sending several students to Oxbridge. In total, 120 Downs pupils sat A- level and BTEC exams this year. Of these, eight per cent achieved A* grades, 28 per cent A*-A, 56 per cent A*-B s and 79 per cent A*-C. Among those celebrating was head girl Freya Watson, who achieved three A*s (in mathemat- ics, further mathematics and economics). The 18-year-old, who won the BBC’s Junior Bake Off in 2011, will now go on to study economics at Cambridge. She said of her results: “It’s just so surreal. I’m really happy and relieved. “The two years of hard work and stress was well worth it.” Alannah Burdess was similarly thrilled, having achieved three As in history, philosophy and Spanish. She plans to study classics at Oxford. Speaking to the Newbury Weekly News , she said: “I wouldn’t be applying for classics if it wasn’t for The Downs, because they introduced me to

Headteacher Chris Prosser and pupils at The Downs School

Mary Hare principal Peter Gale

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