Christmas Guide 2016
Newbury Weekly News
Thursday, 17 November, 2016
Hold an ev nt to help end elderly loneliness
Creating special memories...
Win family pass to Bucklebury Park
Jubilee Nurseries competition
MAKE sure no older person is alone this Christmas unless they want to be. National charity Friends of the Elderly is calling on people in West Berkshire to hold Christmas Day activities in their community, so no older person will be alone unless they choose to. As official partner of Community Christmas, the charity hopes that more people than ever will get involved in 2016. With more than a third of older people living in West Berkshire affected by loneliness, and around half a million older people in the UK saying Christmas Day is when they feel most lonely, Friends of the Elderly and Community Christmas are asking people to give the gift of time. Tony Smith, 61, doesn’t have any family and usually spends Christmas Day alone, watching TV. Last year, thanks to Community Christmas, he attended a Christmas lunch and also enjoyed an afternoon of entertainment and games. He said: “It was the first time Christmas actually meant something to me; it was the best Christmas I’ve ever had.” Last year, eight activities in West Berkshire were registered with Community Christmas, including a Christmas Day lunch
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in Thatcham and light refreshments in Newbury. But even more are needed to reach as many older people as possible. Organising an activity is easy. It’s not just about the turkey dinner – you could get people to watch a Christmas film, share a tea and a mince pie in a pub, or enjoy a Christmas Day walk. Jo O’Boyle, director of engagement at Friends of the Elderly, said: “Friends of the Elderly is delighted to be work- ing with Community Christmas again this year to support older people facing Christmas alone. “We know that loneliness can have a devastating impact on older people’s lives and those we
work with tell us that becoming isolated from a day community they were once part of can be especially difficult. “That’s why we’re calling on individuals, organisations and businesses to put on activities on Christmas Day to bring together older people in their community who don’t want to be alone.” If you’re organising an activity on Christmas Day, or know of one in your area, contact Community Christmas so it can be listed on the website, making it easier for older people to know what’s happening in West Berkshire. For more information please visit or call 0800 063 9285.
and toddler sensory parties, pantomime and a children’s entertainer. The children and their families love to join the magical Christmas event ‘The Winter Wonderland Walk’ in the private woodland, which comes alive with carols and a very special visitor from Lapland! It is all about creating special memories which last a lifetime. The nurseries care for babies and children up to five years of age and whether you are looking for term-time, full-time or part-time care for your child,
WINTER is a wonderful time for everyone at Jubilee Day Nursery and Jubilee Gems Term-Time Day Nursery in Padworth. It has a highly-regarded reputation for outdoor learning and it’s a great time to head outdoors and explore a treasure trove of natural wonders. The nurseries plan a whole host of winter-themed activities based around the Early Years Foundation Stage and the children also enjoy the build-up to Christmas with an array of crafts, a Christmas dinner, baby
there are sessions to suit. For further information, call (0118) 970 1600 to discuss your requirement and arrange a visit. To celebrate, Jubilee has a family pass for a day out at Bucklebury Farm Park to be won. To be in with a chance of winning, answer the following question and send your entry to the address on page five. Q What is the name of Jubilee’s Christmas event that children and their families gather for?
Our independent nurseries with a highly regarded reputation IRU RXWGRRU OHDUQLQJ RHU H[FHSWLRQDO FDUH IRU ER\V DQG JLUOV DJHG PRQWKV WR \HDUV RI DJH
Where learning is a magical journey...
If you would like your child to be a part of the magic, request a prospectus or FRPH DQG YLVLW XV WR ȴQG RXW PRUH 6HW ZLWKLQ D VWXQQLQJ DFUH ZRRGODQG DQG farm site, we are conveniently located between Reading and Newbury.
Parent Survey 2016
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Jubilee Day Nursery (full-time) Rectory Road, Padworth, RG7 4JD 0118 970 1600 |
Jubilee Gems (term-time) School Road, Padworth, RG7 4JA 0118 983 4018 |
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