Christmas Guide 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Thursday, 15 November, 2018
Adopt a reindeer fo a year as part of The Malls’ Christmas celebrations
Reindeer Day on Sunday, Novem- ber 18, from 11am to 3.30pm. Meet these beautiful majestic animals just arrived from the North Pole. Leading the procession this year, straight from his role as Che in Evita, is West End and Broadway star Glenn Carter. Father & Mrs Christmas will be ready to collect your letters, along with singing from the Brownies, Professor Grump and fun-loving walkabout characters. However, if this is not enough to tempt you, The Malls then has a Christmas Craft Market from November 14, with stalls galore, including a traditional hog roast, chocolates, fudges and gifts to tantalise you. For further details visit To be in with a chance of adopting a reindeer for a year, just complete the wordsearch on the left and send it, complete with your entry form, to the address on page six.
THE Malls shopping centre in Basingstoke is not short of festive ideas in the run up to Christmas. Starting on November 16, it’s The Malls’ Christmas Lights Switch- on event at 6pm, by Snow White (Dani Harman) from this years Anvil Panto. Then follow her Festival Trail with the woodland creatures into Festival Place. Traditional and fun – with carols around the tree, entertainment from 4.30pm along with Father Christmas, St Michaels Hospice, Teddy Tombola and grand raffle, The Breeze Radio, Oakridge School Choir and the Salvation Army Band. Glittering stilt walkers will also be gracefully walking around. On November 17, The Malls hosts the Young Enterprise Trade Fair – this year’s young entrepreneurs offer their companies ideas for sale. Hopefully you pick up an unusual Christmas present or two. Then there is The Malls’ largest annual event, the Cairngorm
Adopt a reindeer competition Adopt a reindeer for a year
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