Christmas Guide 2021
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Newbury Weekly News
Après Golf at Deanwood WE all know the phrase “après ski”, it’s the fun stuff that happens after skiing. It is, for many, what skiing is all about. Well Deanwood is launching “Après Golf”. Our beautiful new Kadai Indian fire bowl ensures you can cook in style with a do-it- yourself barbecue with all the hassle and preparation taken care of for you. The stunning cast iron fire bowls originated in India where they were used to cook curry for weddings and festivals, they were the centre of a celebration and brought people together. What could be better than gathering around the heat of a fire to share the food, the drink and the atmosphere? With the world still a little nervous of being indoors this is a wonderful way to socialise in the fresh air all year round. Ideal for groups of six to 12 people but available for groups as small as four, it is a great way to extend your golfing day. That said the barbecue is easily capable of feeding larger groups to celebrate birthdays or any other special occasion with family or friends…although you may not all quite fit around the fire! The Deanwood Indian Fire Bowl is available for hire and will be ready lit for you when you arrive along with all the tools you need to cook up a feast. Pre-order delicious barbecue goodies, super tasty for munching and the perfect food for sharing, washed down with an “adult” Shanky’s Whip Hot Chocolate (a shot of caramel tasting whisky liqueur), Mulled Wine or Hot Toddy Yum!… and to finish off no clearing up! In addition to standard barbecue fair choose to have some fun toasting marshmallows on a giant six-prong fork, which comes highly recommended.
Win an Asprey golf session for up to eight people at Deanwood Q: What style of bowl is used at Deanwood? Asprey golf session for up to eight people at Deanwood Golf Course, answer the question below correctly and put your answer in the Deanwood Golf Course entry form on page 2. Send your entry form to the address on page 10. We can also provide plenty of extra tasty goodies from the Après Golf Menu which offers side dishes, salads and more desserts. Our Après Golf experience is so perfect as simple food is eaten in a relaxed casual manner plus a friendly face will be just a few feet away in the bar to serve you drinks. Whatever your golfing ability there is always a good story to tell après golf! To be in with a chance of winning the
APRÈS GOLF BBQ Warm up with a winter BBQ feast. Enjoy a warming DIY BBQ with a choice of pre-ordered dishes including classics such as burgers, sausages, kebabs and sides along with tempting desserts, Irish coffee, mulled wine and alcoholic hot chocolates. Kadai Fire Bowl Hire - £35 BBQ items all priced individually.
Please call us to book on 01635 572828.
We are currently seeking new carers who can offer Short Breaks to families of children with either physical disabilities, learning difficulties or mental health needs.
CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH-ON Friday 3rd December: Entertainment from 5pm
FESTIVE FAMILY DAY Saturday 4th December: From 10am
PLUS Sunday 5th December: Santa Run, Christmas Market and Car Boot Sale
If you feel you could provide Short Breaks, please get in touch with the Family Placement Team on 01635 503155 or
For more information see Or follow the event on Facebook @ThatchamTC
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