Dear Santa 2016
Dear Santa
Newbury Weekly News
Thursday, 1 December, 2016
Dear Santa, Please can you get me a Playmobil Police Van and Police Station please? I have been ver y good at listening and filling up my marbles jar for good behaviour! Love Michael (age 4)
Dear Santa, I am pleased to tell you I have been a good girl this year. I have been nice to my friends and family. I have also helped my mum to take care of my baby brother, I tidy my toys after playing and I listen to my parent. Please can you visit me on Christmas Day. Thanks, Chika Onwumechili (age 4)
Dear Santa, Please can I have a Ben T en DVD, and some Lego. I am trying to be so good although I find it hard at times, I do have little wobbles. I hope my Mummy , Lily, my Bud, Grandma, Grandad, James and Livi have a good Christmas tool. Lots of love Joshua
Dear Santa, I would like just anything, I don ’t mind what I have. I have been good, I hope my Mummy , Dave, Joshua, Grandma, Grandad, James and Livi have a good Christmas. Lots of love from Lily
Dear Santa, this is my first Christmas and I am ver y excited. I can’t wait to see all the Christmas lights and leave you a mince pie out and not forgetting Rudolf’s carrot... love you lots Bonnie-Rose Giddings (7 months)
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