Dear Santa 2016
Newbury Weekly News
Thursday, 1 December, 2016
Dear Santa, My name is LexiGrace and I am one year old. For Christmas I would ver y much love a new Peppa Pig toy please! My Mummy, Daddy and Grandma say that I have been a very good girl this year. Although they think that I'm a cheeky monkey, most of the time they say I'm a good girl. This will be my first Christmas at home as last year you visited me when I was in the NICU at Basingstoke hospital and you left me a stocking of presents as I slept all the way through your visit. Hope you and the elves are working hard! Enjoy your rest after you have deliv- ered all of the Christmas presents. Lots of love from LexiGrace xxxx
To Santa, Is there lots of snow at the North pole yet? I would like a Knight Helmet, so that I can fight dragons, for Christmas please. Thank you Love from Myles Preston-Atkins. I am 4 years old.
Dear Santa For Christmas please may I have a baby walker and a cuddly reindeer.
Lots of Love Sebastian, Aged 8 months PS. Please give Rudolph a big kiss from me
Dear Santa, My name is Eszter . I have been a very good girl this year . (It’s true!) Sometimes I might have been a bit silly, but who really cares? I have helped my mum and dad a lot and also have been a ver y hard worker at school (espe- cially in swimming.) I would be really happy if you could bring me a Robo Turtle, a Walking Talking Friend, a Best Friend Max, a LEGO Friends Horse Vet Trailer and a Playmo- bile Private Fort Super Set. This is all I want for Christmas this year. And a bit of snow, please. Let it snow! From your super fan, Eszter
Dear Santa I would like a two-wheeled scooter , a r ading book and a parrot. We will leave you some carrots and a mince pie. Lots of love, from Joseph
Dear Father Christmas, Please could I have a red racing car for Christmas. I
have been a really good boy . Love from Charlie Robins 4 years old
Dear Santa I have been a very very good boy this year for my Mummy and Daddy. Please can you bring me lots of big presents. My favourites are Fireman Sam, Peppa Pig, Iggle Piggle and cars. I will also leave you a mince pie and a carrot for Rudolph. Love Jake xx
Dear Santa Please may I have a toy gun and some new clothes. I would also like a remote control car and a puppy . I promise to be good. I will leave a carrot for Rudolph and a glass of beer for you. Love Gregory PS and a mince pie!
Dear Santa, I would like to ride on the Thomas Steam train at Didcot and have lots of chocolate for Christmas please! I’ve been a very good boy this year . Lots of love, Joshua Woodhouse (Age 2)
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