Dear Santa 2016
Dear Santa
Newbury Weekly News
Thursday, 1 December, 2016
Dear Santa, We hope you are well and you are not too busy making toys. W e have been good this year and so my twin brothers and I are hoping we might get a scooter each for Christmas and Paw Patrol figures to play with. I would like some Shopkins figures and a Rarity My Little Pony . M twin brothers would also like a dinosaur toy and a football boot bag. We would like a little rattle or teething toy for our new baby sister who was born in August. Thank you very much Ava (age 5), Dylan (age 4), Llewellyn (age 4) Baby Iris
Dear Santa, Me and mummy made a picture. W e c t out some toys from a catalogue that I would like to ask for. On my list I have asked for a Scooter , s m Kinetic Sand, Coin Maker , Robot Bat and Dinosaur and some things that stick to the wall and roll down. I don’t know what they are called. I could not find a picture of the Robot Dinosaur so I just got mummy to write it down. We will leave you a carrot and a drink and a pie so you will not get hungr y. Please can my baby sister have a cuddly toy too she is not ver y big so she can't play with toys. Have a safe journey to our house and I hope no present come falling out of your sleigh. Lots of love Aiden Hawkins
Dear Santa, This is my ver first Christmas and I can ’t wait! I’ ve got Christmas outfits to wear and I ’m sure you’ll be bringing me lots of toys as this Christmas is a very special one. I don’t really have any main present that I want as I’m still a bit young, but anything bright or that plays music I ’m bound to love. I ’ll get mummy to leave you and Rudolph some treats for when you come to visit. I’ll be spending my Christmas with my family and I love spending time with them. I hope to wake up on Christmas morning to lots of goodies as I ’ ve been a very good girl. Lots of love, Zara
Dear Santa, Mummy and Daddy said I have been a ver y good boy this year , fo Christmas I would like some new pyjamas and a Thomas the T ank Engine train. I would also like to say a big thank you to Nanny and Grandad and Grandma and Pops for looking after me! Love from Jackson White Age 1 and 3/4!
Dear Santa I am Sarvarth Bisht, four , from The Winchcombe School, Newbury. I wish that it snows this Christmas as I want to make snow angels and build lots of things and lots of decorations.
Our independent nurseries with a highly regarded reputation IRU RXWGRRU OHDUQLQJ RHU H[FHSWLRQDO FDUH IRU ER\V DQG JLUOV DJHG PRQWKV WR \HDUV RI DJH
A Warm Welcome awaits you at Woodlands (Greenham Business Park) Situated on A339 between Kingsclere and Newbury to all our children & families at Woodlands Day Nursery and hope you have a magical time. We will see you all again in 2017 for more fun & adventures We wish a Very Merry Christmas
Where learning is a magical journey...
If you would like your child to be a part of the magic, request a prospectus or FRPH DQG YLVLW XV WR ȴQG RXW PRUH 6HW ZLWKLQ D VWXQQLQJ DFUH ZRRGODQG DQG farm site, we are conveniently located between Reading and Newbury.
Parent Survey 2016
Call Sarah on 01635 33626 email:
Jubilee Day Nursery (full-time) Rectory Road, Padworth, RG7 4JD 0118 970 1600 |
Jubilee Gems (term-time) School Road, Padworth, RG7 4JA 0118 983 4018 |
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