Dear Santa
Dear Santa
Newbury Weekly News
Thursday, 29 November, 2018
Dear Santa, My name is Eszter, I am in year 6 – at John Rankin School, I am 10 years old. This year I have been a very good girl, I have helped to take the rubbish out and sometimes did hoovering and dishwashing. For this year’s Christmas, I would like a Spirit small doll and classic horse, a Scruff-a-luff, a LEGO friends – Mia’s tree house and a B friends doll. I would really like to get Megan with the outdoor walking gear, tropical t-shirt & jeans, and the step out in style footwear – the brown boots. This is all I would like for Christmas this year. Thank u! Eszter
8/9 DEC.
25 NOV. 11am-3pm IT’S FREE!
CHRISTMAS EXTRAVANGANZAWEEKEND! SATURDAY ONLY 10am-11am: A parade with Father Christmas! Live music, street performers, and famous film cars through Newbury town centre. SAT/SUN 11am-4.30pm: Meet Father Christmas at The Kennet Centre. Children under 10 receive a FREE GIFT! There’s FREE facepainting, stiltwalkers, street performers, balloon artists, acrobatic elves and a magical Snow Queen in a moving, interative globe!
11am-3pm: Join us for this fantastic educational event about the Humboldt Penguins - perfect for kids. Learn about these incredible birds from animal experts here to answer your questions. A fun animal-themed event for all ages! PENGUIN SHOW!
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