Newbury Weekly News
Thursday, 30 November, 2017
Dear Santa We are really good girls, going to bed early on school nights and staying in our beds, so we are hoping for some nice things for Christmas. We love LOL dolls and Fingerlings. Please wish Mummy Chloe and Daddy Craig a Happy Christmas and thank them for all they do for us. There will be a drink and something to eat for you on Christmas Eve on our step. Happy Christmas to everyone in our family and thank you very much. Lots of Love Honey and Ava
Dear Santa, Thank you for coming to our house tonight. I have been really excited about your visit. I hope you love the cookies we made for you. Thank you for making all of my toys! I love you. Love Isabella xxx
Dear Santa, We love you very much and we have been very good girls this year at school and at home. Mummy and daddy are very proud of us! Please, please can I have a My little Pony Songbird Beauty Case, because I love Sia the Singer, and I can put makeup on and sing songs with my best friend Isla! Olivia would like a Baby Lea, because she loves this baby and she can dry the waterdrops from her eyes! Love from, Emilia and Olivia
Dear Santa, I’ve been a really good girl this year and can’t wait to see you. For Christmas I would love a bouncy ball, lots of sweeties and lots and lots of bubbles. Lots of love from Alice xx
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