Early Learning Oct 2017
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Newbury Weekly News
St John’s Pre-school Building confidence and independence to prepare children for school
BASED at St John’s Church in Newbury, St John’s Pre-school provides free and paid for (subject to personal financial status) childcare from 15 to 30 hours per week for two- to five-year-olds. They operate during school term-time and run daily breakfast and after- school clubs. The graduate-led team provide a child-led curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment. Children are supported to be ‘school ready’ when they leave, gaining independence, confidence, developing a ‘can do’ attitude and recognising what they are ‘expert’ at. Children also develop the ability to enjoy their peers’ interests and capabilities. The team pride themselves on the wide range of experiences they give children in their care, from weekly accredited Forest School sessions for all children from their third birthday, to walks in the community, yoga, Hartbeeps classes and ‘Sticky Kids’ early years’ music and movement sessions. Pre-School is set up to enable free-flow from our inside space to the dedicated outside space to encourage independence and interaction between children. They are also proud to have recently achieved another ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted, with ‘Outstanding’ for Personal devel- opment, Behaviour and Welfare. The child-led approach and ethos results in children being able to follow their interests and explore
New 30 hours funded childcare
your partner, expect to earn £100,000 or more. If eligible, you are entitled to an extra 570 hours of childcare a year to use flexibly. Other offers of childcare help are also available and include: n 15 hours of funded childcare for two year olds This is for families receiving some form of support such as Income Support, income based Job Seekers Allowance and/or tax credits. n 15 hours funded childcare for three and four year olds For all families with three and four year old children. n Tax-Free Childcare For working families with children under 12 (or under 17 if disabled). For every £8 you pay in, the Government will add an extra £2. This is for parents of children born on or after 1 April 2013 and
parents of disabled children. For full information about all of the above please visit the childcare choices website www.childcarechoices.gov.uk The West Berkshire Council Early Years Team is working closely with those providers choosing to offer the extended 30 hours, these include, nurseries, pre-schools, childminders and schools. Please note that this funding is intended to cover the cost of funding the childcare entitle- ment. It is not intended to cover the cost of meals, consumables, additional hours or additional services. So it is important to seek advice from local providers about additional costs and their offer of the entitlement. Parents can also visit the West Berkshire Family Information Service website: http://fis.westberks.gov.uk for more information.
ELIGIBLE working parents of three and four year olds are now able to receive an additional 15 hours of funded childcare for 38 weeks a year These hours are in addition to the 15 hours a week, 570 hours a year, already available to parents of all three and four year olds. This new Government offer to help parents with childcare costs is up and running and parents are being encouraged to take it up. To be eligible, you must be working and expect to earn at least £120 a week. If you or your partner are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities, you could still be eligible. You can’t get the additional 15 hours of free childcare if you, or or 570 hours to be used flexibly across the year.
the world around them. A recent example resulted from the chil- dren showing an interest in how post is delivered to pre-school. The children wrote to the post office and subsequently visited the sorting office to observe the process that leads to the postman going on his round to pre-school. Parents, carers and grandpar- ents are actively involved in pre- school. There are regular ‘Stay and Play’ sessions to give the opportunity to participate in activities with their children.
Parents have also run special insight sessions showcasing festivals such as Thanksgiving and jobs such as a police officer. The pre-school promotes healthy eating and provides healthy choices for children at snack time and has a daily fruit café. There are a few spaces remain- ing and St John’s is currently accepting registrations, so if you would like to visit or find out more, please contact Laura Randall: 07814 155110. www.saintjohnspreschool.co.uk
Rated ‘Good‛ by Ofsted with ‘Outstanding‛ aspects. Awarded West Berkshire Quality Award Friendly, nurturing pre-school in the heart of Newbury
Friendly, nurturing pre- school in the heart of Newbury. St John’s Pre- School Vegetable patch and Herb garden Mud Kitchen and Weekly Walks Literacy and Maths sessions. Dough Disco, Letters and Sounds and Numicon Tailored Communications and Language Programme for children needing extra support Accredited Forest School provider and eekly sessions at Cheam School Funded spaces available for 2, 3 and 4 year olds Weekly Yoga, ‘Sticky Kids‛ and Hartbeeps music sensory sessions Highly qualified graduate led practice with small group sizes Real life experiences - woodwork bench,
NEW 30 HOURS FUNDED CHILDCARE Eligible working parents of 3 and 4 year olds are now able to receive an additional 15 hours of funded childcare for 38 weeks a year or 570 hours to be used flexibly across the year.
15 hours funded childcare for 2 year olds 15 hours funded childcare for 3 & 4 year olds
Tax-Free Childcare
www.saintjohnspreschool.co.uk Tel: 07814 155110
For full information about all of the above please visit the childcare choices website
www.childcarechoices.gov.uk Visit the West Berkshire Family Information Service website: http://fis.westberks.gov.uk
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