Early Learning Options 2019

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Newbury Weekly News

St Joseph’ s RC Primary School

ST JOSEPH’S Catholic Primary School, a welcoming school with a family feel, is excited to be opening a brand new nursery class in September 2019. St Joseph’s has been rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted in March 2018, recognising its strength as a “happy and inclusive school”. The aim is to ensure that children not only succeed academically, but also grow spiritually and morally, developing into fully rounded individuals. The school fosters strong links with the parishes of St Joseph’s and St Francis de Sales and work as a team to support their children’s journey in faith. The brand new nursery class will have 26 full-time places or part-time equivalent. Both 30-hour and 15-hour places can be offered and children can join from the term after their third birthday. The school also offers breakfast and after school club facilities, enabling parents to make use of care at both ends of the day. The new nursery classroom is undergoing a complete refurbishment both inside and out. There is a large, stimulating outside area for the children to play and explore, including a sensory area, music area and a garden. The indoor environment is made up of two large classrooms, with

Home Farm

extensive facilities at Elstree School, in a magnificent 150 acres. Each week, the Early Years children spend time investigating and exploring the natural environment in the engaging woodland area. In the colder months, the children enjoy a hot chocolate, freshly made over the campfire to accompany their picnics. There is a well-resourced, dedicated Early Years Garden, which is in constant use in the free-flow learning environment. Other facilities greatly enjoyed by the children include a vegetable patch, a raised pond and a giant sandpit. A weekly cooking session adds to the enjoyment of the week. All pupils also benefit from specialist PE, French, drama and music lessons. To enhance their learning,

children go on trips connected with their topic. Recent visits have included Wellington Country Park, Marwell Zoo and a local garden centre to purchase seeds for the vegetable garden. Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their children’s learning and are invited to termly events. There is a grandparents’ afternoon and both nursery and reception hold parents’ afternoons. The Den Building Day in the summer term of Reception is a firm favourite with all. To find out more, please come to the next open morning on Saturday, May 11, or toddler sessions on Thursday, May 16 or June 13. Please contact Tish Gauci on (0118) 710 3302 or at registrar@ elstreeschool.org.uk for further details.

HOME Farm is the nursery and pre-prep department of Elstree School. Founded more than 20 years ago, it caters for more than 50 girls and boys aged three to seven years. Home Farm is often the first experience of school life and the team understands how important these initial steps are. The offer of home visits and taster days prior to a child starting in the Early Years eases the transition between home and school. They pride themselves in their special and warm environment, influenced largely by the family principles of Elstree. The recent opening of the enlarged and refurbished Early Years Barn has resulted in an extended nursery and reception, an enlarged Early Years garden, a new entrance and offices. The children also have the opportunity to make use of the

our school. “With experienced and

new furniture and resources to enhance and support the children’s learning and development, reflecting all areas of the Early Years Curriculum. The school works closely with parents to ensure each child’s constant communication with them to support their learning journey. Headteacher Mrs Nikki McVeigh said: “Our new nursery class will be a fantastic addition to individual strengths are nurtured and they are in

passionate nursery staff, we are looking forward to welcoming our new families in September,” For more information please go to www. stjosephs-westberks. secure-dbprimary.com/west- berks/primary/stjosephs or contact the school on (01635) 43455 for a visit. There will be an open afternoon on Monday, May 20, and the school team look forward to meeting you then.


Brand New Nursery Opening September 2019 30 and 15 hour places available Open Sessions

Monday 18th March - 9:30am Monday 20th May - 2.00pm

The school operates a breakfast and after-school club Please contact us to either book a place, receive an application pack or book a visit to one of the Open Sessions Email: office@stjosephs.w-berks.sch.uk Tel: 01635 43455

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