Early Learning
Thursday, October 4, 2018 Dingley’s Promise DINGLEY’S Promise believes that every child should receive the best start in life. They therefore deliver life-changing support to children under five years with additional needs and disabilities in their centre at Shaw. Offering term-time Learn Through Play sessions for children, who do not need a diagnosis, and Holiday Playschemes over the school holidays, Dingley’s help children learn and grow to reach their potential. Last year they supported more than 50 children with varying needs. Ninety-one per cent of families said that the nursery was very effective in supporting their child and that they worked well with other professionals involved in their child’s care. Communication with families on their child’s progress is rated as excellent and as a result of all this, 91 per cent of families felt more positive about their child’s future. One parent said: “My child has started to express his wants and needs in a way that we can understand. With their support we have been able to access the help and support from different groups that we were previously unaware of.” Dingley’s also offers support to parents and carers that can begin before your child has even secured a place at Dingley’s Promise. Monthly coffee mornings are a
Newbury Weekly News
St John’s Pre-School
ST JOHN’S Pre-School harnesses your child’s natural curiosity, building confidence and independence. Based at St John’s Church, Newbury, St John’s Pre-School follows the Curiosity Approach philosophy, meaning they surround their children with resources that inspire curiosity, awe and wonder. It is a forward-thinking setting, with a dedicated, graduate-led team who create beautiful environments for their Children are supported to be ‘school ready’ when they leave the nursery, gaining indepen- dence, confidence, developing a ‘can do’ attitude and recognising what they are ‘expert’ at. Children also develop the ability to enjoy their peers’ interests and capabilities. St John’s is proud to have achieved another ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted in its most recent inspection, with ‘Outstanding’ for Personal development, Behaviour and Welfare. The pre-school provides free (subject to funding criteria) and paid-for childcare from 15 to 30 hours per week for two to five- year-olds during school term- time. The team pride themselves on the wide range of experiences they give the children in their care, from weekly accredited Forest School sessions for all children from their third birthday, to weekly yoga sessions, weekly Hartbeeps incredible children. They inspire the children to be inquisitive and curious, creating the “thinkers and doers” of the future.
sessions are held, to give them the opportunity to participate in activities with their children. St John’s also use the Tapestry online learning journal system to enable families to share in their child’s learning and progress. The pre-school promotes healthy eating and provides healthy choices for children at snack time and there is a daily fruit café. St John’s Pre-School has a few spaces available and is accepting registrations, so please contact Marlis on (01635) 46467 or 07814 155110 to arrange a visit, find out more and come and experience the new garden for yourself. www.saintjohnspreschool.co.uk
music, sensory classes and walks in the community, as well as Sticky Kids early years’ music and movement sessions. The child-led approach and ethos results in children being able to follow their interests and explore the world around them. Pre-school has been set up to enable free-flow from the inside space to the dedicated outside area, to encourage independence and interaction. A project to transform the garden has just been completed to further extend the range of experiences available to the children. Parents, carers and grandpar- ents are actively involved in pre- school. Regular Stay and Play
Dingley’s can also provide home visits, signpost for support on welfare benefits and accompany you to meetings with professionals, when sometimes
great way to meet other parents in a similar situation, offering an understanding ear and information to help point you in right direction for your family. Dingley’s also offers Stay and Play sessions, where you can see how their tried and tested techniques and tips can help your child communicate, learn and develop social skills. These sessions can give you a toolkit of useful ideas to help your child at home.
an extra person can help navigate the information. Find out more – the coffee
mornings are held on the third Monday of the month at the Judo Club, Poplar Place, Newbury, 9.30am-10.30am. Please feel free to drop in – they are a friendly bunch.
Ensuring the best start for every child with special educational needs and disabilities
Hartbeeps music sensory sessions Highly qualified graduate led practice with small group sizes Wide range of community engagement activities - with the church and local elderly care home Mud Kitchen and Weekly Walks Natural resources and real life experiences - woodwork bench, vegetable patch and herb garden Weekly Yoga sessions Accredited Forest School provider with weekly sessions at Cheam School We provide free (subject to funding criteria) and paid for childcare from 15-30 hours per week for 2,3,4 and 5 year olds during school term-time
Dingley’s Promise has been in Newbury for over 20 years and last year almost 50% of children who left us went to the mainstream
Nursery Sessions
We will be forever grateful to Dingley’s Promise, the support and help we’ve received is immense; the future looks brighter!
Training for Mainstream Nurseries
Family Support & Respite
If you need our services, please contact on:
01635 552458
Poplar Place, Shaw, Newbury, RG14 1NA
www.saintjohnspreschool.co.uk Tel: 01635 46467 or 07814 155110
Reading • Newbury •Wokingham Registered Charity Number 1137609.
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