Essential Guide 2017
essential guide 21 Newbury Young Peoples Council (NYPC) Town Hall, Market Place, Newbury RG14 5AA, Sue Page, co-ordinator; 01635 35486; St John Ambulance – Newbury, Hungerford & Thatcham St John Ambulance, St John Centre, Church Road, Woodley, Reading, Berkshire, RG5 4QN; ford; 0118 933 5500 West Berkshire Youth Parliament uk;; westberkshire.confirm@gmail. com
Community listings
484802 Berkshire Young Farmers YFC office, The Slater Centre, Buckner Croke Way, New Greenham Park, Newbury, RG19 6HN; www.berksyfc. Girlguiding – Donnington Division Mrs Jennie Currie, division commissioner: www.hedge-; 07563477782; jennie@hedge- Girlguiding Newbury District Rainbows, Brownies and Guides Janet Wood, district commis- sioner; 01635 32586 Kennet District Scouts Nigel Sayers, district commis- sioner: 31 Kestrel Close, Thatcham,
leader: 07759 402386 1st Newbury Boys’ Brigade Newbury Baptist Church, Cheap Street, Newbury; Roger Vogel, captain: 01635 865840; www. 211 (Newbury) Squadron Air Training Corps TA centre, St Michael’s Road, Newbury (meetings are held in building 137 New Greenham Park, Newbury, while centre is rebuilt); Pilot officer Tom Rowan, squadron adjutant: 01635 552635;; 2nd Newbury Guides Meets on Fridays, from 6.15pm to 8pm, at Shaw-cum- Donnington Village Hall, Love Lane; Charlotte Mundy: 07971
Berkshire, RG19 3SP;; Girlguiding Pang Valley District 3 Bourne Cottages, Bourne Lane, Beenham RG7 5NY; Tanya Bunce/Claire Pinock; 01183276309/ 07962985592; tgall??? Kennet Vale Trefoil Guild Thirtover Place, Ashmore Green Road, Cold Ash, Thatcham, RG18 9JD; Mrs Heather McKelvey, chair- woman: 01635 202249; heatherm_guiding@hotmail. Newbury Trefoil Guild St Francis de Sales Church Hall, Warren Road, off Andover Road, Wash Common, Pam Proudfoot: 01635 46119
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