Essential Guide 2019

Essential Guide 16 Cold Ash St Mark’s Primary School Cold Ash Hill, Cold Ash, Berkshire, RG18 9PT Mr M Warrender, headteach- er: 01635 862600; office@ Compton Primary School School Road, Compton, RG20 6QU Mrs A McDonald, headteach- er: 01635 578240; office@ Curridge Primary School Curridge, Berkshire, RG18 9DZ Mrs Jackie Livermore, head- teacher 01635 200486 office@curridge.w-berks. Denefield School Long Lane, Tilehurst, Berkshire, RG31 6XY Mrs L Hillyard, headteacher 0118 9413458 Downsway Primary School Warbreck Drive, Tilehurst, Berkshire, RG31 6FE Mrs K Ayres, headteacher 0118 942 1362 office@downsway.w-berks. Ecchinswell and Sydmonton Primary School Ecchinswell, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 4UA Miss Sharon Pole, headteach- er: 01635 298288 Enborne Primary School Enborne, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 0JU Mrs C Morley, headteacher 01635 40569 office@enborne.w-berks. Englefield Primary School The Street, Englefield, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 5ER Mrs Hilary Latimer, head- teacher 0118 9302337 office@englefield.w-berks. Falkland Primary School Andover Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 6NU

Community listings

Hampstead Norreys Primary School Newbury Hill, Hampstead Norreys, Berkshire, RG18 0TR Miss K House, executive headteacher: 01635 201371; Hermitage Primary School Hampstead Norreys Road, Hermitage, Berkshire, RG18 9SA Mrs G Turner, head- teacher: 01635 200355; office@hermitage.w-berks. Home Education Service Riverside Community Centre, Rosemoor Gardens, Newbury, RG14 2FG Mrs L Powell, home education co-ordinator; 01635 279709; office@reintegration.w-berks. Hungerford Nursery School Centre The Croft, Hungerford, RG17 OHY Mrs S Taylor, head of centre; 01488 682628; office@hun- Hungerford Primary School

Fairview Road, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 OBT Mr David Mayer, Headteacher 01488 682230 office@hungerford.w-berks. Inkpen Primary School Weavers Lane, Inkpen, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 9QE Mrs J Kanisuis, headteacher: 01488 668219; John O’Gaunt Community Technology College Priory Road, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 0AN Mr A Henderson, headteach- er: 01488 682400; office.jog@johnogauntschool. John Rankin Infant and Nursery School Garford Crescent, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 6EX Mr F Rayner, headteacher 01635 42376 John Rankin Junior School Henshaw Crescent, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 6ES

Mrs L Wood, headteacher: 01635 44949; office@falk- Fir Tree School and Nursery Newbury Academy Trust Fir Tree Lane, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2RA Mrs L Wood, headteacher 01635 42129 office@firtree.newburyacad- Francis Baily Primary School Skillman Drive, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG19 4GG Mr N Pilsworth, headteacher: 01635 862188; office.fbaily@fb.w-berks. Garland Junior School Clayhill Road, Burghfield Common, Berkshire, RG7 3HG Ms E Dawkins, headteacher: 0118 983 2776; Great Bedwyn Primary School Farm Lane, Great Bedwyn, Wiltshire, SN8 3TR Ms M Perrett, headteacher 01672 870482 admin@greatbedwyn.wilts.

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