Essential Guide 2020

Essential Guide 6

Community listings



towncouncil@newbury. To advertise your event at local bus stops for free, call the town hall for more information.

the services officers on 01635 35486, or email towncouncil@newbury.

Floral displays

The council usually provides more than 200 floral displays in the town centre. Many are sponsored by local businesses. If you are interested in sponsoring floral displays, telephone the grounds maintenance officer 01635 35486, or e-mail servicesmanager@

Remembrance Day

Council meetings

Newbury Town Council organises the Remembrance Day parade in conjunction with the Royal British Legion. For details, 01635 41583 or e-mail mayor@newbury. The town hall in Market Place is owned by the town council. It is licensed for public entertainment and fully accessible. For details/bookings, 01635 35486 or email towncoun- The town council operates the markets held every Thursday and Saturday. Telephone 01635 35486, email towncouncil@new-, or for the farmers’ market, email or tel 01235 227266 The council supports the Newbury Youth Council, which gives a voice to the young people of the town and surrounding areas. For details, telephone 01635 35486 or e-mail towncouncil@newbury. Town Hall Weekly markets Young people

All meetings of the town council and its committees are open to the public. Agendas are published on the Newbury Town Hall noticeboard and on the town council website. For further information on meetings, contact the administration team at the town hall during working hours, e-mail: committees@newbury. or visit the website. Newbury Town Council runs a councillors’ surgery every Saturday morning. If you wish to speak to a town councillor about anything to do with the town, then visit the surgery between 10am and noon on the steps of Newbury Town Hall, in the Market Place. Newbury Town Council owns and maintains many of the town’s foot- way lights and public seats and grit bins. For more information, or to report damage or faults, telephone the services officers on 01635 35486, or email towncouncil@ Surgeries Lights, Seats & grit bins


Newbury Town Council is the allotment authority for Newbury town ONLY and looks after the following sites: Wash Common, Dairy Farm, One Tree Park, Parsons, West Mills and Southby’s. For more information, telephone the services officers on 01635 35486 or e-mail towncouncil@newbury. The council is the burial authority and looks after Newtown Road Cemetery and Shaw Cemetery, Shaw Hill. Open to the public every day. Detailed opening times, telephone the services officers on 01635 35486 or email towncouncil@newbury. The town council provides bus shelters throughout the town. These are provided under contract and can be repaired swift- ly if damaged. To report any damage to bus shelters, telephone the services officers on 01635 35486 or email Burials Bus Shelters


Newbury Town Council offers limited grant aid to local organisations. For details and/or an application form, telephone the town hall on 01635 35486 or email towncouncil@newbury. Every year, the council elects a town mayor, who is the first citizen of Newbury. If you want to meet the mayor, or discuss any of the council’s civic events or responsibilities, telephone the civic manager on 01635 41583, or e-mail The town council is responsible for Victoria Park, as well as many children’s play areas and football pitches. To run an event in Victoria Park, report damage or hire a football pitch, telephone Mayor’s office Recreation areas

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