Funeral Guide 2020

Both of us feel immensely proud of the team at ABWalker and Son and our colleagues in other funeral businesses, for the grace and determination in which they met the challenges of the last year. Strangely, bearing in mind our role, considering our own mortality is not something we tend to dwell on, but in the last year, it has at times been difficult to ignore. The painful experience of this terrible pandemic will have brought death, dying and grief to the front of all of our minds at some point and challenged the long held reticence to discuss and consider why we approach it with secrecy and mystery. Interest in end of life care and funeral planning has now risen exponentially throughout the country. As brothers running our family funeral business with offices right across the region, we have witnessed a shift across every community and recognise a newfound openness to start a conversation about the end of life. This shift will diminish and challenge the ‘death taboo’ and hopefully empower everyone to prepare for the end of life and collectively help and support those that are left. There have been seven generations working in our family business. PLANNING AHEAD WITH A.B. WALKER

Julian and Matthew Walker

In many ways, what was done by the first generation continues today: we strive to plan and deliver a practical, spiritual and ceremonial event around the disposal of the body. In reality the funeral holds little secrecy or mystery but does have a real and tangible purpose however with a more open approach, it could deliver so much more of a personal and individual experience. We offer free impartial advice, independent of friends and family if you should so wish, to allow you to identify, according to your chosen level of detail, what you might choose. If you only wish to create a list of instructions for your family to follow, we can help. We will advise you of what is practical or permitted and the rest is up to you; you may wish to simply make provision for the disposal of your body without a ceremony at all (commonly called a ‘direct cremation’) or plan a church or crematorium funeral service right down to the details of the music. For complete peace of mind, you may wish to purchase a funeral plan. A funeral plan offers the ability to pay in advance for specific

services at today’s prices. There are many third-party sellers offering funeral plans and the buyer should be wary that the advice is appropriate for the local circumstances, but always ensure that: 1. The funds are secure and independent of the chosen funeral business, should it fail 2. You can choose your funeral director 3. You can amend or transfer your plan should you move area for example 4. You can cancel your plan without excessive fees 5. It is a bespoke plan rather than a package (that may include services you do not need) After decades of experience, AB Walker only supports Golden Charter funeral plans as in our opinion they offer the most transparent and appropriate solution to the families we serve. A Golden Charter plan allows fully bespoke funeral, monumental masonry and catering options to be included to deliver a funeral to your wishes. For more information please contact any AB Walker office and we will help you start your conversation.


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