Funeral Planning
SHAW HOUSE haw House is located next to St. Mary’s Church, Newbury and is also home to the register office on the second floor of the building. They can offer rooms for bereavement receptions hosting up to 100 guests, for smaller groups formal afternoon tea can be served to your guests from £14.95 per person, or if you are hosting a larger reception then a more relaxed buffet with refreshments can be served from £6 per person. There are nine stunning rooms in which to hold your reception, depending on the number of guests and availability, and room hire is charged at a competitive hourly rate.You may also like to share remembrance photographs or videos, so audio-visual equipment is available for your use. For more information about receptions or to arrange a viewing please contact (01635) 279279 or email
Bereavement Receptions Shaw House, Newbury
The quiet and tranquil se�ng of Shaw House is the ideal loca�on to hold your bereavement recep�on. With rooms for up to 100 guests and a variety of buffet and refreshment packages from £6 pp and a�ernoon tea from £14.95 pp. For more informa�on please call: 01635 279279 or email: Shaw House, Church Road, Shaw, Newbury, RG14 2DR
There is one small job that you have been meaning to do for years… MAKE YOUR WILL Only £79.97 each for couples And £89.97 for a single will A home visit at a convenient time. Please ring now for free information. 01635 521861 or 07775 913262 Wills, Trusts, Lasting Power of Attorney,
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Will Storage, Estate Planning & Inheritance Tax Planning
Goodwills Ltd. Members of the Society of Willwriters
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