Moving Up 2017

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Newbury Weekly News

Burghfield St Mary’s CE Primary School Ref: MU4217A in 2010, top, Ref: FC6110A

Brimpton CE Primary School

Ref: MU1617A in 2010, top, Ref: FC2410B

Whitelands Park Primary School

Ref: MU1917B in 2010, top, Ref: FC3710A

Kennet School An Outstanding Academy Leading the Kennet School Academies Trust Headmaster: P G Dick OBE JP DL Kennet School Stoney Lane Thatcham RG19 4LL Telephone: 01635 862121 Fax 01635 871814 e-mail:

Kennet School is a dynamic and ambitious 11-18 co-educational comprehensive school which opened in September 1957; now, as then, it serves the population of Thatcham and the surrounding villages. As the most over-subscribed school in West Berkshire, the school has grownsteadily in terms of numbers on roll and more importantly, facilities available to pupils and staff alike, in pursuit of excellence. 4HE '#3% RESULTS IN WERE IN THE TOP NATIONALLY FOR VALUE ADDED PROGRESS )N -AY /FSTED DECLARED +ENNET TO BE /5434!.$).'

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