Moving Up 2019
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Newbury Weekly News
Aldermaston CE Primary School Ref: MU3019C in 2012, right, Ref: FC2912B
St Michael’s C of E (Aided) School Ref: MU6919A
Chieveley Primary School Ref: MU2119A
in 2012, left, Ref: FC1412B
Chieveley Primary Schoo l Future focused in a nurturing and creative environment
Chieveley Primary School is a popular, happy, one form entry school set in a rural location. We have before and after school clubs and offer a wide range of activities including judo, French, gymnastics, athletics and street dance - we even have a Beaver colony! We also have a preschool on-site. Headteacher: Mrs Marie Lea Ofsted rating: Good Chieveley Primary School, School Road, Chieveley, Newbury RG20 8TY | 01635 248281 | A few places still available for children starting in September 2019
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