Moving Up 2019
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Newbury Weekly News
Fir Tree Primary School Ref: MU2019C in 2012, above, Ref: FC3412A
Bishopswood Junior School Ref: MU4319A in 2012, below, Bishopswood Infant School Ref: FC2112A
Silchester CE Primary School Ref: MU4619A in 2012, below, Ref: FC5312A
Open Classrooms 16th, 20th and 27th September 4th October 9:15am - 10:45am To book a place on Open Classrooms, please call or email. RઋFH#WULQLW\ QHZEXU\DFDGHP\WUXVW RUJ 01635 510500 2XU 3URVSHFWXV FDQ EH YLHZHG RQOLQH DW WULQLW\QHZEXU\ RUJ
Open Evening Thursday 12th September 2019 Tours start at 6pm Headteacher’s address at 6:15pm and 7pm
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