My Mum 2021
Thursday, March 11, 2021 11
Newbury Weekly News
Happy mothers day to the best mummy in the whole world lots and lots of love from Charlie, Ruby and Ern the burn xxxx
To Mummy, you are the best Mummy in the whole world, thank you for looking after me, taking me out for walks, and reading me stories.
I love you to Mars and back. Lots of Love from Amelie xx.
Safe, Small Classes & Social Distancing Get your kids back doing the things they love Spaces available from April 2021
Photo credit Steven Marwick
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY FROM ALL ATTHETOWER All of us at the Tower would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has suppor ted us through this difficult year, and a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all. We remain open as a takeawayWednesday to Friday, and hope to be able to open the Tower to visitors again soon. Full details on our website, where you can enquire about joining our volunteers.
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