

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Newbury Weekly News


Welcome return for town’s Extravaganza Victorian carnival is back to herald the start of the festive season

open, including the Hunger- ford Arcade. The Hungerford Book- shop’s popular children’s section will be open, with experienced booksellers on hand to give out advice and mince pies. There will be mulled wine at The Naked Grape wine merchants and the Hunger- ford Hub in the library will have a pop-up Christmas shop open until 7pm. Santa will also be making an appearance. Ms Salmon added: “We’re really looking forward to this year’s Victorian Ex- travaganza. “To help us put on a great community event, including lantern and costume-mak- ing workshops, street en- tertainers and children’s games, please donate if you can to The Good Exchange and your donations will be match-funded by the Green- ham Trust.” Visit thegoodexchange. com then select the Projects page and search for Extrav- aganza. For more details of the event, go to hungerfordex- travaganza.com

HUNGERFORD’S Victori- an Extravaganza is back. Following a hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic, the town’s chamber of com- merce has announced that this year’s event on Friday, December 10, is returning to the traditional Victorian theme. Chamber chairwoman Karen Salmon said: “It’s returning to its Victorian roots by popular demand.” The traditional fireworks display will also make a wel- come return. To celebrate, there will be prizes for the best dressed Victorian members of the public, with categories for couples, families, children and adults. Judging will take place at 6pm on the steps of the Town Hall. And there will be a free workshop for learning how to make simple Victorian costumes including capes and mop hats on Saturday, November 27, between 2pm and 5pm in the Hungerford Hub at the library. Victorian costumes can also be hired from the Com- munity of Hungerford Thea- tre Company. The Extravaganza heralds

John O’Gaunt poppy tribute Poppies painted on the John O’Gaunt Inn

HOW’S this for an ale and arty way to raise money for Hun- gerford’s Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal? Mark Genders, licensee at the John O’Gaunt Inn pub restaurant in the town’s Bridge Street, said his staff have created a temporary RESIDENTS are being encour- aged to go green this Christmas and consider taking part in a Christmas jumper swap. On Saturday, the Hungerford Hub is staging the event, with residents encouraged to turn in pre-loved Christmas clothing in return for a one-off shopping ex- perience at the Curve. It takes place between 2pm and 5pm, with entry free to those who provide a parcel of used Christ- mas clothes. The clothing can be donated at Hungerford Library in the run- up to the swap, with submissions closing tomorrow (Friday).

art installation of giant chalk pop- pies on the white wall of the build- ing to help raise cash. Mr Genders got the ball rolling with a £200 donation from the pub and customers have been chipping in,too. He said: “We hope to raise in the region of £500.”

Christmas jumper swap shop Although organisers describe the event as a ‘Christmas jumper’ swap, all manner of seasonal arti- cles are being accepted, including T-shirts, infant and children’s clothes.

Bagpipers parade through Hungerford

Donations of £3 are re- quested for materials. The event will start at 5pm with lots of street stalls and entertainment. The parade will be at 7.30pm and the fireworks will be at 8.30pm. Entry, as always, is free. The event is now in its 29th year and will feature stalls, steam engines, festive food and drinks, the town band, a big wheel and fair- ground rides. For late night Christmas shopping, many shops stay

the arrival of Christmas in the town, which is trans- formed into a wonderland of delights, set against the backdrop of Hungerford’s spectacular Christmas lights display. One of the highlights will be the magical lantern-bear- ers’ parade. If you would like to make a lantern to join the pa- rade, drop into the Lantern Making Workshop between 10am and 4pm on Saturday, November 27, at The Croft Field Project.

Alternatively, a £1 contribution to Samaritans can be made at the Curve on the day, allowing access to the swap for those who have not sent in their own clothes. A variety of festive crafts will be on sale on the day and visitors will be able to peruse all the items donated for the swap. Entry includes a free glass of wine or squash, as well as a mince pie.

Hungerford mourns ‘the sweetest lady’ COMMUNITY, friends

and family are mourning the loss of Virginia, wife and consort of former Hungerford mayor Mar- tin Crane. Mrs Crane – “the sweetest lady” – died on Wednesday, November 10, after a battle with Alzheimer’s disease. As well as a wife and mother, she played a vital role supporting Mr Crane publicly during his two ten- ures as mayor, from 2011 to 2014 and from 2015 to 2017. Mr Crane said her first love had been theatre, and ballet in particular. She and her twin sister Shirley progressed from a dance school in Pinner, Greater London, to The Sadler’s Wells Ballet School. Mrs Crane remained friends with many of her contemporaries who went on to major roles in the com- pany. Their life in ballet contin- ued when they joined the Rambert Ballet Company, and they appeared in panto- mimes and summer shows in support of household names such as Ken Dodd, Tommy Cooper and Charlie Chester. Mrs Crane went on to enjoy a mid-life career as a legal executive in London, where she was known for her compassion and un- derstanding of her clients’ problems.

Sunday 5th December

A relaxed afternoon with Nicole singing acoustic hits from the 60s all the way through to present day including some Christmas Classics for everyone to sing along to.

Virginia Crane She and Mr Crane met and married 56 years ago in Hatch End, Middlesex. They have three sur- viving children and three grandchildren, having lost one child soon after birth and one grandchild to illness. The current town mayor Helen Simpson offered con- dolences on behalf of Hun- gerford Town Council. And, in a personal trib- ute, she said: “I absolutely

Arrival 1.30pm Adults £23.95 each

adored Virginia; I thought she was simply the sweetest lady. “When I first joined the town council and felt a bit like a rabbit caught in the headlights at public events, she’d always be there with a warm smile or an arm around my shoulder. “She would always no- tice if someone was feeling uneasy or unsure of them- selves and would make sure she stood by their side. Vir-

ginia could read a room so well like that and she was always nurturing – and al- ways by Martin’s side at every engagement. It’s a big loss for all of us.” Mrs Crane’s family have said her final curtain call and “exit stage left” will be at West Berkshire Cremato- rium at 2pm on Friday, De- cember 3. They have requested do- nations to the Crisis charity in lieu of flowers.

Children £13.95 each Included Afternoon Tea To book call Events on 01635 871555 or email events@regencyparkhotel.co.uk


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