Thursday, November 18, 2021
Newbury Weekly News
The launch of the Louise Purton Christmas Toy Appeal 2021
Ref: 46-1721D
Let’s make it a merry Christmas for all! Swift launches toy appeal to bring festive cheer to deprived children
Swift Group CEO Adrian Smith
Ref: 46-1721B
not everyone is as fortunate as they are.” Another long-time supporter of the appeal is Sainsbury’s and the Hectors Way store also acts as a collection point. Carol Irwin fromSainsbury’s said: “This appeal is particular- ly special and it is important for big businesses like Sainsbury’s to be a part of the community.” Other collection points are: Swift Logistics in Hambridge Lane, include Newbury Build- ing Society, Newbury, Hun- gerford and Thatcham; Inks Personalised, Thatcham; Hob- bycraft, Newbury; and Green- ham Trust, Greenham Busi- ness Park. The CFP is also one of the collection points for the toys, as well as the distribution point. CFP chief executive Kelvin Hughes said the charity had been involved with the appeal for about 10 years. He said: “2020 was tough be- cause we couldn’t get to every- one who needed help because of Covid and the lockdown. “We want to make sure we can support as many people as we possibly can this year.”
By GERALDINE GARDNER geraldine.gardner@newburynews.co.uk @geraldineg_nwn
THE 16th Christmas Toy Appeal was official- ly launched this week at the Community Fur- niture Project (CFP) in Newbury. Regular supporters of the appeal, which was started by Swift in 2005, gathered in Santa’s Grotto at the CFP in Bone Lane to mark the launch on Monday. The team at Swift, based in Hambridge Lane, re- named the appeal the Lou- ise Purton Toy Appeal in memory of company di- rector Louise Purton, who died from cancer in 2019. The logistic company, whose UK head office is based in Newbury, aims to provide gifts for children who social services class as being from deprived or fi- nancially-challenged back- grounds. To ensure these children have a happy Christmas, Swift has appealed for the donation of toys and games, suitable for boys and girls, from babies up to the age of 19. The items, which need to be new and not wrapped,
Adrian Smith, Father Christmas, Thatcham mayor John Boyd, West Berkshire Council chairman Rick Jones and Gary Norman, deputy mayor of Newbury Ref: 46-1721A
changed for toys and gifts at the grotto. Mr Smith said: “It’s not just about the ‘big present’, it’s also about all the little things that make Christmas so special for children.” Parsons Down School, Thatcham, has long been a supporter of the appeal and collects toys for the initia- tive. Headteacher Catherine Bull was at the launch with some of the pupils from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.
can be left at any of the des- ignated collection points. Swift Group chief exec- utive Adrian Smith said: “It’s about the community looking after each other. “I am always touched by the generosity of the West Berkshire community and I want to thank all of our supporters for helping us deliver smiles to children across the area.” When the appeal started 15 years ago, it helped 200 people. Last year it was more than 750. “This year, we have printed 1,200 vouchers and we will print more if we have to,” he said. The vouchers are ex- parent reason. Later, as Ms Stroud slept, he said he heard Colby begin to make a “grunting sound”. Mr Lawton added: “He was a bit pale. I picked him up then I go into the sitting room. When I picked him up he wasn’t as responsive as usual.” Mr Lawton said he tried to feed Colby but said: “He started juddering and stuff, then gurgling. I noticed his breathing wasn’t normal at
Swift Group CEO Adrian Smith, Father Christmas and Community Furniture Project CEO Kelvin Hughes with Parsons Down pupils Ref: 46-1721E
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Mrs Bull said: “The ap- peal is an important part of our school community. It helps the children un- derstand the importance of caring for others and that Father: I did not kill month-old baby n Continued from front page Mr Smith said: “We want this to be Louise’s legacy. Board members at Swift and other companies will come and go, but it is important that this community appeal continues.”
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that point. “He was really floppy – I picked up one of his arms... it just dropped back down. “I’m obviously really pan- icky at this stage. I thought he was choking.” He said he woke Ms Stroud, who called emergen- cy services and then noticed blood coming from Colby’s nose. Mr Lawton said he accept- ed that Colby had somehow sustained injuries that led
to his death. But, asked if he knew how they might have happened, Mr Lawton replied: “No, I don’t.” And asked whether he had done anything to harm his son, Mr Lawton replied: “No, I did not.” He accepted that he had doubted Colby was his bio- logical son, but denied de- manding a DNA test on his dead son at the hospital. The trial continues.
However, when pressed, he said he believed she was capable of inflicting fatal in- juries on her son. He said on the fateful night Ms Stroud had gone out to buy more alcohol for them both, leaving him to look after Colby. All was apparently well, said Mr Lawton, although Colby had uttered a high- pitched scream for no ap-
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