NWN 160420
NEWBURY NEWS CORONAVI US NEWS The spirit of Prior’s Court shines through Dedicated staff keep life for autistic pupils ‘as normal as poss’ible
Thursday, April 16, 2020 10
Newbury Weekly News
Report by JOHN HERRING email john.herring@newburynews.co.uk
PUPILS at Prior’s Court School have thanked people who have rallied to support severely autistic youngsters in the face of challenges posed by Covid-19. Prior’s Court school, children’s home and adult care home in Hermitage all remain fully open and pupils have been getting creative in designing their own rainbows of hope as a show of support of the NHS, and have also made colourful posters to stress the need for social distancing. Downe House school, in Cold Ash, is providing accommoda- tion for Prior’s Court staff members who may need it, while Newbury Showground has offered additional outdoor space for its young people to use for exercise and activities. The Newbury branch of Nando’s also delivered a donation of food last month, before the chain closed its restaurants.
are doing an amazing job of keep- ing life at Prior’s Court as close to normality as possible for the young people in our care. “We simply could not be where we are now without the efforts of our staff members, who are doing a remarkable job of maintaining a safe environment for our young people. “Their dedication and positiv- ity has ensured the young people remain happy and healthy, and we are truly thankful to each and every one of them for the part they have played. “Amentionmust also go to every organisation or individual who has been in touch to offer support – Downe House school, Newbury Showground, former staff members and parents who have offered to come in to lend a hand. “The Prior’s Court family is truly humbled and grateful for all your support.” “They can pay by contactless bankcard, mobile app or with smartcard – and those paying cash will need exact change as all buses on the road have ‘hoppers’ that the fare must be dropped into. “No route will give change to help limit the chance of the virus spreading. “In keeping with Public Health England’s guidelines, we are also asking customers to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warmwater before leav- ing to get the bus – and to do the same when they arrive at their destination. “When waiting for the bus we are advising that customers should try and maintain the two- metre social distancing space over 12 months, payments will be taken as 10 monthly instal- ments from June 2020 to March 2021 – with a slight increase in the amount paid each month to cover the missing months. The move comes after the Government’s announcement of a £500m Hardship Fund to help vulnerable residents to pay their council tax. Council tax payers don’t need to take any further action at this time to benefit from the change. If you pay by direct debit and would prefer to maintain your original instalment plan as per your current bill, you can make manual payments of the first two instalments and contact the council by email at the start of May: localtax@basingstoke.gov. uk The council will then recalcu-
As a heartfelt thanks to Downe House and the showground, qual- ity assurance and compliance manager Matt Phelps delivered hot cross buns made at Bread & Beyond, Prior’s Court’s on-site social enterprise bakery, on Monday last week. Easter treats were also sent in, with Easter eggs donated by Gardner Leader Solicitors for the school’s Easter Egg Hunt. Duchess and the Deli, in Upper Lambourn, surprised staff with a food delivery and Morrisons donated hundreds of Easter eggs for young people and staff. Prior’s Court chief executive Mike Robinson said: “In chal- lenging times, the spirit of Prior’s Court always shines through. “Despite the difficulties posed by this coronavirus, our teams
Painting rainbows of hope
Social distancing is vital for pupils
Pupils send out an important message
Bus company ‘doing best’ to curb infection READING Buses has assured passengers that it is doing its best to prevent the spread of Covid-19. customers to use cashless payments on the bus. The company – which also owns Newbury & District – has swapped out as many vehicles as possible in order to maximise the number fitted with protec- tive screens. This keeps drivers and passengers safely apart, limiting the prospect of contagion. All staff have also been issued with hand sanitiser and a strict cleaning regime is in effect. Chief executive Robert Williams said: “First and fore- most, we are advising customers not to travel if they don’t feel well and only to travel at all if necessary. “We are encouraging “If you don’t have a tissue, use the crook of your arm as per the Public Health England guidance.” n Newbury & District has intro- duced a temporary, reduced timetable for routes 1a and 1c. The routes were suspended from April 6 due to low passen- ger numbers, but there is now a temporary Monday to Saturday timetable to help keep communi- ties connected. It can be found at www.newburyanddistrict.co.uk Basingstoke & Deane defers council tax and board the bus one at a time. “And once on board customers are asked to try and space them- selves out where they can, although we know that this won’t always be possible. “If you have to cough or sneeze, please do so hygienically using a tissue, disposing of them after leaving the bus.
Staff and children display the finished rainbow
Theale day nursery’s rainbow smile CHILDREN and staff at Tigers Day Nursery in Theale showed their support for the NHS and frontline care workers by painting a large rainbow.
late your instalments for the remainder of the year to be taken by direct debit, as per your current bill. If you pay manually, for exam- ple by phone, online, cheque or bank transfer, you may continue to pay in line with your current bill if you prefer. You will still receive a bill with new instalment dates, however there will be no issue if payments are maintained in line with your current bill. Working-age residents who receive support through the council tax reduction scheme will also receive a further reduc- tion of up to £150 on their coun- cil tax bills. This discount will be automatically applied to eligible residents’ accounts. You do not need to make a separate application for this reduction.
BASINGSTOKE and Deane Borough Council is offering support to council tax payers affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The authority is swapping the payment-free months for resi- dents who pay their council tax in 10 instalments from next year to this spring. Now, residents won’t have to pay their council tax in April and May this year. Instead, they will pay in February and March 2021. This means no instalments, including direct debit payments, will be taken in these two months. Payments will resume in June 2020 and will be due over the 10 months from June 2020 to March 2021. For those who normally pay
The rainbow – a symbol of hope in the face of the coron- avirus pandemic – will be displayed in the village. Tigers marketing manager Joshua Blunt said: “The staff and children all helped each other by painting each other’s hands before printing them on the rainbow while we all listened to Somewhere Over The Rain- bow . “When we finished, we decided to do some face-painting and the children painted the staff's faces the colours of the rainbow. “One elderly gentleman contacted the nursery and told him it made him smile while on his morning walk with his dog.”
Rainbow handprints and face-painting
Reduction in borough’s waste collections WASTE collections in
Food company’s offer to frontline NHS staff A NEWBURY company has donated a pallet-full of pasta to the NHS frontline. help other frontline staff and charities in the coming weeks.
service during the pandemic. Cabinet member for environ- ment and enforcement Hayley Eachus said: “We will keep this under review and will go back to normal collections as soon as possible after the Government restrictions have been lifted and we can safely do so.”
bin and glass container collec- tions will continue as normal, with waste collection taking place the following week. The bin collection day will not change. The changes are to allow collection workers to self-isolate if needed, while sustaining the
Basingstoke and Deane are to be reduced temporarily to ensure they continue during the coronavirus outbreak. From Monday, the grey waste bin will be collected every fort- night instead of every week and the fortnightly green recycling
during the coronavirus crisis. The London Road company said: “Lupa Foods wanted to do something in humble recognition of the work being done by NHS staff at this time and we are actively pursuing other ways to
“If you are working with, or providing to, frontline staff and think we might be able to help, please email caroline@ lupafoods.com ”
Lupa Foods sent the package to the London Ambulance Service after hearing how its staff were finding it difficult to buy staples
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