NWN 160420

Thursday, April 16, 2020 18


Newbury Weekly News

Calls to ‘make Hungerford more beautiful than ever’ Town council urges residents to get planting during lockdown

An artis’stimpression of Hillcrest New Barn School extension

Welford school extension approved PLANNERS have given the go- ahead for a village school extension. rooms, a canteen, catering kitchen and entrance lobby.

Town councillor Sally Hawkins said: “We have regrettably had to remove the schools category, but the residential, commercial and volunteer categories remain. “At this time, we do not know if it will be possible for the allot- ments part of the competition to proceed. “HAHA [the Hungerford Allot- ment Holders Association] will review the situation in two weeks’ time.” She added: “We’d love you all to plant up lots of baskets and window boxes outside of your homes, especially in the High Street, as our usual displays will sadly not be able to go ahead. “Please support the competition, our town and community. “Make Hungerford look more beautiful than ever.” For full details, see the Hunger- ford in Bloom entry form, which can be downloaded from the town council’s website www.hunger- ford-tc.gov.uk/ If you would like a hard copy, email admin@hungerford-tc.gov.uk or call (01488) 686195 and leave a message, together with your name and address, and you will be sent one by post.

RESIDENTS are being urged to use their lockdown time to get growing for Hungerford In Bloom 2020. Hungerford Town Council has announced that the competition will go ahead this year, with a few changes, and hopes that more resi- dents then ever will support it in the current coronavirus crisis. The categories have changed slightly as it will not be possible for judges to visit gardens. Instead, organisers are inviting entrants to take photographs of their gardens and submit them for judging. Members of Hungerford Town Council will judge the photographs; there will be a virtual exhibition and certificates and prizes will be awarded. The categories for residential gardens are now as follows: n A bed (any area of ground which contains plants). n Container(s) – any container, or group of containers, with plants in. n Any other garden feature – any area of the garden which is not a bed or container(s). Multiple entries in each cate- gory will be accepted – for instance A MAN has denied five charges of receiving stolen power tools worth more than £1,600. A preliminary hearing in the case of 30-year-old Sammy Smith was heard by Reading magistrates on Thursday, March 26. Mr Smith, who lives at North Row, Bramley, pleaded not guilty to each charge at a previous hearing and elected for the case to be tried by magistrates rather than by a judge and jury sitting at Reading Crown Court. Specifically he denies handling stolen goods in the form of a STIHL leaf blower of an unknown value belonging to Philip Cornwell; a STIHL cut off saw worth £535 belong-

dren from the ages of six to 16. The site is within the grounds of the existing Department of Education-registered day school for children with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs. The school provides education, therapy, welfare and support for both boys and girls. The new building will include teaching accommodation in the form of classrooms, one-to-one tion Service – first appeared at Reading Magistrates’ Court to face the charges in January. At that hearing he denied driv- ing a Peugeot 206 while disquali- fied. Mr Heavingham further denied driving without insurance, caus- ing criminal damage to a door belonging to Duncan Clough and using threatening or insulting words or behaviour. All of the above offences were

The therapy accommodation will include classrooms, a meet- ing room and a staff office. Vehicular access to the site is from Newbury Road and car parking provision is within the site.

The application sought permis- sion for the construction of a two- storey building and associated landscaping and car parking to the east of the existing school building at Hillcrest New Barn School, Welford. The new build will expand the capacity of Hillcrest New Barn School for up to 13 additional chil - A SERIOUS motoring offence said to have been committed by a Hungerford man has been discontinued. The 29-year-old was also facing charges of using threatening words or behaviour and driving uninsured but these, too, are no longer being proceeded with. Nicholas Francis Heavingham, of Coldharbour Road – who is also known as Nicholas Matthews according to the Crown Prosecu-

Welford Parish Council made no formal comment on the appli - cation and there were no letters of representation from the public. Driving while disqualified charge dropped

said to have been committed at Laylands Green, Kintbury, on August 1 last year. A trial date was set for April 29 and Mr Heavingham was mean- while released on conditional bail. However, at a hearing at the court on Wednesday, March 25, which Mr Heavingham was not required to attend, all the charges were discontinued and the trial was cancelled. you are also our heroes, because although today you cannot work, we also applaud you every night, to thank you. “Because soon we will go out again, we will fill our parks again, we will hug again, laugh and continue to make Carcaix- ent a city with a future. “You are not alone, we are all next to you, because without you we are nothing, everything will be fine, STAY AT HOME.” Newbury Twin Town Associ- ation chairwoman Gillian Durrant said that many associ- ation members had visited Carcaixent and stayed in the homes of local families. She said: “They will recog- nise the streets, shops and maybe some of the people in the video – it is lovely to see how they are getting on during this difficult time, and our friends in Carcaixent will be delighted to see that their friends in Newbury are think- ing of them.” There have been more than 166,000 confirmed Covid-19 cases in Spain, of which more than 62,000 people have recov- ered and more than 17,200 have died. “Sadly, there is no option but to delay the opening of the school and parents will now be offered places at other local schools.” For enquiries regarding admissions, email head- teacher@highwoodcopse.co.uk or call the Highwood Copse admissions team on (01635) 845000.

Sally Hawkins

you can send in photos of more than one bed in your garden, but only one photo of each area. Photos can be submitted elec- tronically as email attachments or in the form of prints, by post. Photographs should be taken between Monday, June 22, and Sunday, July 5, and submitted to Hungerford Town Council by 5pm on Monday, July 6.

Twin town’s inspirational message to workers NEWBURY’S Spanish twin town has posted an inspiring video during the coron- avirus pandemic.

Stolen tools case adjourned

ing to Highway High Limited; a STIHL chainsaw worth £415.99 belonging to Mark Peters; a STIHL power pack worth £321.62 belonging to Farnham Town Council and a second STIHL power pack – this one worth £395 – belonging to Farnham Town Council. All the above offences are said to have been committed at Four Houses Corner, Reading Road, Ufton Nervet, between August 20 and December 17 last year. Mr Smith was not required to attend the preliminary hearing and the case was adjourned until a trial date can be fixed. Meanwhile he remains on uncondi- tional bail.

The town of Carcaixent posted the video to support its police, care workers, municipal employees and self-employed workers during the coron- avirus crisis. It says: “We’ll be back out on the street soon, we will refill our parks, we will hug again, laugh, to make Carcaixent a city with a future.” Newbury twinned with the Valencian town in 2019, the culmination of a friendship which started more than 20 years ago. Carcaixent is the fifth town Newbury has been twinned with, following its other unions with the German town of Braunfels, Feltre in Italy, Eeklo in Belgium and Bagnols-Sur- Cèze in France. The full translation says: “Our streets have never been so quiet. Our parks and squares are never so empty, because we have to stay home, but we want you to know that there are people who continue to be by your side, heroes


whom we applaud every night. “To the police, civil guard, civil protection and rural guard, because they protect us and ensure our security. “To the professionals of the health centre and the nursing home, because they continue fighting at the front line. “To the social services, because they help the people who need it most every day. Care workers in the video from Car caixent


“To the municipal employ- ees, because they never stop working for our city. “And to all of you, we will continue to thank you. “And to you who continue to go out every day to open your store, to you who continue to serve us every day with a smile, who continue to make Carcaix- ent a living city, a large city. “You who are self-employed,

Newbury Motors Ltd Unit A6, Faraday Road, Newbury, Berks, RG14 2AD Tel: 01635 41105 Fax: 01635 523322 We would like to offer the following great deals HALF PRICE MOT WHEN BOOKED AT THE SAME TIME AS A SERVICE Air Conditioning Repairs and Servicing Engine Management Diagnostics

Opening of Highwood Copse Primary delayed for year n Continued from front page As a result, the cost of build- ing the new school increased by £1.7m. Construction work has been forced to stop

at Highwood Copse Primyar

West Berkshire’s executive member for education, chil- dren and young people Dominic Boeck (Con, Alder- maston) said: “It is regrettable that the epidemic has changed so many of our plans.

Ref: 16-1120F

“However, I’m sure that everyone will understand that to ensure the safety of all those

working on the Highwood Copse build, there is no alter- native but to halt the works.

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