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Thursday, April 16, 2020 2
Newbury Weekly News
The Newbury Weekly News is proud to be the independent newspaper at the heeasrt of W Berkshire and North Hampsheiarelw. Ways welcome your feedback on how we can improve our sevrice to the commu.nity
Ref: 16-0520Q
Family’s message to all: ‘We will fight this together’ n Continued from front page
But to those who can contribute Mrs de Monte said: “Come along and please feel free, it’s going to brighten up that fence if anything. “We have so many people walking along Lower Way for exercise as it’s a nice route. If it just makes one person smile, fantastic. “We’ve had lots of people taking pictures, which is really nice.” Ambulance crews and police offi- cers have stopped to take pictures of the display, which have been shared on social media. Mrs de Monte said other displays were springing up along the A4 in
and come together. “It’s special, really special.” Speaking of Lindsay’s response to the display and its huge reaction online, Mrs de Monte said: “She loves it. She’s very proud of it. “We look out the window each day and she’s like ‘wow we started that’.” When asked whether there was a goal for the display, she said: “As far as we can get really. “It would be amazing if it went all the way down the fence, but it’s a long fence – whatever people can do.” Find out more at the Joining Together Facebook page.
Thatcham and Newbury. She added that family and friends in Fareham and Bath were also look- ing to start up their own. Parsons Down Partnership of schools, where 10-year-old daughter Lindsay attends, has also set up its own display for children of key work- ers still at school. Mrs de Monte said: “The support has been huge. “People have just taken the idea and just run with it, which has been fantastic. “We’re very proud of our commu- nity who have made such an effort
She said: “Let’s focus on something nice rather than all the doom and gloom. Let’s come together as a community. “The response has been over- whelming”. She encouraged people to add to the display on Lower Way, provided it was within walking distance and for people to not drive especially to add their art. “If not in walking distance start up your own, share photos and the get the message out,” she said. “It’s entirely up to the individual, it’s just about sending out positive messages.”
EDITOR Andy Murrill andy.murrill@newburynews.co.uk @andymurrill (01635) 564525
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Dan Cooper dan.cooper@newburynews.co.uk @danc_nwn
‘I’ve seen best of West Berks in action’ NewbuyrMP Laura Farris hails the great many ‘people in this community pulling together ’ By LAURAAFRRIS NEWBURY MP
(01635) 886629 Liam Headd liam.headd@newburynews.co.uk
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As of April 8, two weeks into the lockdown, 1,084 such fines had been issued nationally, which suggested to us that the overall police response was proportionate. We have also interviewed domestic abuse charities including the NSPCC about the increase in domestic violence at this time, and the work that Parliament can do to protect (usually) women and children unable to leave their homes. Next week Parliament will formally return and although most of our sessions will be conducted remotely, I want you to know that I will be relentless in raising your concerns on the floor of the House. This is a time when the role of your Member of Parliament in holding the Government to account is more important than ever, and I will ensure that the residents of West Berkshire have their voices heard.
work. Parliament is operating at a virtual level and the Home Affairs Select Committee (of which I am a member) has been working throughout the Easter break on issues such as the quality of the police response, domestic violence and border control. We conducted a lengthy evidence session with chief constables from across the UK who described how they are adapting to their new powers under the coronavirus legislation which was passed in record-breaking time. All MPs are keenly aware that people have seen their freedom seriously curtailed and are alive to criticisms that some forces have been overzealous. However, it was notable that when we spoke to the chief constables, their primary view was that there was high overall compliance with the lockdown and the imposition of spot-fines had been relatively rare.
In the course of the last week I have seen some of the best of West Berkshire in action. I visited Newbury Racecourse (which can no longer hold race meetings), which has thrown open its kitchens to the wonderful Fair Close Centre, enabling them to triple their meals-on- wheels delivery service and engage an army of local volunteers to help. I also went to see Garry Paulson at the Newbury Volunteer Centre, who are playing a leading role in assisting vulnerable people through the Community Support Hub. Again and again, I have seen examples of people in this community pulling together – pooling their resources, giving up their time, connecting with neighbours who they may not have even known before this crisis began. I have also continued my national
FOLLOWING a glorious Easter weekend when I know many of you were cooped up indoors and separated from your loved ones, I want to say how incredibly grateful to you I am for the selflessness and commitment you have shown towards our community and to protecting lives. I do not attempt to downplay how challenging this is for all of you and it is my sincere hope that these measures can be lifted as soon as possible. Although these are still early days the data does suggest that the lockdown is working. General hospitals in the area are reporting gradual reductions in hospital admission, and nationally the figures are showing improvements.
LEAFLETS (01635) 564513 lesley.marriott@newburynews.co.uk CIRCULATION (01635) 564513
MANAGING DIRECTOR James Gurney james.gurney@newburynews.co.uk (01635) 564502 NEWBURY WEEKLY NEWS, Newspaper House, Faraday Road, Newbyu,rRG14 2AD (01635) 524111
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