NWN 160420
Thursday, April 16, 2020 22
Newbury Weekly News
celebrating 10 years in business
In light of the current Covid-19 pandemic we are proud to support our customers and offer delivery to Thatcham, Newbury and surrounding areas! ORDER ONLINE BEFORE 2PM FOR TWO-DAY DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OVER £40! (EX SUNDAYS) Our online store has a full selection of meats, vegetables, fruits, cheeses, condiments AND special offers available, including: Plenty for 20 BBQ Pack - £20 Burgers, Sausages, Sweet Chilli Koftas, Chicken Thighs, Pork Loin Steaks Large Joint Roasting Pack - £62.95 Boneless Turkey Breast, Boneless Gammon Join, Beef Topside, Boneless Pork Loin Joint Weekly Veg Box - £25 Selection of fresh vegetables (full list online) with 2l milk and a white loaf All our beef is native and locally sourced from Cold Ash
Racecourse virtual interactive tours
Newbury Racecourse is a large site with a variety of different spaces and areas used 365 days a year for a variety of events and activities. In 2019, the racecourse added a virtual interactive tour to each part of its website to allow visitors to explore each area and find the right space for the right event without ever touching a foot on the site. This has proved to be an effective way in which to show and demonstrate the racecourse’s location and product in a digital manner. These tours have helped the business by bringing a brand new way of working to businesses, who can now interact virtually with us in a way they have never be able to do before. The tours have helped bring our site to life, allowing guests to live and experience it in the same way you would do whilst onsite. More so now than ever as we all navigate this uncertain and challenging period in our lives, the power of technology has enabled us to remain connected to our community, our clients, our suppliers, partners and our customers, without leaving the house. Anyone can explore 5 unique spaces including; The Berkshire Stand, The Hampshire Stand, The Grandstand, The Owners Club and the latest addition - The Lodge, which is our fantastic, warm and welcoming hotel on site. We wouldn’t have been able to achieve any of this without Venue View and the help of Keith McMahon’s professionalism and passion. So please come and visit us…virtually, you will not be disappointed. Our Community Matters.
We deliver to Thatcham, Newbury, Aldermaston and surrounding areas. Full and up-to-date postcode list available on our website:
www.cookandbutcher.co.uk facebook.com/cookandbutcher
https://events.newburyracecourse.co.uk Email: events@newburyracecourse.co.uk
We love it when customers come into our shop and try our award-winning cheeses in person. If you are unable to visit, our online shop at cheese-etc.co.uk is the next best thing.
Timber Frame Manufacturers New House & Extensions Build Fast, Strong & Energy Efficient 01189 712 181 www.timber-frame-suppliers.co.uk
With our FREE Flexi Delivery service, if you’re in Newbury, Thatcham and surrounding villages, we’ll deliver cheese to your door however small or big your order. There’s NO minimum delivery, all we ask is that LJŽƵ͛ƌĞ ŇĞdžŝďůĞ ŽŶ ǁŚĞŶ ǁĞ ĚĞůŝǀĞƌ͘ Full details are on our website or call us on 0118 984 3323 . We are thrilled to have just been awarded Runner Up Cheese Shop in the Shop of the Year Awards. tŚLJ ŶŽƚ ĐĂůů Žƌ ŐŽ ŽŶůŝŶĞ ĂŶĚ ƐĞĞ ǁŚĂƚ ǁĞ ŽīĞƌ͘
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