NWN 160420
Thursday, April 16, 2020 44
Newbury Weekly News
Public Notice
PAUL GRAHAM STUBBS (Deceased ) Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925 any persons having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of the aforementioned deceased late of 25 Tadham Place Thatcham Berkshire RG19 3LD, who died on 10/01/2020, are required to send particulars thereof in writing to the undersigned Solicitors on or before two months from the date of this publication, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims and interests of which they have had notice.
with the exception of the road leading to the northbound carriageway; 19) the slip road leading to the south-bound carriageway of the A34 at Peartree Interchange (A44)); 20) all bus stops adjacent to or in the carriageways described in 1) – 5) above; 21) all lay-bys adjacent to the carriageways described in 1) – 5) above; 22) the cycle track adjacent to the entire circulatory carriageway of the roundabout at Chieveley Interchange/ M4 Junction 13; 23) the cycle track adjacent to the north-bound slip road connecting from Hilton Double Tree to the roundabout described in 22) above. These measures would be in the interests of road safety while contractors undertake resurfacing, road-marking, stud and loop replacement, bridge works, and all associated works. It is expected that the work would last for approximately 5 months starting on or after Sunday 10th May 2020. The majority of the closures would take place overnight between 21:00 and 06:00 hours, however total weekend closures beginning on Friday 21:00 hours and ending Monday 06:00 hours are currently scheduled subject to confirmation as follows: Hinksey Hill to Botley, commencing 26th June; Milton to Chilton, commencing 21st August; and Peartree to Botley, commencing 4th September. Details would be advised by on-road signage and on the Highways England website. Lay-bys would be closed for 24 hours when work is in progress adjacent. The Order would come into force on 8 May 2020 and have a maximum duration of six months, ceasing when the works are complete whichever is sooner. Traffic affected by the closures would be diverted using as follows: 1) a strategic diversion would operate for vehicles over 7.5 tonnes using the M4, A404(M), A404, and M40 in both directions; 2) other traffic affected would be diverted using other junctions on the A34, and by using the A4, A40, A338, A339, A415, A417, A423, A4130, A4142, A4183, A4185, B4009, world’s End, Colwell Drive, Copenhagen Drive, and Dunmore Road. The diversion route in operation would vary according to the closure in force. Access to properties accessible only from the A34 would be maintained under gated control and escort. The temporary closures and diversion routes would be clearly indicated by traffic signs when they are in operation during the works period. J Downham, an Official of Highways England Co Ltd. Ref: HE/SE/2020/A34/64 Highways England Company Limited, (Company No. 9346363). Registered Office: Bridge House, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4LZ. A company registered in England and Wales. For enquiries, please contact the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000 or info@highwaysengland.co.uk. https://www.highwaysengland.co.uk The Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005 Notice 20/00384/LQN Name of Applicant: Tenuta Marmorelle Limited Name of Premise: Tenuta Marmorelle Limited Address of Premise: Units 5 – 7, Avon Park, Colthrop Lane, Thatcham, RG19 4AJ Proposal: New Premises Licence For: Supply of Alcohol Mon to Fri from 08:00 to 18:00 You are advised that the above application has been received by the Council. The full application may be viewed by appointment at; Public Protection Partnership (Licensing) West Berkshire District Council Market Street, Newbury, RG14 5LD licensing@westberks.gov.uk Anyone likely to be affected by the application or responsible authority may make representations in writing to the Licensing Authority at the above address no later than 05.05.2020 Representations will not be accepted after this date. It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence is an unlimited fine. Ref No:
A34 TRUNK ROAD (CHIEVELEY TO OXFORD) TEMPORARY TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS Notice is hereby given that Highways England Company Limited intends to make an Order on the A34 Trunk Road in the County of Oxfordshire and the Unitary Authority of West Berkshire, under Section 14(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 because works are proposed to be executed on the road. The effect of the Order would be to authorise the phased overnight and 24 hour closure of:- 1) the north-bound carriageway of the A34 between the tip of the nosing of the exit slip road at Chieveley Interchange (M4 Junction 13) and the tip of the nosing of the entry slip road at Chilton Interchange (A4185); 2) the south-bound carriageway of the A34 between the tip of the nosing of the exit slip road at Milton Interchange (A4130) and the tip of the nosing of the entry slip road at Chieveley Interchange (M4 Junction 13); 3) the north-bound carriageway of the A34 between the tip of the nosing of the exit slip road at Marcham Interchange (A415) and the tip of the nosing of the entry slip road at Lodge Hill Interchange (A4183); 4) the north-bound carriageway of the A34 between the tip of the nosing of the exit slip road at Hinksey Hill Interchange (A423) and the tip of the nosing of the entry slip road at Botley Interchange (A420); 5) (sections of) the south-bound carriageway of the A34 between the tip of the nosing of the exit slip road at Peartree Interchange (A44) and the tip of the nosing of the entry slip road at Hinksey Hill Interchange (A423); 6) the slip roads leading to the northbound carriageway and from the southbound carriageway of the A34 at Chieveley Interchange (M4 Junction 13); 7) the slip road leading from the northbound carriageway of the A34 at Chieveley Interchange (M4 Junction 13); 8) the slip road leading to the southbound carriageway of the A34 at Chieveley Interchange (M4 Junction 13); 9) the slip roads connecting Chieveley Services to and from the roads described in 7) and 8) above; 10) the slip road leading from the road described in 8) above to the Highways Maintenance Depot; 11) the slip roads connecting to and from Graces Lane to and from the roads described in 6) above; 12) all the slip roads leading to and from both carriageways of the A34 at - a) Beedon Interchange; b) East Ilsley Interchange; and c) West Ilsley Interchange (Bury Lane); 13) all of the slip roads leading to and from both carriageways of the A34 at Chilton Interchange (A4185) with the exception of the road leading to the northbound carriageway; 14) the slip road leading to the south-bound carriageway of the A34 at Milton Interchange (A4130); 15) the slip road leading to the north-bound carriageway of the A34 at Marcham Interchange (A415); 16) the slip roads leading to the northbound carriageway and from the southbound carriageway of the A34 at Hinksey Hill Interchange (A423); 17) all of the slip roads leading to and from both carriageways of the A34 at South Hinksey Village and North Hinksey; 18) all of the slip roads leading to and from both carriageways of the A34 at Botley Interchange (A420) Notice is hereby given that Highways England Company Limited ( a ) has made an Order on the M4 Motorway in the Unitary Authority of West Berkshire, under Section 14(1)(a), 14(1)(b), and 15(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 ( b ) because works are proposed to be executed on the road. This forms an extension of Temporary Notice HE/2020/E278 issued 31st March 2020 as permitted by The Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Procedure Regulations 1992, Regulation 7( c ). The effect of the Order is to authorise the 24-hour closure of the hard shoulder adjacent to the western carriageway of the M4 between a point 357 metres west of the centreline of Maiden Hatch Farm overbridge and a point 104 metres west of the centreline of Dark Lane Underbridge. This measure is in the interests of road safety while contractors undertake the restoration of the embankment to prevent slippage of the vehicle restraint system. It is expected that the work will last for approximately 2 years continuing from the above notice. The Order will come into force on 20 April 2020, thereby replacing the above notice, and continue until completion of the works. The duration is in excess of 18 months and terms of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984( b ) Section 15(2) shall apply. The temporary closure will be clearly indicated by traffic signs and a temporary barrier when it is in operation during the works period. J Downham, an Official of Highways England Co Ltd. Ref: HE/SE/2020/M4/93 ( a ) Highways England Company Limited, (Company No. 9346363). Registered Office: Bridge House, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4LZ. A company registered in England and Wales. ( b ) 1984 c.27; a new Section 14 was substituted by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991 (c.26), Section 1(1) and Schedule 1. ( c ) S.I. 1992/1215 For enquiries, please contact the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000 or info@highwaysengland.co.uk. https://www.highwaysengland.co.uk M4 MOTORWAY (NEAR THEALE) TEMPORARY TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS
The Council intends , not less than seven days from the date of this notice, to make an order the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding in any direction over Mariners Lane & Bishops Road in the parish of Bradfield. Mariners Lane will be closed between its junction with Rotten Row and its junction with Southend Road. Bishops Road will be closed between its junction with Rotten Row Hill and its junction with Mariners Lane. The alternative route for all vehicles affected by the Order is via Rotten Row, Rotten Row Hill, Bishops Rd, Cock La, Southend Rd and vice versa. The purpose of this Order is to enable works to take place on or near the highway, namely for BT to lay communications ductwork within the carriageway. The proposed Order will come into effect on 4th May 2020. It is envisaged that the closure will be in place between 5th and 7th May 2020. (HILL GREEN, LECKHAMPSTEAD) (TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF DRIVING) ORDER 2020 The Council intends , not less than seven days from the date of this notice, to make an order the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding in any direction over Hill Green in the parish of Leckhampstead between its junction with B4494 (Wantage Rd) and its junction with Mud Lane. The alternative route for all vehicles affected by the Order is via B4494 (Wantage Rd), School Rd, Graces Ln, Oxford Rd, Old St, Unnamed Rd from Mud Ln to Old St, Mud Ln and vice versa. The purpose of this Order is to enable works to take place on or near the highway, namely for BT to carry out works for a customer connection. The proposed Order will come into effect on 4th May 2020. It is envisaged that the closure will be in place during the hours of 08:00hrs and 18:00hrs each day, between the 8th and 11th May 2020. (STATION ROAD, WOOLHAMPTON) (TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF DRIVING) ORDER 2020 The Council intends , not less than seven days from the date of this notice, to make an order the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding in any direction over Station Road in Woolhampton, between its junction with Angel Mead and its junction with The Sidings. The alternative route for all vehicles affected by the Order is via A4 Bath Rd, A340 Basingstoke Rd, Wasing La, Unnamed Road from Wasing road to Wasing lane, Station Road, and vice versa. The purpose of this Order is to enable works to take place on or near the highway, namely for Thames Water to carry out a service pipe repair. The proposed Order will come into effect on 4th May 2020. It is envisaged that the closure will be in place between 6th and 8th May 2020. (A339 BASINGSTOKE ROAD AND BRACKENHURST, GREENHAM) (TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF RIGHT TURNS) ORDER 2020 The Council has made an Order the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from turning right into or from the road known as Brackenhurst from the A339 Basingstoke Road, Greenham. The purpose of this Order is to ensure safety at the junction by preventing right turn movements due to increased industrial works on Brackenhurst and is a condition of the planning approval for those works. This is a precursor to a permanent order which will be subject to public consultation. The proposed Order will come into effect on 17th April 2020 and the restriction will take immediate effect, this order will remain in effect until replaced, within 18 months, by a permanent order. (STATION ROAD, WOOLHAMPTON) (TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF DRIVING) ORDER 2020 The Council has made an Order the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding in any direction over Station Road in the parish of Woolhampton between its junction with Angel Mead and its junction with Wasing Road. The alternative route for all vehicles affected by the Order is via A4 Bath Rd, Frouds Lane, Station Rd (Aldermaston), Wasing Lane and vice versa. The purpose of this Order is to enable works to take place on or near the highway, namely for contractors to carry out repairs to the verge. The proposed Order will come into effect on 20th April 2020. It is envisaged that the closure will be in place between 20th April and 1st May 2020. (PARK WALL LANE, UPPER BASILDON) (TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF DRIVING) ORDER 2020 The Council has made an Order the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding in any direction over Park Wall Lane in Upper Basildon between its junction with Blandys Lane and its junction with A329 Reading Road. The alternative route for all vehicles affected by the Order is via Bethesda Street, Aldworth Road, Pangbourne Road, Pangbourne Hill, A329 Church Road, A329 Shooters Hill, A329 Reading Road The purpose of this Order is to enable works to take place on or near the highway, namely for carriageway reinstatement. The proposed Order will come into effect on Monday 20th April 2020. It is envisaged that the closure will be in place on Wednesday 22nd April 2020 between the hours of 09:30 and 15:30. Unless stated otherwise the above orders shall remain in force for a period of eighteen months, or until the works are complete, whichever is the soonest, they will not take effect until approved traffic signs have been erected. Final details of the closure can be viewed on roadworks.org Jon Winstanley, Head of Transport and Countryside, West Berkshire District Council, Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury, RG14 5LD Dated: 16th April 2020
DEXTER MONTAGUE LLP 105 Oxford Road Reading Berkshire RG1 7UD
DID YOU KNOW? That you can recruit via the Newbury Weekly News social media platforms CALL CLARE ON (01635) 550444 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PATRICIA (also known as PAT) HELEN GRAY (Deceased) Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925 any persons having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of the aforementioned deceased, late of 37 Druce Way Thatcham Berkshire RG19 3PF, who died on 26/12/2019, are required to send particulars thereof in writing to the undersigned Solicitors on or before two months from the date of this publication, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims and interests of which they have had notice. GARDNER LEADER LLP Winbolt House The Broadway Thatcham Berkshire RG19 3HX T581901 Newbury Weekly News Group - TELE-SALES - 550444 - NEWS - 47000 OTHER DEPTS 524111 .... dialling the right number will mean that we can give you a better service
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The Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005 Notice 20/00385/LQN Name of Applicant: Hawkridge Distillers Limited Name of Premise: Hawkridge Distillers Limited Address of Premise: The Annexe at Danetree, Coombe Road, Compton, RG20 6RQ Proposal: New Premises Licence For: Supply of Alcohol Mon to Fri 07:30 to 18:00 & Sat to 13:00 You are advised that the above application has been received by the Council. The full application may be viewed by appointment at; Public Protection Partnership (Licensing) West Berkshire District Council Market Street, Newbury, RG14 5LD licensing@westberks.gov.uk Anyone likely to be affected by the application or responsible authority may make representations in writing to the Licensing Authority at the above address no later than 07.05.2020 Representations will not be accepted after this date. It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence is an unlimited fine. Ref No:
TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 The following applications have been submitted to West Berkshire Council and are available for inspection at the Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury RG14 5LD. Comments should be sent to the Head of Planning: email planapps@westberks.gov.uk within 14 days and will be available for public inspection. DEVELOPMENT AFFECTING THE SETTING OF A LISTED BUILDING AND/OR BUILDINGS OR OTHER LAND WITHIN A DESIGNATED OR PROPOSED CONSERVATION AREA. 20/00781/HOUSE-10 Station Road, Kintbury Resubmission of previously approved 19/02480/HOUSE. Revised scheme to include replacement of carport with two storey side extension. 20/00780/FUL-Benham Valence House, Benham Valence, Speen-New water, gas and electricity routes DEVELOPMENT AFFECTING A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY 20/00762/HOUSE Ogdown House, North Heath, Chieveley Erection of outbuilding
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