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Thursday, April 16, 2020 46

Motoring PHONE IT ADVERTISING E-MAIL DEADLINE Telesales: (01635) 550444 Switchboard: (01635) 524111 motors@newburynews.co.uk 5pm Monday Driving is still a necessity for most OCCASIONAL driving Newbury Weekly News


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Council joins business taskforce WEST Berkshire Council has joined a taskforce to help local businesses struggling with the impact of coronavirus. straightforward and streamlined as possible.

“To feedback your businesses needs and give your views please email the BusinessGrowth Hub at info@berkshirebusinesshub.co.uk “We have launched our Business in Berkshire 2019 report which provides a comprehensive evidence base for all those involved in supporting local busi- nesses.” West Berkshire Council leader Lynne Doherty (Con, Newbury Speen) said: “We’re pleased to be contributing to this taskforce as we seek to minimise the impact of Covid-19 on the local economy. “Now more than ever, working together is going to be important as we put support in place to help our businesses. “Our relationship with the LEP and the Growth Hub has always been part of the reason why West Berkshire continues to punch above its weight.” She added: “West Berkshire’s local economy has long been recog- nised as one of the strongest and most resilient in the UK. “We look forward to contribut- ing to this vital work throughout this period and beyond on behalf of every one of West Berkshire’ s 9,000 businesses.”

The project was established by Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (TVBLEP) in recognition of the disruption being caused to businesses of all sizes as a result of the Covid-19 emergency. The taskforce includes key stakeholders, including the Thames Valley Berkshire Busi- ness Growth Hub, Thames Valley Chambers of Commerce, Federa- tion of Small Businesses, Institute of Directors, Confederation of British Industry and the six Berk- shire local authorities. It will be used to ensure busi- nesses in Berkshire are kept up to date with developments, have access to finance available and are provided with support. TVBLEP is also working with the Southern Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and London LEP in sharing best practice and intelligence. The Business Growth Hub will continue to work with partners across the LEP area to provide guidance and support via a daily updated service on its website. TVBLEP chief executive Alison

remains a necessity for two thirds of British motorists, even under the impact of social confinement rules. The news came as BuyaCar.co.uk underlined its pledge to supply essential car and van drivers only, such as NHS workers. This week, cars were delivered by BuyaCar to several NHS staff, a train driver, a telecommunica- tions worker and other people providing essential services. Meanwhile, research conducted among UK motorists revealed that while 35 per cent of drivers can currently get by without using their vehicle, for a major- ity of motorists some journeys in the car are essential. Key workers – those on the Government’s list of people who are essential to the NHS and other vital services – repre-

Lynne Doherty

Webster said: “At a time where difficult decisionsare having to be made, it is more important than ever to work together and be a collective voice. “As a business-led partnership, which brings together both private and public sector organisations, we want to work with you to help our area respond. “Businesses are hearing from Government about the help avail- able to them, but we want to ensure, at a local level, that every- one has access to the information which applies to them and that the process of acquiring that help is as

The A339 in Newybiusralmost deserted

cent said driving is essential to supporting themselves and their family. The other 32 per cent said they continue to drive for essential permitted purposes other than work, such as to buy food.

sented 16 per cent of motorists on the roads at present. For nine per cent, driving occasionally is the only way they are able to provide necessary support to someone outside their family, while seven per



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