NWN 160420
Thursday, April 16, 2020 5
Newbury Weekly News
Families’ tributes to NHS Coloufrul messages of thanks and support are springing up across the distri ct
Report by JOHN GAVREY email john.garvey@newburynews.co.uk twitter @johng_nwn
SOME of you have been getting pretty inventive in your tributes to our NHS workers during the coron- avirus crisis. Chris Chiswell and Sue Pero have had “lots of people taking photos” of their painted lawn tribute outside their home in Agricola Way, Thatcham. Ms Pero said: “During the World Cup we had an England flag, so it seemed an appropriate way for us to show our appreciation.” Meanwhile, Andy and Melissa Lauder-Clarke enlisted the help of their boys – nine-year-old Noah and Sebby, aged five – to paint a mural. Mrs Lauder-Clarke said: “We just wanted to put a smile on people’s faces as they walked past and wanted to pay tribute to the NHS.” The family art project can be seen at Dunstan Park in Thatcham. And in Greenham, delivery driver Mark Knott said: “Three weeks ago I was at work delivering fresh fruit and veg to customers, listening to plans to clap for the NHS – so I thought ‘I know, I’ll put some lights up saying NHS’. “So I did that afternoon after being at work from 4am and here is the end result. “Then at the weekend we had lovely weather so my kids thought of adding something to it of their own bats and coloured our path.” n The national Clap for Carers campaign continues at 8pm tonight (Thursday) with a round of applause for our frontline NHS and care workers.
Chris Chiswell and Sue Pero’s tribute in Thatcham
Ref: 16-0120D
Kathleen spreads the joy PENSIONER Kathleen Watson has found a novel way of beat- ing the blues during the coron- avirus crisis – a daily wave. Mrs Watson, who lives in Crookham Common Road, “I sat on the chair on my walk- ing frame and tried it. “Every single vehicle responded with a beep or a wave. “It was fantastic to see people smiling when I waved.”
From front to back, are six-year-old Layla, Logan-ja,yaged ninea,nd 12-year-old CJ with their coloured path in Thatcham.
Brimpton, said she was delighted when two cyclists waved to her as she took her daily exercise. So next time a car passed, she passed the gesture on. The 81-year-old grandmother of two said: “The cyclists smiled, waved and shouted ‘good after- noon’ to me. “It cheered me up so much I thought I’d try to spread the feel- ing.
Mrs Watson, whose daughter Suzanne Rogers is secretary at Spurcroft Primary School in Thatcham, added: “I’ve been on my own with no one to talk to at times and this doesn’t cost anything. “I’d recommend it to anyone who is feeling low – just smile and wave at someone and you might be surprised what a differ- ence it makes to your day.”
The Lauder-Clarke family worked together to complete this mural
Mark Knott’s light tribute to the NHS
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