
Thursday, June 18, 2020 23


Newbury Weekly News



Headline toegto hgeorehere

retailers reopen safely

‘High streets are at heart of community’

and their staff safe, and we’ve seenmany retailers leading fromthe frontwith innovative solutions to do just that. “Asmore andmore businesses turn their attention to reopening, this guidancewill help themplan to do so safely and securely.”

millions of jobs across the UK.” CBI Deputy Director General JoshHardie said: “As our high streets slowly reawaken, this new guidance is important for businesses on the ground. Our shops are doing all they can to keep the public

NHS continue to be funded. Business Secretary Alok Sharma said: “The high street sits at the heart of every community in the country. “Enabling these businesses to openwill be a critical step on the road to rebuilding our economy, andwill support

IT IS nowsafe to return to shops, provided employees and customers followsocial distancing and other safety precautions. Themove is the next step towards restoring people’s livelihoods, restarting the UK’s economy, and ensuring vital public services like the

rebooting economy allowed to remain open and have applied social distancingmeasures in store. Measures that shops should consider include: Q Placing a poster in their touched by the public such as beds or sofas. Q Frequent cleaning of objects and surfaces that are touched regularly,

Keep our distance, wash our hands, think of others and play our part.

including self-checkouts, trolleys, coffee machines and betting terminals, for example. Shop owners and customers can find out more about safetymeasures at www.gov.uk/guidance/ working-safely-during- coronavirus-covid-19/shops- and-branches

windows to demonstrate awareness of the guidance and commitment to safety measures. Q Storing returned items for 72 hours before putting themback out on the shop floor. Q Placing protective coverings on large items

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