Thursday, June 18, 2020 28
Newbury Weekly News
Improving access to mental health services
Joint consultation results in personalised ser v c plan
step in and support them very quickly and then stay by their side as they work through their issues. “It’s been led by a raft of agen- cies that are specialists in this area, including our health part- ners at Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and the Royal Berkshire NHS Founda- tion Trust, along with Thames Valley Police, South Central Ambulance Service, local authorities and voluntary sector. “But at the heart of all of the work has been the voices of service users and the people who live with them and care for them. “In addition to the eight months of consultation, we are in regular contact with them all through a network of support groups and agencies. “They’ve told us what currently works and what doesn’t and what improvements are needed to help them to live more independent, safe and happier lives. “As each of the new initiatives comes on streamwe will be doing more work with service users and partners to make sure every- one knows what’s on offer and how to access it so they get the most out of our new services.”
A 14-POINT action plan has been drawn up to deliver sensi- tive, personalised mental health services in the Berk- shire West area. It was set out following eight months of consultations with local stakeholders, including charities, mental health profes- sionals and service users. The plan has been put together by the Berkshire West Mental Health and Learning Disability Programme Board. It seeks to: n Improve access to mental health services and making them readily available in a timely manner. n Expand the mental health liai- son service through the Royal Berkshire Hospital’s Emer- gency Department (ED). n Improve 24/7 mental health crisis provision. n Provide alternative crisis provision. n Establish a new Ambulance Mental Health response path- way with trained mental health staff. New staff have already been recruited by the board to imple- ment the proposals. An NHS 111 Crisis Line has gone live, offering a single point of access for all mental health calls.
It is being co-ordinated by Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foun- dation Trust in liaison with the 111 service. The Crisis Line will operate 24/7 for people of all ages and will have digital access via Skype, email or LiveChat in a bid to make it more accessible to people living in remote areas. It is hoped that, by autumn, a new Crisis Café will be piloted in Reading and later rolled out in West Berkshire, providing a specialised space to those impacted by mental health issues. Alterations to GP care provi- sion and the 111 call system are also being sought by the board. Berkshire West Clinical Commissioning Group director of joint commissioning Katrina Anderson said: “These are ambitious plans and have taken time to develop because we want to make sure they will really make a difference to people’s lives. “We are determined to provide local people with a mental health service that is easy to access, can Report by CHARLIE MASTERS email charlie.masters@newburynews.co.uk twitter @charliem_nwn
Boxes of compassion delivered to bereaved A DEDICATED team within the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust has been delivering ‘end of life’ boxes to bereaved families to help them through the mourning period. As a consequence of coron- avirus-related restrictions on hospitals, families have been unable to collect personal effects belonging to their deceased rela- tives. these items to the bereaved them- selves. The effects are placed in wrapped boxes, packaged with a special message from the trust. Trust chief executive Steve McManus said: “We’ve safely stored these precious items and believe it’s very important they are returned to family members. “Relatives and family friends have experienced a heart-break- ing experience and we want to convey that their loss is keenly felt at the hospital. “It’s been devastating to see that, because of Covid, families cannot be together around the bedside of a loved one during their final hours. “Our boxes have been put together with love and compas- sion and I hope they bring a little comfort to the families when they receive one. “Our fantastic team of volun- teers will be delivering the boxes over the next few weeks and I hope this small gesture will bring people some comfort and hope.” Steve McManus and RBH volunteer Robert de Croos hold boxes to be delivered to the bereaved families Therefore, the team – compris- ing volunteers, NHS workers and patient liaison staff – delivers
RSPCA appeal as fears grow of rise in abandoned horses
MORE than 25 local companies have joined forces to form a new business referral group. Newbury Connected launched on May 18 as a way of different West Berkshire organisations helping and communicating with each other while they are unable to meet face to face. Local business coach Linda Gale, from Integrus Global, created the group, having been a director for Business Network International (BNI), she wanted to give local businesses the opportunity to keep networking during the Covid-19 crisis. If you are a local business looking for support, email Linda@Integrusglobal.com New group keeps businesses networking
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inspectors co-ordinator Christine McNeil said: “This is a truly worrying time for equine charities – we still haven’t got a handle on the repercussions of the current horse crisis, and it now looks like the worst is yet to come. “In April 2011, before the effects of the financial reces- sion had hit, the RSPCA had 290 horses in its care, already more than our official stables could house. “The following year, the impact of the crisiserally began to hit and our officers were called out every day up and down the country to ngelected and abandoned horse.s “By May 2012, the number of horses in our care had leapt to 600.
THE RSPCA has warned that the current economic crisis may lead to the mass abandonment of horses. If owners struggle to care for their animals, there are concerns that they may resort to drastic measures. During the last equine crisis, in 2011, the RSPCA was inundated with destitute, mostly sick, horses and strug- gled to fit them all into avail- able accommodation. The animal charity has launched a coronavirus appeal, ahead of any potential crisis. In 2019, 4,035 incidents involving horses were reported to the RSPCA. Of this total, 187 were in Berkshire. RSPCA national equine
“Fast-forward to today, and we’re caring for 927 horses – that’s three times the amount since the crisis hit, and we strongly fear that the impact will be even worse this time round.” To donate, visit https:// bit.ly/2AoOeLL
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