New Milton Advertiser 11th Dec 2020

Friday 11th December 2020 · 13 · · 01425 613384


Air crash fears for plane after takeo

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Woman assaulted police o cer A WOMAN who assaulted a police officer must pay him £50 compensation, South- ampton magistrates ruled. Jade Rochester (27), of Spittlefields in Ringwood, pleaded guilty to the offence which took place on 18th January. She must also pay costs of £50 and complete rehabilitation activity. Parish meetings go bi-monthly LYNDHURST Parish Coun- cil has cancelled its De- cember meeting as it trials gathering virtually every other month. The council, which was due to meet on 8th Decem- ber, held its first ever virtual meeting last month. The council will next meet online via Zoom on 12th January.

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Pilot wrestled with the controls after leaving runway, report reveals

07779 118874 31 Sweyns Lease, East Boldre, SO42 7WQ •



AN AIRCRAFT which took off from Bournemouth Airport banked so severely that air traffic control officers feared it would crash, an accident report has revealed. The 73-year-old pilot wrestled with the controls of the Cessna Citation CJ1+ plane – which he intended to fly to Rotterdam with three friends – after takeoff on 13th April 2019. The aircraft had been modi- fied to boost performance but an electrical failure triggered a control system to deploy, caus- ing an “uncommanded roll” and the pilot “significant surprise and difficulty controlling the aircraft”. Sounding “breathless and strained”, the pilot engaged with air traffic control (ATC) which instigated a full emergen- cy procedure. The pilot turned the aircraft in a manoeuvre described by the tower controller as “so tight that the aircraft appeared to be on its side” and had them be- lieving it would crash short of the airfield. However, it landed safely and no one was injured in the in- cident, which was detailed in an Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) report. Four safety recommenda- tions were made by the AAIB, and action taken to update training and improve informa- tion communication. The report concluded the pi- lot had not been aware of extra A RINGWOOD man who groomed a 14-year-old boy who he took to car events around the country has been jailed for sexual activity with a child. Jack Lane (23), of Hangers- ley, was sentenced to a year in prison after being found guilty following a trial at Bourne- mouth Crown Court. He was also placed on the sex offend- ers’ register for 10 years. The court heard Lane met with the boy, who was from Poole, several times between March and July 2017. They shared an interest in cars and together went to meets in Poole, Hampshire London, Wiltshire and North- amptonshire. They also com-

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The aircraft landed safely back at Bournemouth Airport. Right, a Cessna Citation CJ1 similar to the one involved

procedures regarding the mod- ification. The procedures “did not adequately characterise the significance of the system fail- ure” nor address the failure in all anticipated flight conditions. Certification flight tests of the system did not reveal the severity of possible outcomes, the AAIB added. The report detailed how the aircraft took off at 2.17pm but after the autopilot engaged, the pilot felt “a light vibration” be- fore a button on the instrument panel labelled ‘Atlas’ illuminat- ed. At 2.18pm the aircraft rolled left through 45 degrees at a rate the pilot described as “very quick”, causing the autopilot to disengage. Recorded data showed a bank angle alert was generated at around 60-degree roll, and

there was a sharp increase in acceleration, which reached a G-force of +2.65. During the incident the pilot pressed the illuminated Atlas button and reset the circuit breaker but neither action had any effect, so he reported a problem to the ATC. “ATC attempted to ascer- tain what was wrong but the pilot sounded breathless and strained, and his transmissions were incomplete and difficult to decipher,” the report said. “The pilot recalled it took all his strength to lift the aircraft’s nose, reduce its airspeed, and recover the bank angle.” It went on: “The tower con- troller described the turn as so tight that the aircraft appeared to be ‘on its side’. “He and several colleagues believed the aircraft would priately, the jury was told. Around the same time they attended a car show in Dev- on, and on the way back Lane again inappropriately touched the teen. When the boy challenged him, he claimed he had done it accidentally. The pair went for a swim in the sea in Boscombe that evening, when Lane touched his victim inappropriately over his swimming shorts. In November 2017 the victim told his mother about the inci- dents. Sentencing, the judge said aggravating factors in Lane’s offending included the psycho- logical harm caused to the boy

‘Weapons threat’ to ambulance sta A LYMINGTON man will ap- pear in court after reports am- bulance staff were threatened with a baseball bat and metal pole. Paul Mapes (49), of Highfield Avenue, has been charged with possessing an offensive weap- on, assaulting an emergency worker and possessing a class A drug in relation to an alleged incident at 2pm on Wednesday 2nd December at Lymore Lane. Hampshire police said offi- cers responded to a request for assistance by a South Central Ambulance Service worker. A spokesperson for the con- stabulary said Mapes was bailed to appear at Southamp- ton Magistrates’ Court on 28th January. “I hope this bravery will en- courage anyone else who is the victimof this type of offending to come forward in the knowledge that action will be taken and of- fenders will be prosecuted.” and the fact there were multi- ple incidents. DC Andy Hale, of Dorset Po- lice’s child exploitation team, said: “Jack Lane groomed his young victim and gained his trust before making repeated sexual advances, despite the boy making it clear they were against his wishes. “I would like to praise the victim for having the courage to come forward so that Lane could be held accountable for his despicable actions. crash short of the airfield.” The plane eventually landed safely at 2.23pm. The report noted the pilot operated privately, held a valid Class 1 medical certificate, had undertaken training at the par- ent company of the aircraft manufacturer and achieved the top grading in all simulator items, as well as a written exam score of 100%. It said since 1998 he had bought four Cessna Citations, three new from the manufac- turer and one from a private owner. He flew all except one, which he re-sold before it was delivered. The plane had rolled before on 16th March 2019 flying from Buffalo, US, to Goose Bay, Can- ada, the report added, but the pilot said that was a “less se- vere” incident.

Are you stuck for what to give a dog owner this Christmas? How about membership of the New Forest Dog Owners Group. It costs just £5.00 a year for individuals, an extra £1.00 for family members. We protect the freedoms of responsible walking off the lead in the New Forest, working with local partners and the park authorities. We promote good dog welfare and we run a local lost dog service. We ’ re also the largest fundraiser for research into Alamama Rot in the UK. More than 1000 members already support us, receive a twice yearly newsletter, use our website, meet us at shows, and we ’ ve more offers coming soon. You can join or gift to a friend online, or by a form downloadable at This advertisement was paid for by private donation.

Man jailed after grooming boy (14)

Jack Lane


municated through Facebook and sent texts to each other. In July 2017 they travelled to an event in Ringwood, where Lane touched the boy inappro-

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Car rolls into trees after aquaplaning o the A31

A MOTORIST had a lucky es- cape after his car aquaplaned on the A31 and rolled over into roadside trees. The BMW left the eastbound carriageway just after 7.30am on Saturday, but the driver was uninjured in the incident, said Hampshire police. The force tweeted pictures of the aftermath and said officers were surprised at the “incredi- ble” speeds motorists had been doing while they recovered the vehicle. “The driving conditions are poor so slow down,” they urged.

FOLLOWING THE LATEST GOVERNMENT GUIDELINES, we will be operating an appointment system. Currently our stock levels are good, and deliveries are normal. Please contact us by email or call the showroom.

e New Forest’s leading centre, o ering you the qual ty and choice from our own 25 acre nursery.

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The car ended up in roadside trees (Photo: Hampshire police)

Local NHS stars shine in trust’s annual awards

Christmas Trees now available Come and choose from our We also have a selection of arti cial trees and a wide range

A HEALTH worker who trained more than 2,300 children how to save a life has been named in a local NHS trust’s annual Star Awards recognising people who have gone beyond the call of duty. Hayley Stockford, who won in the Working in Partnership cat- egory, taught youngsters CPR and basic life support as part of the first Restart a Heart cam- paign run by Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, which dished out the awards. Hayley is based at Tatchbury Mount in Calmore. Southern Health said the feedback from pupils who took part in the initiative was “in- credible”, with one youngster saying: “No matter how good we are at maths or English, we all have priceless knowledge of how to save a life.” Another winner in the awards was the South West Early In- tervention in Psychosis Team,

range of needle fast Nordmann trees and traditional Norway Spruce. All sizes from 4-12 feet.

of Christmas lights and decorations.

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Now taking bookings for Christmas lunches commencing 3 rd December.

From left, Hayley Stockford and Cheryl Barnes, part of the winning psychosis team

which is also based in Calmore. It picked up the Innovation and Research prize after iden- tifying the need to have better physical health screening for their patients.

With help from a £400 grant from Tesco, the team gave per- sonal training at local leisure centres to 11 patients, with some seeing a big improvement in their weight. • Christchurch Road, Lymington, Everton, SO41 0BF 01590 642155 • • Garden Centre Open: Mon - Sat 9am - 5.30pm | Sun 10am - 4pm

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