New Milton Advertiser 11th Dec 2020

Friday 11th December 2020 · 3 News · · 01425 613384

Cafe sta create a stir with hampers for needy

Tories accused of hogging questions

THE majority Conservative group on New Forest District Council was accused by opposi- tion Liberal Democrats of shut- ting down questions on contro- versial topics. At the latest full coun- cil meeting, seven interven- tions from Tory backbenchers took up most of the allotted 30-minute question time which stopped the Lib Dems asking about affordable housing wait- ing lists and social housing de- livery rates. To make up time, the Lib Dems called for an extension but the Tories defeated that in

a vote. All the Tory questions were taken first, leaving four by the Lib Dems out of eight they submitted. Lib Dem Cllr Mark Clark said: “That is not grown-up politics. Our voters are being cheated out of their elected representa- tives having any kind of voice at the council for Tory PR purpos- es.” Speaking after the meeting an NFDC spokeswoman said questions were dealt with “in order of receipt”. Those not asked within the time limit are dealt with in writing, she added.

Drive inspired by Marcus Rashford saw 90 packages made

queuing along the quay to sup- port the initiative. Grace said: “I was totally blown away by everyone’s gen- erosity. Our customers were amazing and so many business- es gave their support either by donating items or money to- wards the hampers or by sup- plying us at cost price.” Grace made contact with Pennington infant and junior schools, Pennington Preschool and Eaglewood School in New Milton to see if there were more families who would benefit. She also received around 15 referrals via a post on Face- book, bring the total number of hampers to 90. All hampers have been tai- lored to the recipients and as well as basic food items and festive treats, they have been filled with board games, gift vouchers, Christmas merchan- dise and sweets. Adult hampers have also been stocked with some festive tipple. Coffee & Drift has now reo- pened to customers and Grace has 65 hampers packed and ready to go. She will put togeth- er the final 25 gift boxes in the next few days before they are delivered to recipients on 17th December. Grace said: “It has been a really incredible experience to do something like this – the support of the community and everyone who has help toward it has been really touching.” challenged him and filmed him on his phone. The owner turned towards the victim and threw a punch, which knocked the phone from his hand. An altercation took place during which the man stamped on the phone, denting it, and the victim suffered a cut to his right ear. A man came forward this week after Dorset Police re- leased an image of a suspect they wanted to speak to.


A TEAM of cafe workers from Lymington inspired by foot- baller and campaigner Marcus Rashford have spent their Sat- urdays organising nearly 100 Christmas hampers for families in need. Despite closing during the latest lockdown, staff at Coffee & Drift on Lymington Quay de- cided to work voluntarily selling takeaway drinks and snacks so they could raise cash to create 90 packages for needy families. Owner Grace Murphy ex- plained how the roots of the festive operation went back to their similar efforts in October. She said: “When Marcus Rashford was on the news cam- paigning for free school meals to be extended over half term, my mum Caroline, who does lots of our cooking behind the scenes, said she just felt like there was something we could do to help.” Through a family friend, Car- oline and Grace arranged to make lunchtime meals for 17 families a day during the Octo- ber half term week. After sharing news of the ini- tiative with customers and over social media, the Coffee & Drift SENTENCING of a Lymington businessman who broke dis- qualification rules has been de- layed until next year so he can have the coronavirus vaccine to protect his life after suffering complications from heart sur- gery. Peter Lashmar was originally due to learn his fate 11 months ago, but that was delayed so he could have an operation. Then the coronavirus pandemic hit, shutting courtrooms, and he is now due to learn his punish- ment in late March next year. When his case went before Bournemouth Crown Court, defence barrister Berenice Mul- vanny said her client had suf- fered complications from sur- gery. Lashmar, who will turn 70 this month, is also Type 2 diabetic, she revealed, “overweight” and the “stress” of the court case had affected his health. Ms Mulvanny said: “He is very concerned about catching Cov- id, and I have seen a letter from his doctor which effectively sets

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Coffee & Drift staff Hettie, Paitin, Gra ce and Bella

team were approached with of- fers of cash toward the cost of ingredients. Grace said: “In the end we received around £200 which was more than enough to cov- er the cost of ingredients, so we started thinking about how we could use the rest of the money to help people at Christ- mas.”

Grace initially planned just to raise some extra money so she could create 17 bespoke ham- pers for the families they had support during half term. But when the second lock- down was announced in early November, Grace and Caroline began scaling up their plans. Grace said: “We closed the

shop and furloughed our staff, but then we had an idea that if we could open on Saturdays and the staff agreed work vol- untarily, any money we made could be used towards the ham- pers.” As news of their idea spread other local business got in touch to see how they could help out, and customers began

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Covid-19 vaccine delays businessman’s sentencing

Dog owner ‘assaulted walker’ after failing to clear up mess

A DOG owner was accused of assaulting a walker and damag- ing his phone after being filmed when he failed to pick up his pet’s mess. Police said the victim, a man in his 40s, was walking with his family at St Catherine’s Hill in Christchurch, at around 11am on Saturday 28th November, when he saw a dog defecating on the path. After the owner made no at- tempt to clear it up, the victim

That action was taken af- ter the service went to South- ampton County Court because Lashmar failed to ensure his accountancy firm kept proper records and registered for VAT. But after subsequent reports Lashmar was breaching the or- der, he was investigated and the Insolvency Service hit him with 11 more criminal charges – six of which Lashmar admitted. Of those, five related to him breaching the disqualifica- tion in relation to working at Lentune Tax Accountants be- tween 23rd March 2015 and 22nd March 2016, Lashmar Per- sonal Tax LLP, Lashmar Tax Accountants and Incorporate Companies Secretaries from 23rd March 2015 to 24th Octo- ber 2018, and IC Nominee 66 between 23rd March 2015 and 28th April 2017. He also admitted a charge of recklessly delivering a false, misleading or deceptive doc- ument to the registrar stating Wendy Page was the director of Lashmar Tax Accountants.


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P eter Lashmar

out that if he were to catch it the consequences to his health would be fatal.” As reported in the A&T, Lashmar, of West Way, faces prison for flouting government orders which banned him from being involved in the running of any company. The prosecution is being brought by the Insolvency Ser- vice which disqualified Lashmar in 2015 from directing or taking any part in the management of a company for seven years.


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