New Milton Advertiser 11th Dec 2020

Friday 11th December 2020 · 5 · · 01425 613384


A TIMELY REMINDER DON’T MISS THE DEADLINE! • Display, Motors, Recruitment & Events Tuesday 3pm

‘Cowards’ hunted over deer coursing

• Boxed Classified, Recruitment Tuesday 3pm • Classified Linage, Family Announcments & Coming Events Wednesday 10.30am • Death Notices Wednesday 5pm

Drug-related drowning figures HAMPSHIRE has been ranked the eighth highest county in the UK for alcohol and drug-related drownings, according to the Royal Life Saving Society. Its Don’t Drink and Drown campaign is urging people to take extra care this festive season, and not walk home alongside water after they have been drinking. Figures compiled by the charity showed 42 people drowned in Hampshire in the last five years and 13 of them (almost 31%) were found to have had alcohol or drugs in their system. PHONE 01425 612594 to place a display advertisement

To place your advert call 01425 613384

Police single out two local areas as hotspots for illegal activity

kennels with bare concrete or wooden floors, and those that underperform are dumped. Of- fenders also target gamebirds, especially just before dusk or dawn, and use catapults fired from their cars to make a quick getaway. Dorset Police is part of the nationwide Operation Galileo to tackle hare coursing along- side the British Association for Shooting and Conservation, National Farmers’ Union, Coun- try Land and Business Associa- tion and RSPCA. Residents are urged to report incidents by emailing 101@dor or online at line


A DEER was bitten by dogs and dragged by bungee cords before its body was dumped in Christchurch during the latest incident of coursing. Dorset Police have identi- fied Christchurch and Burton as hotspots for illegal hunting, amid a rise in cases across the county. The local incident happened overnight on land close to the Christchurch bypass on 27th November. Officers branded the perpetrators “cowards” and urged residents to remain vigi- lant and report offenders. PC Claire Dinsdale, of Dor- set’s rural crime team, said: “The individuals known for this are also often known for theft, burglary, assaults and domestic abuse offences, as well as fraud on elderly or vulnerable people. “Coursing, however, is their favourite pastime, which their crimes can help fund. They are cowards who travel in groups and make threats against our hard-working rural communi- ties.” She added: “Local residents, A SHOWCASE video starring a well-known presenter was among suggestions to help pro- mote New Milton and bring in more investment. Laying out a strategy for the forthcoming year, town devel- opment manager Suna King told a recent online full town council meeting that the main aim was to present New Milton as ambitious with a “strong sus- tainable future”. Mrs King said: “We could have a video with a known pre- senter to raise our profile and attract investment. “We can email updates to residents, businesses and part- ners, as well as regular posts on social media and adverts and flyers.” It came amid preparations for the upcoming referendum over the town’s emerging Neigh- bourhood Plan, a set of hyper- local planning policies aimed at giving residents a greater in- fluence on development in the area. New Milton’s has been on the drawing board since 2016 and includes a vision by 2036 of a regenerated town centre, new cultural hub in place of the Me- morial Centre, affordable hous- ing for younger people, and charging stations for electric vehicles. Mrs King stressed the im- A WOMAN in her 70s suffered life-threatening injuries in an accident in Christchurch on Tuesday. Officers are appealing for witnesses and anyone with dashcam footage to come for- ward as they investigate the collision between the pedestri- an and a car in Quay Road. The incident involving a black Ford Fiesta and the local woman happened shortly af- ter 8am. Paramedics attended with police who shut the road for about five-and-a-half hours. The victim was taken to hospital for treatment to in-

Illegal hunting is on the rise in Dorset. Inset, the deer was dumped near Christchurch bypass

cyclists, horse riders and motor- ists are asked to call 999 for any suspected hare or deer cours- ing in progress. It can be day or night, with incidents increasing from autumn to winter.” The Christchurch incident was revealed as police high- lighted the illegal activity of us- ing dogs to chase animals such as hare and deer. It often in- volves breeds such as lurchers and salukis. The force said offenders will scout an area before driving across fields and releasing dogs from moving vehicles. That also damages soil, seed- ed crops, gates, hedgerows and

fencing, while farmers have been threatened and intimi- dated, and vehicles driven into grazing sheep. Coursing groups often go out at night and stun the deer by using lamps or headlights be- fore chasing and ramming them with their vehicles. Dogs can be released on ex- hausted deer, meaning death is not usually quick. Some offenders take heads as trophies or a supply to feed their coursing dogs, said po- lice, and no regard is shown for pregnant deer or those with de- pendant young. Dogs are often kept in dirty

NEW FOREST MOHAIR FARM TO YARN MOHAIR CHRISTMAS SHOP OPEN THIS WEEKEND Sat 12th & Sun 13th, 11am – 4pm Mohair gifts, scarves, throws, socks, knitting and needlefelting kits and more…

OFFICE MAKERS Bespoke Home Office and Study Areas Something that is a little bit special Part of the Kitchenmakers Group

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Star-power plan in push for town’s promotion



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A neighbourhood plan is being prepared for New Milton

juries that are believed to be life-threatening. Her family has been informed. Sgt Lee Savage, of Dorset Police’s traffic unit, said: “Our thoughts are with the woman involved and her loved ones. “We are carrying out an in- vestigation to establish the full circumstances of this collision and I would ask any witnesses who have not already spoken to police to please contact us. “I would also like to hear from anyone who was driv- ing in the area and may have captured anything relevant on dashcam.” portance of driving support and engagement for the plan to ensure a large amount of residents vote, “whichever way they want”. Welcoming the strategy, may- or Cllr Alvin Reid said: “It’s re- ally important that we promote the Neighbourhood Plan as a way of helping New Milton de- velop various projects.” Cllr Steve Clarke added: “The video would be vital as it could encourage more businesses to come and use the town.” The importance of involving New Milton’s “next generation” in public engagement over its future was highlighted, with calls to involve youngsters from Arnewood School’s sixth form and Brockenhurst College. Cllr Steve Davies said: “The

He added: “Finally, I would like to thank members of the public for their patience and understanding during the road closure, which was necessary to allow the emergency servic- es to respond to the incident and for an examination of the scene to be carried out.” Contact Dorset Police at, via email 101@dorset.pnn.police. uk or by calling 101, quoting oc- currence number 55200184289. Alternatively, contact Crime- stoppers anonymously via or 0800 555 111. Neighbourhood Plan is about far more than the development of the town – it’s the develop- ment of the community. “Bring the young people in and they can really drive this forward long after we’ve gone.” Cllr Valya Schooling said that to bring about “real change”, more support was needed from Hampshire County Council. “We need to make sure that at county level they start to love New Milton because, from my experience, it’s been just Lymington, Lymington, Lym- ington,” Cllr Schooling said. “New Milton was always at the bottom of the pile. A higher level of support needs to hap- pen and we need to know it will happen to get all the promotion we need.”

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Pedestrian seriously hurt in car collision

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