New Milton Advertiser 11th Dec 2020

Friday 11th December 2020 · 7 · · 01425 613384


Tesco set to take over empty village store

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Five-year ban for drink-driver A MOTORIST from Barton who was more than four times the drink-drive limit has been banned from the roads for five years. Matthew Stephenson (53), of Marine Drive West, was stopped by officers on Christchurch Road in New Milton on 6th September. At Southampton Magis- trates’ Court, he pleaded guilty to the offence and was fined £900. He must also pay costs of £180 and complete a 14-day impaired drink driver programme. 250th birthday for local lodge MEMBERS of a Masonic lodge which launched in Christchurch 250 years ago have celebrated virtually due to the coronavirus restric- tions. The Lodge of Hengist was set up in 1770 in the town but later moved to Bour- nemouth, where the group has met ever since. To ensure they could still mark the special anniversary, members met for an online Zoom meeting. Animal accidents A PIG was injured in a hit- and-run accident on a New Forest road last week, the verderers have reported. The hog was hurt on the B3058 at Wootton at 5.20pm on Monday 30th November, and was attended by agister Jonathan Gerrelli. Mr Gerrelli was also called to a collision with a pony on the C10 at Longslade, near Sway, at about 2.45pm on Thursday 3rd December. The animal was uninjured.


Chain hopes to open early next year in high street Budgens spot

Individually Designed & Constructed Choice of Cladding, Window / Door Colours, LED Lighting & Internal Finish Double Glazed & Insulated On Display at Redcliffe Garden Centre


A SUPERMARKET in Lynd- hurst which has lain empty since closing in February is set to reopen as a Tesco store. Budgens in the high street had been run for 14 years by a husband-and-wife team who said increasing costs and a lack of trade forced them to close when their lease expired. Now Tesco has confirmed it is taking over the space, one of the biggest units in the high street and almost directly op- posite a competing Co-op. A spokesperson for the com- pany told the A&T: “We’re pleased to confirm plans to open a new Tesco store on Lyndhurst high street to serve customers in the area with great quality, affordable food, create new jobs for the commu- nity and bring the vacant unit back in to use. “These plans are subject to planning permission and if ap- proved we hope to open early 2021. We will keep the commu- nity updated as our plans prog- ress.” A planning application has been made to the national park authority for property improve- ments, including a cashpoint and new glazing. The submission is from Bud- gens to alter the store which, once complete, would be tak- en over by Tesco. Budgens is owned by wholesaler Bookers

Redcliffe Garden Centre Bashley Road, Bashley, New Milton BH25 5RY T: 01425 614210

The high street store pictured before it closed its doors in February

which was acquired by Tesco in 2017. Cllr Chris Willsher, chair of Lyndhurst Parish Council, told the A&T: “We welcome the news that the Budgens food store is to re-open. “Lyndhurst desperately needs a vibrant High Street that is accessible to all and of- fers real choice to residents and visitors.” The proposed store alter- ations include new aluminium frames and glazing, an auto- matic entrance door and four anti-ram bollards. The existing trolley bay would be removed and a cash machine installed, along with

lighting and CCTV. At the rear of the store, alterations would include a new steel door being fitted. The application stated: “Ul- timately, the proposals are con- sidered to preserve the char- acter and appearance of the Lyndhurst Conservation Area. “The shopfront proposals will in fact remove a number of fea- tures considered to be out of character with the wider area, and in any case are broadly sim- ilar to the existing shopfront in terms of overall location and materiality, thereby clearly be- ing acceptable in this location.” It added: “The proposed ATM will be largely hidden from

views along the high street due to its set back position and is thus not considered to have an adverse impact on the conser- vation area. “Finally, the proposed rear alterations are additionally not considered to have any nega- tive visual impact given the lack of existing design quality.” It added: “The alterations will allow a more efficient shop- floor and back of house layout ultimately providing additional space for storage and the dis- play of goods.” A decision is expected to be made by the NPA after the public consultation ends on 5th January next year.

Ytene Gallery Contemporary British Art

Wedding ring lost for five years is found at beach


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A COUPLE were emotional- ly reunited with a wedding ring they lost five years ago in Christchurch, following an on- line appeal. Alex and Jo Francis were left “gutted” in 2015 when his wedding band went missing on one of their regular half-term trips to see friends who live lo- cally. However, they were aston- ished half a decade later to see the ring posted by BCP Coun- cil to its Facebook and Twitter accounts, looking for the own- ers. One of the council’s engineer- ing teams discovered it while excavating timber groynes on the seafront. Jo said: “I can’t tell you how

excited we are that Alex’s ring has been found. We’ve been married 16 years and planned to wear our matching rings for- ever. “We were gutted to lose one of them and are both quite emotional now that Alex will be able to wear his again.” Jo added: “Thank you so much to everyone involved in finding the ring and spreading the message. You have really made our day!” BCP Council said: “We hoped that we might be able to locate the owner and, thanks to everyone who shared our post, we are delighted to say that within 24 hours we did!”

Consultation on the allocation of land on the New Forest common for the Basic Payment Scheme The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) has launched a consultation on the operation of the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) on the New Forest common and particularly on the methodology it uses to allocate the eligible agricultural area of the Forest between commoners using their grazing rights to claiming BPS. It is seeking views on 3 options together with any other possible options and aims to make changes to the BPS scheme from 2021 onwards. Anyone can respond, but we are particularly interested in responses from anyone who: • has an interest in the ownership or management of the New Forest • has a property or holding to which New Forest grazing rights are attached • already claims BPS using New Forest grazing rights or has an interest in doing so in the future • represents the interests of individuals falling into one of the categories above RPA has written directly to all commoners who claim BPS in the New Forest and the consultation details can also be found by searching for ‘New Forest consultation’ at . The closing date for responses to the consultation is 3 February 2021. RPA will also be holding two live online public meetings (webinars) on the following dates: • Thursday 17 December at 18:30-20:30 • Tuesday 12 January at 15:00-17:00 RPA representatives will go through the consultation and there will be opportunity to ask questions and comment on the proposed options. To register for one of these online public meetings (webinars), please go to: Email Helpline 03000 200 301

Alex and Jo, and the lost ring

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