New Milton Advertiser 13th Nov 2020

24 · Friday 13th November 2020 · · 01425 613384

On the Hoof On the Hoof Local rider and dressage judge Charlotte Baker takes a monthly look at the New Forest equestrian scene

New Forest riding coaches in running for teaching awards

FOR the second year running, two riding instructors from the New Forest have been short- listed for a regional teaching award. Amy Robbins and Tammy Greaves have made the short- list for the BHS Hampshire Coach of the Year Awards, which offers a £500 prize to each winner. Amy is one of four instructors shortlisted in the Freelance Accredited Professional Coach category, while Burley Villa’s Tammy Greaves has made the final four for the second year running in the Centre-Based Coach of the Year section. Bransgore-based Amy teach - es at Sparsholt College near Winchester, as well as coaching clients in and around the For - est. She has recently completed her BHS Stage 4 exams and is working towards her Stage 5 qualification. She told the A&T: “I have no idea who nominated me for this award, but I could not be more thankful. “I lecture full-time at Spar - sholt College, fitting in my coaching at evenings and week - ends and I am fortunate to teach dedicated, talented and lovely clients who allow me to coach around plans with my own horses too. “I am also lucky enough to teach alongside fellow talented coaches who are also nominat - ed for this award!” A former member of the Great Britain Reining team, Tammy teaches both English and Western riding at Burley Villa School of Riding in Bash -

Prizes galore for successful teams at eventing qualifiers Winning New Forest Riding Club Gold team (from left) Gemma Maughan, Georgy Killengray, Charlotte Hordle and Faine Jordan

FORTUNE favoured teams from the New Forest at the BRC Area 17 Arena Eventing qualifiers last month, as local riders walked away with prizes in most sections. Held at Bovington, teams navigated a mixed course of showjumps and crosscoun - try-style fences, aiming for a tricky optimum time. The New Forest Pony Enthu- siasts junior team of Isabelle Brimble, Ella Clooney, Hon - or Humble and Lucy Bailey

emerged victorious in the 70cm class, ahead of the New Forest Riding Club Yellow seniors in second. That success was replicat - ed in the 80cm Senior class, with Katie Macey, Sally Anne Pierson, Sophie Albery and Jo Harding-Ash coming first for the Enthusiasts, ahead of NFRC’s Blue team. NFRC’s Chelsea Jennings took top spot overall as an individu- al. It was NFRC’s turn to dom-

inate in the higher classes, with the Gold team of Gemma Maughan, Faine Jordan, Geor - gy Killengray and Charlotte Hordle winning as a team, and taking a smattering of individu- al placings. Gemma came first individ - ually, ahead of last-minute re - placement Charlotte Hordle in second. NFRC Green also took sec - ond place in the 90cm Senior class, behind Meon Riding Club.

Award nominee Amy Robbins competing with her own horse

ley, catering to all levels of rider. New Forest instructors have good form in these awards. Sway-based Gail Meaker won

the freelance prize last year and was nominated again this year. Voting for this year’s compe - tition is open until November

29th and full details can be found on “The British Horse Society – South Region” Face - book page.

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