New Milton Advertiser 13th Nov 2020

Friday 13th November 2020 · 9 · · 01425 613384



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Landlord’s lifesaving act after raid relief

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Pony killed and pig hurt on roads A PONY was killed and a pig injured in accidents on New Forest roads last week. A bay filly was hurt between Emery Down and Pikes Hill at around 5.30pm last Wednesday. Agister Andrew Napthine attended and the animal had to be destroyed because of its injuries. A pig was injured on the B3078 at Roundhill on Sunday at around 1.30pm. The driver reported the incident to the verderers and Mr Napthine attend- ed. Kickstart jobs on o er at council HAMPSHIRE County Coun- cil is offering at least 30 job placements for people aged 16-24, under the national Kickstart jobs scheme. From this November until June 2022, the programme will offer six-month work placements of 25 hours a week across the organisa- tion. Workers will receive the national minimum wage. Cllr Roz Chadd, cabinet member for education and skills, said: “We recognise the impact that Covid-19 has had on the local economy and local businesses, causing job losses.” For more information, email uk Compensation after car taken A CHRISTCHURCH man must pay £600 compensation after damaging a vehicle he took without consent. Matthew Crouch (44), of Avenue Road, pleaded guilty to the incident which took place in the town on 7th April. Poole Magistrates’ Court heard Crouch also ad- mitted that he had no licence or insurance and one count of resisting a police officer. He must complete a 30-day community order and pay a fine of £20.

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Difibrillator plan for leftover cash raised in wake of pub burglary

the cellar door, which itself will cost around £1,000 to replace. On Sunday morning Phil dis- covered more than £1,000 of power tools and a jetwash had been stolen along with around 50 bottles of gin. He laid a Remembrance Sun- day wreath later that morning at the town’s war memorial – a role he performed as the cur- rent chair of the town’s Round Table organisation. Phil was also helping cook dozens of takeaway Sunday lunches for paying customers and more free meals for key workers and vulnerable people in the local community. He said: “To be honest initial- ly it was really depressing. But the community has rallied and I am sort of feeling better now, bathing in the warm embrace of the help from our regulars and residents.” A spokesman for Hampshire police said the incident at the London Tavern happened sometime between 9.20pm on Saturday 7th November and 7.50am on Sunday 8th Novem- ber. He said: “We would like to hear from anyone with informa- tion on any of these incidents. Did you notice anything suspi- cious? Perhaps you saw some- one hanging around the area? Anyone with information can phone 101.”


John Radin, DC

A LANDLORD is set to in- stall a lifesaving defibrillator as a thank you following a “heart-warming” community response to thieves doing more than £1,000 of damage and stealing 50 bottles of booze. Phil Hoyle says he has been buoyed by the warm wishes of regular customers and Ring- wood residents after his water- ing hole, the London Tavern, was targeted at the weekend. A webpage set up in the wake of the burglary raised more than £5,500 – and Phil said he will pay the gesture forward as the amount is more than it will cost to fix the damage. “What I am going to do is buy a defibrillator and install it there, since one is needed and it will be a good thing and a thank-you, too,” the 46-year-old told the A&T. “That way at least something good can come out of this and it will be a big middle finger to the idiots responsible.” The pub in Poulner was one of 11 places around Ringwood hit by burglaries between the early hours of 6th November and the

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Meals are prepared daily in our kitchen in Lymington using fresh local produce.All dietary needs are catered for. MEALS ON WHEELS THE LUNCH BOX We can help you by supplying a delicious home cooked meal, made to order, small or large meals delivered to your door by Richard or Sharon.

of Trade and Commerce. Over the next month it will focus on reminding people to shop local while non-essential retail shops remain closed. Andrew Barfield, president of the Christchurch Chamber of Trade and Commerce, said: “There’s a wealth of retail offers along Christchurch high street all needing the support of local residents. “We must support local busi- nesses and the high street where and when we can.” PERFUMERY & CO. LYMINGTON LYMINGTON, 32 HIGH STREET CLARINS LAUNCHES AT PLEASE CALL RICHARD OR SHARON ON 01590 671261 SETTERS FARM, MOUNT PLEASANT LANE , LYMINGTON TO PLACE YOUR ORDER DURING LOCKDOWN THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS COLLECTION OR DELIVERY 07779 118874 31 Sweyns Lease, East Boldre, SO42 7WQ • Garden projects • Clearance Work • Tree Work Stump Grinding • Low Maintenance Solutions Waste Removal and Disposal JOB OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE CALL, TEXT OR EMAIL FOR A FREE QUOTATION. OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Annual Maintenance Schedules • Tidy-Ups • Hedge Cutting

Phil Hoyle (inset) was left fuming after his pub was targeted by thieves

ties in Lyndhurst Road, Bur- ley Road in Bransgore, Gorley Road and Green Lane, and garages at Burgate Court and Renoir Burgate Court on Salis- bury Road. The thieves got into the Lon- don Tavern by smashing down

morning of 9th November. There were also incidents at the Railway Hotel and Sains- bury’s on Meeting House Lane, as well as eight at homes and garages. Among the places hit were Burley Lodge stables, proper-

‘Back local businesses’ plea during lockdown A T L YMINGTON

SHOPPERS have been urged by councils to back local busi- nesses during the second lock- down as part of a drive to keep the high street alive. Usually November would be a busy time for retailers as people begin their Christmas shopping, but already hard-hit outlets that have been allowed to stay open are facing reduced footfall because of the restrictions. In Hampshire alone more than 100,000 people are em- ployed in non-essential retail and 72,000 in hospitality, with one in four jobs across the wider county in sectors that have had to shut down. Civic chiefs at Hampshire County Council and Bour- nemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council are urging people to get out when they can to sup- port local firms. Cllr Rob Humby, HCC cab- inet member for economy, transport and the environment, said: “With farmers’ markets remaining open, and many in- dependent shops offering click and collect, ring and reserve or delivery services, there will be plenty to choose from. “Many pubs and cafes are also once more offering take- aways, which is another way for Hampshire residents to support their local community – by help- ing businesses get through.” Tracy Nash, commercial man- ager at not-for-profit Hamp- shire Fare, which supports over 400 independent businesses, said: “If we all buy just one local gift or local treat for the Christ- mas table, it will make a mas- sive difference.” BCP Council has kicked off a “rediscover safely” scheme, which is supported by a range of business organisations, in- cluding Christchurch Chamber

The committee raised £2,500 for Diverse Abilities


Classic cars in gear for charity fundraiser


A GROUP of motor enthusiasts staged a classic car show at the Cat and Fiddle farm near Hin- ton in aid of a Dorset-based dis- ability charity before the latest lockdown. The group, who call them- selves Classic Cars on the Prom, arrange public displays in sup- port of local good causes and in the last four years have gener- ated £2,500 for Diverse Abilities, which supports people with physical and learning disabili- ties. This year the car owners were unable to host their usual fund- raisers because of the pandem- ic, so arranged a new event – Classic Cars on the Farm which was held at Hinton in Septem- ber. Ashley Miller, secretary at Classic Cars on the Prom, said: “Diverse Abilities is a great local charity, and one of many that

we have supported through the years of running these events in Bournemouth. “Attracting hundreds of peo- ple every week, our events have been a fantastic platform to provide these local organi- sations with an extra level of awareness in the community.” Plans are already under way for a follow-up event at Hinton next summer as well as a dis- play at Christchurch Quay. Emma Bovey, fundraising manager at Diverse Abilities, commented: “We’ve had an ex- cellent partnership with Clas- sic Cars on the Prom over the years, and the people we sup- port have loved the opportuni- ties to see all the different cars on display each week. “We’d like to take this oppor- tunity to thank the committee for all their fundraising over the years.”


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FOLLOWING THE LATEST GOVERNMENT GUIDELINES, we will be operating an appointment system. Currently our stock levels are good, and deliveries are normal. Please contact us by email or call the showroom.

26 Milford Road, Pennington, Lymington. SO41 8DW. T: 01590 673175 E: Open Mon-Fri 7.30am-5pm | Sat 9am-4pm

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