New Milton Advertiser 16th Oct 2020
Friday 16th October 2020 · 31 · · 01425 613384
Public Notices
Linage Deadline: Wednesday. 10.30am 01425 613384 •
Care assistant Carlton House Rest Home - New Milton BH25. Carlton House (New Milton) are looking for dedicated caring individuals to join our long-standing care team. We are looking to fill some evening and weekend shifts. Weekend enhancements paid. No experience required as full training will be given to candidates with the right values andwork ethic. Position is subject to a DBS check. Contact Tina on 01425 612218
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Notice under Article 13 of Application for Planning Permission Proposed Development at Lymington Shores (Former Webbs Factory Site), Bridge Road, Lymington, SO41 9BZ I give notice that Redrow Homes Ltd is applying to New Forest District Council for planning permission to: Section 73 application to continue development without compliance with Condition 19 (Code for Sustainable Homes) of planning permission: 11/97849 relating to a “Mixed use development comprising: 168 dwellings; restaurant; retail/commercial space (Use Class A1 & A2) boat club; art gallery (Use Class D1); jetty with pontoon; access alterations; pedestrian bridge over railway; riverside walkway; car parking; landscaping; drainage”. Any owner* of the land or tenant** who wishes to make representations about this application should write to the Council at Appletree Court, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA by 6th November 2020. *”owner” means a person having a freehold interest or a leasehold interest the unexpired to of which is not less than 7 years, or, in the case of development consisting of the winning or working of minerals, a person entitled to an interest in a mineral in the land (other than oil, gas, coal, gold or silver). **”tenant” means a tenant of an agricultural holding any part of which is comprised in the land. Signed: David Hutchison On behalf of: Redrow Homes Ltd Date: 16-10-2020 Statement of owner’s rights The grant of planning permission does not affect owner’s rights to retain or dispose of their property, unless there is some provision to the contrary in an agreement or in a lease. Statement of agricultural tenants’ rights The grant of planning permissions for non-agricultural development may affect agricultural tenants’ security of tenure. FN: 623379 AH:NM PUB: NEW MILTON ADVERTISER Size: 30x46mm (1 col)
Harbour Commissioner Wanted Lymington Harbour is a trust port managed by an independent board of nine Commissioners plus the Harbour Master/Chief Executive. The harbour is a valuable community asset and the Commissioners play an important part in shaping its future for current and succeeding generations. We are seeking to appoint a Harbour Commissioner with current experience of commercial operations within the leisure marine and/or commercial marine industries. Experience may include marine product manufacture, boat and engine maintenance, chandlery sales or boat building, but any other relevant marine related experience will be considered. Knowledge of these industries and operations can help to inform the service provisions and operations of Lymington Harbour. We are an equal opportunities organisation and the Commissioners fully recognise the bene ts that a diverse board brings. Applicants should be good team players who can work collaboratively with the existing Board to deliver the best outcomes for the harbour and its community of stakeholders. The position is voluntary (unpaid). Commissioners meet at least six times a year and are appointed for a term of three years. If you are interested, we would very much like to hear from you. The closing date for applications is Monday 23rd November 2020. Further details can be obtained from our website at or by contacting Ryan Willegers (Harbour Master/Chief Executive) at the following address. Lymington Harbour Commissioners, Harbour Of ce, Bath Road, Lymington, SO41 3SE E-mail: | Phone: 01590 672014 Contracted Hours Available £750 Golden Bonus* Staff of the month reward Offering the BEST local pay rates Weekday rate from — £10.00 Weekend rate from — £11.50 Weekly COVID-19 testing for all staff Paid travel time and mileage Double Pay for bank holidays All applicants must be willing to work alternative weekends Email: Or call Yoli on: 01590 644258 *terms apply St. George’s Home Care We are looking for a commercial and customer focused Store Manager to lead our store in Lymington. If you have a passion for travelling or the outdoor life and have a genuine commitment to quality and great customer service this job could be for you. If you feel your skills are suitable email your CV to: Bar Staff Required Some experience preferred. Shifts available, Friday evening, Saturday afternoon and Sunday Evening. Interviews will be held on 19th October. Starting date 1st November. Anyone interested please contact Secretary at Wootton Club on 01425 610001 Wessex Fine Art is looking for an energetic, reliable person Full-Time to learn all aspects of Picture Framing. The role will include cutting, underpinning, finishing and packing frames for contract orders, and any associated jobs. Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30 – 5pm [40 hours] plus some Saturday mornings and overtime as required. Salary: £18,000.00-£19,000.00 per year Requires HEALTH CARE ASSISTANTS STORE MANAGER LYMINGTON
Motor Mechanic required for busy workshop. Must be experienced. Please contact Mike Tandy at Ashley Motor Repairs. Tel. No. 01425 615989
Chef/Cook needed 2 or 3 days per week and holiday cover. At a small ‘Covid Free’
care home in Barton-on-Sea. Call 07803 294134 for more information.
Days and nights, minimum of 36 hours per week. If you are interested please contact us on 01425 610144 or email in the first instance for an application form. Carer positions
SELF-EMPLOYED permanent weekend carer / cleaner required for Lymington lady, 2 hours per morning with the opportunity to work extra day to cover sickness and holiday, would consider job share. References, DBS check and car driver essential. Must have high standard of care and hygience. £12 per hour. — Contact 01590 688859. RELIABLE paper delivery people required for Barton-on-Sea News. Suitable for boys and girls 13+ or active retired people. — Telephone 01425 628383. Gardener required on a full-time basis to work for established company. — Please email CV to enquiries@redcliffe self-employed carer, cleaner and general hand around the home (PA). Friendly and diligent, 20 years of experience. BSc, ongoing DBS checks in place. — Please enquire for details 07710 683204. BOOKKEEPER employed Milford-on-Sea experienced with Sage Accounts, Payroll, Pension, Supplier Payments and Debtors Control. One or two half days per week. Hourly rate negotiable. — Telephone 07913 724823 eldery gentleman in a wheelchair for every other weekend. 7-9am and 6-8pm and alternate Thursday and Friday 7-9am and 6-8pm. 07594 194003. GROUND Worker required to as- sist with tree work, hedge trimming etc — 01425 616050. self LANDSCAPE CARER wanted for HIGHLY private, skilled and qualified
WE ARE a busy family run boatyard situated in Keyhaven and we are looking for a reliable full time office assistant with good customer service skills. This is a busy and diverse role which involves day to day administration, running of the chandlery and brokerage, dealing with customer enquiries and the sale of summer stock. The ideal candidate must be computer literate and work on their own initiative with a knowledge of boats an advantage. — Cv’s to
Please mention the A&T when responding ( Tel: 01202 721303 ) or viewed on the Authority’s website at: TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF SHELLFISH BEDS BYELAW Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the above Regulation. Temporary Closure of the Solent, Southampton Water, Portsmouth and Langstone Harbour native oyster fisheries, prohibiting the removal of native oysters (Ostrea edulis) for the 2020/21 season, 1st November 2020 to the 28th February 2021. All other byelaws and spatial closures will still apply. The Western boundary of the closure will be from Hurst Point to Fort Albert on the Isle of Wight. The Eastern Boundary of the closure will be from 001° 05.880’W 50° 42.380’N at Seaview, to St Helen’s fort at 001° 05.02’W 50° 42.31’N, to 001° 03.900’W 50° 43.07’N, to 000° 58.969’W 50° 46.975’N on Hayling Island. A full text and maps of the closure CLIFFORD THOMAS DUNKLEY (Deceased) Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925 any persons having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of the above named, late of Flat 2 Beacon Court, 25 Beacon Drive, Highcliffe, BH23 5BY, who died on 26/07/2020, are required to send written particulars thereof to the undersigned on or before 17/12/2020, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims and interests of which they have had notice. KITELEYS SOLICITORS LIMITED, 40 Haven Road Canford Cliffs Poole BH13 7LP. (Ref : IC/D01364/1) notice can be obtained from Southern IFCA on request:
DECOR-AID painting, decorating, papering — S. Tuddenham, 01425 638761. New Milton.
HELP@HAND - Experienced and kind young woman. DBS checked and Covid aware. Food shopping, collecting prescriptions, driving, companionship, babysitting and other support. References available. — 07840 386470. PRIVATE years experience in the care sector. Companionship to nursing including dementia. NVQ 2, DBS, whatever your needs. Covid aware. — Please call 07484 834185. Carer 20
Local press three times more trusted than social media Local press three times more tru ted than social media Three quart rs of people (74%) trust the information they read in their local paper in print or online. Only 22% trust local news they read on social media platforms. Three quarters of people (74%) trust the information they read in their local paper in print or online. Only 22% trust local news they read on social media platforms.
FACILITIES TEAM MEMBER Required, to undertake tasks within the remit of the post, at the direction and under the supervision of the Facilities Manager. Such duties may relate to grounds and site maintenance including gardening, painting and decorating, routine building maintenance and hygiene related tasks. This is a full time (37 hours), 52 weeks permanent post (Salary Band B £18562 - £18877 FTE) starting as soon as possible. If you require further information please contact Mr Ian Walker, Facilities Manager, 01425 625435 or 07841 968591. Application forms are available online at or fromMrs VWoods, PA to the Headteacher at The Arnewood School, Closing date is Friday 6th November 2020 at 09.00. The Gryphon Trust follows best practice in recruiting staff in relation to safeguarding and is an equal opportunities employer.
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Local press in print and digital (74 per cent) is the most trusted source for local news and information, ahead of local commercial TV and local commercial radio (both 73 per cent), search engines (43 per cent), social media (22 per cent) and other websites (39 per cent). (YouGov 2018 commissioned by Local Media Works). Local press in print and digital (74 per cent) is the most trusted source for local news and information, ahead of local commercial TV and local commercial radio (both 73 per cent), search engines (43 per cent), social media (22 per cent) and other websites (39 per cent). (YouGov 2018 commissioned by Local Media Works).
To apply please email your CV to
Carers needed For small ‘Covid Free’ care home in Barton on Sea. Experienced and non experienced can apply as full training will be given. Flexible hours. Full or part-time. Contact 07803 294134 or 07901 557060
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The Advertiser & Times Ltd is proud to be the independent, locally- owned group which has served the communities of New Milton, Lymington, New Forest, and surrounding areas since 1928. Small classified advertisements 25p per word, min. £5.00. Box numbers £6.50 incl. postage per week. Classified adverts can be placed by telephone, email or in person. A booking fee of £3.50 is charged on each classified advertisement not prepaid. Boxed Family Announcements with a picture, from £22.50 inc VAT by 12 noon WEDNESDAY. Display advertising: Front page £4.75 (exc.) per single column cm, inside pages £2.75 scc (min. 3 cm), classified pages £3.75 scc (min. 3 cm). Situations Vacant £6.00 scc. Public Notices £9.00 scc. Ex-V.A.T.
31-33 Compton Road, New Milton, Hants BH25 6EQ 01425 613384 •
LATEST TIMES: Boxed Classified 3pm Tuesday Linage advertisements 10.30am Wednesday Family Announcements 12 noon Wednesday Death Notices 5pm Wednesday
CLASSIFIED LATEST TIMES change at Bank Holidays and Christmas Published by the Advertiser & Times Ltd, 31-33 Compton Road, New Milton, Hants BH25 6EQ. Tel: 613384. Directors: C. E. Curry, C. Z. M. Woodford and M. N. Gregory.
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