New Milton Advertiser 1st Jan 2021
12 · Friday 1st January 2021 · · 01425 613384
Council objects to housing plan over affordability
Applications THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest Dis- trict Council during the week ending Friday 25th December 2020: Damerham Porch, rooflight windows (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 62 West Park Lane, Mr England. Rear sin - gle-storey extension (to replace existing conservatory) (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Crystal Springs, The Common, South End, Mr and Mrs Roberts. Rear extension and dormer windows in associa - tion with new first floor, 62 West Park Lane, Mr England. Fawley Single-storey rear extension extending out by 4.5m with flat roof with sky lantern, covert the loft space into a bedroom with full width dormer and rooflights, 3 Valley Close, Blackfield. Sin - gle-storey rear extension, fenes - tration alterations, replacement detached garage, Hazeldene, 9 Newlands Copse, Blackfield, Mr Burbidge. Annexe, 10 Lang - ley Lodge Gardens, Langley, Mr Buckland-White and Ms Stott. Fordingbridge Change of use of disused café to create three dwellings, Units 2 and 3 Roman Quay, High Street, Tygwin Ltd. Rear conservatory, (Plot 85), 171 Augustus Avenue, Mr and Mrs North. Hordle Single-storey addition, bay windows, Studio House, 12 Yeovilton Close, Everton, Mr Swann. Single-storey exten - sions, 219 Everton Road, Mr and Mrs Davies. Hythe and Dibden Use as Micro Pub (sui gener - is), Unit 5 The Marsh, Pylewell Road, The Dusty Barrell Ltd. Lymington and Pennington Acoustic fence with associat - ed planting, to part of the south - ern and western boundaries, All Saints Church, All Saints Road, St Thomas with All Saints Lym - ington. Acoustic fence to part of the southern and western boundaries (application for list - ed building consent), All Saints Church, All Saints Road, St Thomas with All Saints Lyming - ton. Single-storey rear and side extension following demolition of greenhouse with associat - ed works, 4 Russett Close, Mr and Mrs Mead. Replace exist - ing workshop flat roof with new pitched roof, new grey cement Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest National Park Authority during the week ending Friday 25th December 2020: Ashurst and Colbury Two two-storey extensions, porch, outbuilding, alterations to doors, window and roof, dem - olition of existing outbuilding, 16 Woodlands Road. Beaulieu First floor extensions and bal - cony, single-storey ground floor extension, replacement porch, alterations to doors, windows, roof and chimneys, Otterwood Gate, Summer Lane. Boldre Outbuilding, demolition of existing outbuilding (amend - ed plans), Passford Farm Cot - tage, Southampton Road. Out - building, demolition of existing outbuilding, Oaklands, Lower Sandy Down Lane. New drain - age system in curtilage, relo - cation of existing garden shed, Portmore Cottage, Warborne Lane, Portmore. Bransgore Replacement dwelling, God - wins House, Waterditch Road. Brockenhurst Single-storey dwelling with attached carport, Land at High - wood Road. Denny Lodge First floor extensions and bal - cony, single-storey ground floor extension, replacement porch, alterations to doors, windows, roof and chimneys, Otterwood Gate, Summer Lane, Beaulieu. East Boldre Application to vary condi - Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christchurch were submit- ted to BCP Council during the week ending 25th December 2020 Demolish existing conser - vatory and erect single storey front & rear extensions, 9C, Grove Road East. Demolition of existing com - mercial unit to side/rear of ex - isting property, construction of single storey side and 2 storey rear extension with full refur - bishment of existing property, construction of garage to the rear and formation of 2 x park - ing spaces via existing access, 13 Wick Lane.
Mrs Simpson. Proposed sin - gle-storey extension, 101 East - field Lane, Mr and Mrs Duncan. Totton and Eling Roof alterations and roof - lights in association with new first floor, single-storey rear ex - tension, 120 Testwood Lane, Mr and Mrs Lightfoot. Two-storey extension, 4 Bronte Close, Mrs Bennett. First-storey rear ex - tension and single-storey wrap round extension, 54 Fishers Road, Eling, Mr and Mrs Hous - ley. Two-storey side extension, 17 Hyde Close, Mr and Mrs Tay - lor. Roof alterations and dor - mers in association with new first floor, single-storey rear ex - tension, 30 Hamtun Crescent, Mr Bannister. Front porch, 15 Daniels Walk, Calmore, Mr Nor - ris. Proposed ground floor rear extension and roof alterations / loft conversion, replacement of all windows and doors with new double glazing, 106 Stannington Crescent, Mr Lockitt. WAS LAWFUL Hordle Single-storey rear extension, rooms in roof with dormer win - dow, installation of rooflights (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 4 Woodcock Lane, Mr Wills. Milford-on-Sea Single-storey side extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Fig Tree House, 3 Sharvells Road, Mr and Mrs Harding. PRIOR APPROVAL NOT Single-storey rear extension (prior approval not required), 3 Copse Avenue, Mr Sellors. REFUSED Lymington and Pennington Two-storey rear extension to existing dwelling, 55 North Street, Pennington, Ms Phillips. New Milton Rear / side extension with at - tached garage, roof extension to form first floor, remove de - tached garage, remove chim - ney, 6 Dawkins Way, Mr and Mrs Sugden and Herridge. De - tached bungalow built in mate - rials to match 1 Duncan Road, associated parking, Land of 1 Duncan Road, Ashley, Mr Rees. Dwelling, garage, Land adjacent Willow Nook, Parkers Close, Mr Parker. Single-storey replace - ment garage to side of dwelling, 3 College Road, Dr Karkera. Erection of timber frame garage and home office, relocation of vehicular crossover, Mr and Mrs Turville. REQUIRED New Milton posed wood cladding and two additional windows to replace two sets of garage doors and use of storage room above to facili - tate additional habitable ancil - lary accommodation, Mulberry House, Bucklers Hard Road. Boldre Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro - posed carport and porch, Ley - land, Undershore. Brockenhurst Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro - posed siting of a mobile home for use as residential annexe ancillary to the main dwelling, Manor Farm, Wittensford Lane, Cadnam. Milford-on-Sea Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro - posed single-storey rear exten - sion, loft conversion including rooflight, Broadoak, Lymore Lane, Keyhaven. REFUSED Sway 2m high close boarded front boundary fence, Field House, Arnewood Bridge Road. Riding arena, horse walker, landscap - ing, alterations to stables and barn doors and eight new win - dows, cladding, rain water stor - age tanks, mound, new wetland habitat, replacement gate and fencing, associated landscaping, Eastwoods, Pitmore Lane. WITHDRAWN Exbury and Lepe Wildlife pond, bund, associat - ed planting, Summer Cottage, Summer Lane. Lyndhurst Replacement storage building (demolition of existing), Weav - ers Cottage, Emery Down. Raise and extend roof for ad - ditional first floor accommoda - tion, 20 Raven Way. LAWFUL Increase porch size. Replace existing glass and upvc porch with an insulated timber struc - ture, extending part of it for - ward by 700mm, 50 Portfield Road. The use of a mobile home for residential occupation, 44 Tall Trees Park, 7 Matchams Lane, Hurn. Hip to gable roof alterations, addition of rear dormer and in - stallation of roof lights to facil - itate loft conversion, Sunnyside 5 Highcliffe Road. SPLIT DECISION Single storey rear extension and front pitched roof porch, 25 Chewton Common Road.
mission is not required for pro - posal), 2 Bury Farm Cottages, Bury Road, Adam Barker-Mill Bury Farm Settlement Trust. Roof alterations to the rear, 9 Hamtun Crescent, Mr Rideout. Single-storey side extension and rear extension, 27 Itchin Close, Mr and Mrs Stockbridge. Demolish garage and replace with single-storey side exten - sion, 34 Amey Gardens, Mr and Mrs Stevens. Decisions Single-storey rear extension, Arden Cottage, Poplar Lane, Mr Marlow. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Amendment to size and height of approved outbuild - ing under application 18/11340 and additional verandah, new timber pergola (retrospective), Thatched Eaves, Salisbury Road, Ibsley, Mr Theobold. Erection of new two-metre high gates to create a new ac - cess to facilitate continued open storage use, Land at Hardley Industrial Estate, Hardley, New Forest District Council. Fordingbridge Single-storey rear extension and new windows to side eleva - tion, 14B Victoria road, Mr and Mrs Scorey-Ward. Hordle Rear extension to kitchen / lounge, loft conversion to form two bedrooms and bathroom, related internal alterations, 15 Greenmead Avenue, Everton, Mr Broomfield. Outbuilding, lean-to store, Heatherleigh, Everton Road, Mr Rook. Hythe and Dibden Ground floor extension to form new porch, 10 Langdown Road, Mr Burrows. Fence and access gates, Land at Haynes Way, Dibden Pur - lieu, Hythe and Dibden Parish Council. Two-storey side ex - tension, 27 Dukeswood Drive, Dibden Purlieu, Ms Hannaford. Single-storey in-fill extension, 3 Boundstone, Mr Leaver. Lymington and Pennington Replace double garage door with a like-for-like replacement, adding four small areas of glaz - ing high up on the door, replace semi-circular side window inside the access tunnel to the rear of the building with a circular win - dow of exactly the same diam - eter, 5 Britannia Place, Station Street, Mr Hurst. Variation of condition 2 of planning permis - sion 20/10376 to allow amend - GRANTED Brangsgore hatches (application for list - ed building consent), The Priory Hospital, Marchwood Park. Minstead Replace existing black cedar cladding with natural western red cedar cladding, Minstead Hall, Lyndhurst Road. Out - building, Broadwood, Church Lane. Sway Greenhouse, Stafford Cot - tage, South Sway Lane. Decisions GRANTED Boldre Single-storey extensions, al - terations to doors and windows (demolition of conservatory), Pippin Cottage, Warborne Lane, Portmore. Brockenhurst External alterations and roof alterations to existing garage, replacement shed, 11 The Cop - pice. Copythorne Stable store in place of tem - porary shipping container, Cad - nam Green yard, Cadnam Lane, Cadnam. Outbuilding (demo - lition of existing outbuilding), Pine Ridge, Winsor Road, Win - sor. Landford Insertion of five rooflights and bi-fold doors, Forest View, Whitehorn Drive. Lyndhurst Single-storey extension, at - tached carport and garden store, alterations to doors and windows, front porch, terrace, driveway alterations, Magnolias, Elcombes Close.
fibre weather board cladding to new walls, Keystone Cot - tage, 16 Middle Road, Mr Owen. Single-storey front, side and rear extensions, repositioning of the front door, new pitched roof to existing rear extension, new shed / outbuilding, 1 Lawn Road, Pennington, Mr and Mrs Chadwick. Marchwood Proposed extensions (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 2 Bury Farm Cot - tages, Bury Road, Adam Bark - er-Mill Bury Farm Settlement Trust. Martin Convert redundant agricul - tural buildings into two holiday units, bay windows, pergolas, demolish existing polytunnel, Maple Field Farm, Martin Road, Mr and Mrs Snelgar. Milford-on-Sea Replace existing beach hut with like for like replacement, ex - isting decking to remain, Beach Hut 78, Hordle Cliff. Rebuilding part of garage block and retain - ing wall, 8-16 Holly Gardens Garages, Holly Gardens Garage Project. Replacement beach hut, solar panels and decking, Beach Hut 167, Cliff Road, Mr and Mrs Coomber. Two-storey side extension, demolition of ex - isting garage, Charters, Kitwalls Lane, Mr Andrews. New Milton Single-storey rear extension, 6 Haysoms Close, Mr Denham. Roof alterations to include rais - ing of ridge line in association with new first floor, single-storey rear extension, Onibury, 7 New Road, Hillier. Rear single-storey extension to kitchen, 18 Cloughs Road, Nethersole. Rockbourne Single-storey rear extension, pitched roof over garage con - taining owners’ studio, Silleys Field, Mr and Mrs Smith. Sopley Two-storey rear extension, porch, fenestration alteration, Fernhills, Mr Bryant. To erect a self-build three bedroom chalet bungalow in a farmhouse style, Land adjacent to Hill View, Ringwood Road, Mr and Mrs Cook. Totton and Eling Single-storey side extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 300 Salisbury road, Eco Homes For You Lim - ited. Single-storey rear and side extension (amendment to ap - proved application 20/10668), 1 Huntingdon Close, Mr Phillips. Proposed extensions (lawful de - velopment certificate that per - tion 4 of planning permission 20/00207 for detached garage, demolition of existing detached garage to allow alternative materials, Summerfield, Main Road. Godshill Application to remove con - dition of planning permission RFR.7675 for use of dwelling only in connection with the use of the land coloured red on the plan as a horticultural holding, Hartwell, Newgrounds. Hyde Continued siting of temporary communications base station consisting of one temporary mobicell trailer mounted cabin with integral 15mhighmast sup - porting three antennas and one 600mm dish all within 2m high temporary security fence and development ancillary thereto for a further three months, Land opposite Ashley View Farm (off Gorley Lynch). Landford Repairs and refurbishment of windows, replacement like- for-like windows as required, manor Farm, Lyburn Road, Hamptworth. Lymington and Pennington Outbuilding, demolition of existing outbuilding (amended plans), Passford Farm Cottage, Southampton Road, Boldre. Lyndhurst Installation of one external - ly illuminated fascia sign, one non-illuminated fascia panel, one externally illuminated pro - jecting sign (application for advertisement consent), Retail Unit, 43-47 High Street. Marchwood Replacement of fall ar - rest system with fall restraint installation, new roof access Demolish existing buildings and erect 3 shops (class A1) flexible commercial unit (Use Classes A1, A2 and A3 units ) 4 x 3 bed houses, 4 x 3 bed flats, 17 x 2 bed flats and 7 x 1 bed flats with associated park - ing, bicycle and refuse storage (amended description) – vari - ation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of App. 8/17/1254/FUL to – revise parking layout to in - clude 8 tandem spaces (36 total spaces) and erect a clock to the site frontage, 261 Lymington Road. Single storey rear extension, 3 Forest close. Two storey and single storey front, side and rear extension, 13 Seafield Road. Proposed rear dormer, 3 For - est Close.
ments to approved rear exten - sion and new roof (amended plan numbers: SL.01, EP.01 REV A, EE.01, PE.01 REV A, PE.02 REV C, PO.01 and PP.01), 18 Cowley Road, Pennington, Mr and Mrs Layman. Fit secondary double glazing to second floor front window and first floor rear window (application for listed building consent), 16 Captains Row, Mrs Potter. Completion bay window to front, 94 Queen Katherine Road, Mr and Mrs Hold. Proposed single-storey rear extension, Amberwood, 91 Milford Road, Pennington, Mr Kindred. Ground floor rear ex - tension, first floor front exten - sion, second floor / roof exten - sion, 51 Paddock Gardens, Mr Hinson. Demolition of existing rear single-storey extension, construction of new single-sto - rey extension and internal re - modelling, associated landscap - ing, 38 and 40 Ambleside Road, New Forest District Council. Martin Two-storey extension to add upstairs bathroom and recon - figure kitchen, Broad Lane Cot - tage, Broad Lane, Mr H. Phillips. Milford-on-Sea Change of use of first floor to two residential units, addition to roof to provide a further residen - tial unit, associated external al - terations, Marine House, Hurst Road, The Marine. Two-storey side and rear wrap around ex - tension, addition of rooflight, remove pre-fab garage, 24 Car - rington Lane, Mr and Mrs Win - ship. New Milton Use of two barns as two dwellings, associated external alterations, Hoopers Hill Farm, Lymington Road, Longdown Management Ltd. Double-sto - rey extension to side and rear, 87 High Ridge Crescent, Ashley, Mr and Mrs Flyn. Single-sto - rey rear extension, fenestration alterations, cladding, 24 Cliffe Road, Barton-on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Johnson. Single-storey rear extension, single-storey side ex - tension, front porch, rear sky - light, 91 Barton Court Avenue, Barton-on-Sea, Bespoke Flaire Ltd. Ringwood Variation of conditions 2, 3, 6 of planning permission 19/10507 to allow amended landscaping details and window details, 36A Southampton Road, Mrs Webb. First floor side extension and single-storey rear extension, 28 The Mount, Poulner, Mrs Bill - ington. Single-storey rear ex - tension, 2 Croft Road, Poulner, Steer. Single-storey rear exten - sion, 16A Wessex Road, Mr and Redlynch Roof alterations, three dor - mers and one rooflight to facil - itate first floor habitable floor - space, porch, alteration to front door, one new window, demoli - tion of chimney, Spring Cottage, The Row. Ringwood Single-storey office building (use class E), one additional parking space, Hedge House, Hangersley Hill, Forest Corner, Hangersley. Sway Single-storey side extension, one additional window, St Ju - lian, St James Road. Woodgreen Replacement of timber clad - ding and repairs to brick work (application for listed building consent), The White Cottage, Woodgreen Common Road. EIA NOT REQUIRED Fawley Request for a screening opin - ion under 6 (2) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmen - tal Impact Assessment) Regu - lations 2017 for temporary open storage of wind turbine blades (class B8) until 31st Decem - ber 2022), Land forming part of Fawley Quarry, Land adjacent B3035. LAWFUL Sway Application for a certificate of lawful development for exist - ing use of dwelling in breach of condition 4, agricultural occu - pancy, of planning permission NFR/15422/2, Fyre Stychen, Mount Pleasant Lane. PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT Beaulieu Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro - 7 Avenue Road. Side and rear extensions, raise and extend roof for a loft conversion to provide first floor accommodation, 103 Grove Road. Single storey side extension, front porch and alterations, 142 Lymington Road. Roof extension, 22 Terrington Avenue. Single storey flat roof rear extension, 102 Smugglers Lane North. First floor rear extension, 40 Hynesbury Road. Proposed single storey front extension over existing foot - print, two-storey side exten - sion and extension of existing first floor balcony with new side stair access, 1 Inveravon. Ground floor rear extension,
NEW Milton town councillors are objecting to a 16-home pro - posal on a greenbelt site over the developer’s refusal to pro - vide 100% affordable housing. The town council’s planning committee registered its oppo - sition to the proposal for land south-east of Spring Lane in Becton, which was put forward by AJC Homes, the affordable housing element of Poole-based AJ Developments. Outline planning permission is being sought from New For - est District Council to build 10 three-bedroom and six two-bedroom properties with parking. Five of them needed to be market housing to enable grant funding, said AJC Homes. However, New Milton’s recent online committee meeting ar - gued that the mix went against NFDC planning policy on rural housing exception sites, where policy can be waived to secure much-needed housing. Four members of the public also spoke out against it, in - cluding New Milton Residents’ Association representative Mr Hull, who is fromBob Hull Plan - ning. NFDC has also received 38 objections. Speaking to the A&T after the meeting, committee chair Cllr Steve Clarke said the town council expected to see 100% affordable provision in a rural exception site development. “If a site came forward that
was 100% affordable, it would always make us look to see if we thought it can work,” he ex - plained. “In this case, they haven’t come up with anything we can see that would make that work.” Other factors which led to the objection included con - cerns over the potential impact on ecology, fears of heightened traffic and lack of parking, and flood risks due to drainage is - sues. AJC Homes’ application said: “The shortfall in the number of affordable homes in NewMilton and the wider district can only be addressed through the deliv - ery of supplemental sites that provide affordable housing. “A rural exception site at Spring Lane/Glen Spey, New Milton, would therefore meet an identified need of local peo - ple for affordable housing which cannot be provided in any other way.” It added that the “high qual - ity design” of the properties would partly reflect the Arts and Crafts style found in the surrounding area. Consultation for the proposal ended last Tuesday, and NFDC is due to make a decision by 11th February. Even if the outline scheme is approved, details would have to get the go-ahead in a further applica - tion before construction could begin.
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Decisions GRANTED
Remove existing conserva - tories, extend property to rear, raise and extend roof to form accommodation in roofspace, 14 Whitehayes Close. Demolish summer house and erect 1 no. 2-bed bungalow with parking to rear with access from Mallory Close, 112 Hunt Road. Proposed single storey side extension, 6 Sandown road. Erect single and two storey rear and side extensions, ex - tend roof to incorporate addi - tional first floor accommoda - tion with dormers to front and rear, 43 Wickfield Avenue. Single storey rear extension,
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