New Milton Advertiser 1st Jan 2021
Friday 1st January 2021 · 3 · · 01425 613384
Platinum pair made a splash on big day
Drink-driver given roads ban A CHRISTCHURCH man who was more than one-and- a-half times the drink-drive limit has been banned from the roads for 16 months. James Royle (47), of St Mary’s Close, pleaded guilty to the offence, which took place on 11th July. South- ampton magistrates ordered him to pay a fine of £80 and costs of £234. TURNING a disused Ford- ingbridge cafe into three self-contained flats would create a better blend for the High Street, a developer has claimed. Tygwin Ltd wants to turn units 2 and 3 at Roman Quay into three single-room, affordable studio flats. It follows successive lease- holders failing to operate the commercial units there profitably, which are within a shopping arcade. The final decision will be made by New Forest District Council and comments can be submitted until 21st January. Flats plan for disused cafe A REFUSE lorry driver from Christchurch was arrested following a two-vehicle col- lision which left a motorist badly hurt. The incident between the lorry and a Peugeot 2008 took place on the A35 near Bere Regis shortly before 8am on Monday 21st Decem- ber. A Bridport woman in her 50s, who had been driving the Peugeot, was taken to Southampton General Hos- pital with serious injuries. The uninjured lorry driver, a man in his 50s, was detained on suspicion of driving offences before being released under investigation. Lorry driver crash arrest
BenjaminMoore ®
Couple have unique memento after being front-page news
A COUPLE celebrating their platinum wedding anniversary have a unique souvenir of their wedding day – a printing plate which created the front-page report of their marriage in the Advertiser and Times 70 years ago. David Saltaire worked for the newspaper at the time and the then-owner, Charles Curry, took photos of the couple’s wedding on Boxing Day. As a printer, David made up the plate himself so that a pho- to and write-up about his union to Patricia could be made. He said: “I still have it and it is certainly an unusual souvenir to have, while also a lovely one.” The couple – who are now both 91 – married in 1950 at New Milton parish church fol- lowed by a reception which was catered for by the town’s then famous Dorothy’s Café. David met Patricia when they were both just 17 through their shared love of old-time danc- ing. They used to attend danc- es held in village halls in the area. He said: “I saw her and that was it, really. We got married at the age of 21 and by then I had started working as an appren- tice printer at the A&T. Charles kindly offered to take the wed- ding pictures. “We then went on honeymoon to Somerset and when I came back I asked him where the photos were. He told me they were hanging up in the dark room but when I went there, I found most of them had been burnt to a crisp. “So, we have very few pics of our wedding although we were very proud to have been fea- tured on the front page.” The couple settled down to married life in Bashley where they had son Stephen before moving to Highcliffe where sec- COUNCIL tax in Lymington and Pennington is set to in- crease after councillors re- vealed how badly the town’s finances had been hit by the pandemic. Its share of the overall bill will grow by 2.01% to £110.14 – adding £2.17 for a Band D property in 2021/22. At the finance-setting meet - ing councillors were told it had been “especially difficult” to formulate a budget as it was almost impossible to predict what the council’s rev- enue would be in the coming year. The market and sea water swimming baths had both been badly hit by the lockdown, leading to a sharp decrease in the amount of money both normally bring into the coun- cil. Cllr Andy Ash-Vie argued the council tax rise should be more, saying “we should be doing our bit” to help with the massive national debt run up by government during the Cov- id-19 crisis. He said the increase was “a very small percentage of the
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David and Patricia Saltaire were married on Boxing Day 70 years ago
ond son Andrew was born three years later. David took a brief break from the A&T when he did his na- tional service in the RAF. But after returning, he stayed for 50 years before retiring in 1998. Patricia worked as cashier for the butcher’s in Fernhill Road, New Milton, before also coming to work at the A&T. She was employed as a proof-reader and some evenings as a reporter, mainly covering
council meetings. She said: “It suited family life with bringing up our sons. We both enjoyed working for the paper.” Ten years ago, a report of the couple’s diamond anniver- sary appeared in the A&T and now the couple are back in the newspaper’s pages marking their remarkable milestone. David said they had been hoping to have a family get-to- gether to celebrate but this will be confined to an online Zoom
gathering, thanks to the pan- demic. He puts their long, happy life together as “sort of working it out together”, adding: “These days married couples seem to be lucky to make it to four or five years. “One thing I think helped is up until I had to give up after suffering ill health, Pad- dy let me go to the pub every evening throughout our life to- gether.”
07779 118874 31 Sweyns Lease, East Boldre, SO42 7WQ •
01425 613384
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Town council tax hike after Covid hits finances
erage band D household in the New Forest is just over £1,836, made up of demands from par- ish, district and county coun- cils, plus the police and fire services. Cllr Ash-Vie said: “We should be doing our tiny little bit to reverse the direction of this massive deficit, doing our tiny bit to reform the tax burden. This is a step in the wrong di- rection. What we have is a con- tinuation of the status quo. I don’t think I can support it, with regret.” Cllr Alan Penson pointed out the uncertainty was almost certain to continue next year, adding: “We suffered quite bad- ly due to the pandemic. We are not sure about incomes we will receive in the future. “We will have to see how things will pan out, if they will improve, or as we forecast in the budget.” Cllr Andrew Gossage felt that as spending was “depend- ent very much on what income we receive through the year” it should be reviewed in a few months, which councillors agreed to do.
53 G
overall taxpayers’ bill” and “it really is a pittance in the scheme of things”. The current combined coun- cil tax bill for 2020/21 for the av- Lymington market has been hit badly by lockdowns
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