New Milton Advertiser 1st Jan 2021

Friday 1st January 2021 · 5 · · 01425 613384


Bid for more homes behind listed pub


£200 fine over cocaine find A MAN caught in possession of cocaine was ordered to pay more than £200 when he appeared before magistrates. Stacey Tutt (48) admit- ted having 12g of the class A drug at his home ad- dress in Avon Road West, Christchurch, on 26th Sep- tember. As well as fining Tutt £120, the Poole Bench told him to pay £119 in court costs. A ‘forfeiture for destruction’ order was also made for the cocaine. Wreaths donated after grave thefts A KIND-HEARTED good Samaritan donated flower wreaths to replace two which were stolen from graves in Milford. Brenda Coombs praised the “lovely gesture” shown by a lady who had seen her Facebook post about the theft from the graves of her boyfriend and his grand- mother outside All Saints’ Church. Referring to the offences, discovered by her father on Saturday 19th December, Lymington resident Bren- da said: “It’s hard enough coping with loss, without someone coming and taking things from their graves.” Pupil honoured for care work A HYTHE pupil was hon- oured with a Rotary award for her incredible care of her late grandfather who was suffering from Alzheimer’s. Matilda Cranston, a Year 11 Applemore College student, was given £100 by Hythe and Waterside Rotary Club, which wanted to celebrate pupils who had demonstrated “outstanding personal commitment”. Matilda was said by her school to have shown “remarkable patience and understanding”, even playing music to her grandad outside his nursing home. She donated her prize money to the Alzheimer’s Society.

New plan seeks to add another property to controversial scheme


NEW plans have been submit- ted to build more homes on land behind a Grade II listed pub in Milford. The brownfield site behind The White Horse in Keyhaven Road was approved by New Forest District Council for three four-bed homes in De- cember last year after Bayview Developments revised a previ- ous application which was re- fused for being “cramped and unneighbourly”. But a fresh scheme now seeks permission to build four homes, replacing one four-bed dwelling in the previous design with two three-bed properties. The new application stat- ed that despite the increase in number of homes “for the most part” the plans would see “no material change”. The previously refused devel- opment was also for four homes, but this was reduced – along with a reduction in hardstand- ing, increased space around the buildings and more greenery around the site – which led to the plans’ subsequent approval. The scheme includes parking A HORDLE police officer continued to be paid for two months after he pleaded guilty in court to killing his lover, it has emerged. Dorset Police has defend- ed itself, saying rules meant it had to keep giving Timothy Brehmer (41) a wage and it had fast-tracked a disciplinary hearing the moment the Wood- cock Lane resident admitted a charge of manslaughter. “As set out by The Police (Con- duct) Regulations 2020 and the Police Reform Act 2002, pay can only be stopped once an officer is formally dismissed,” a Dorset Police spokesperson said. “As soon as Timothy Brehmer entered his guilty plea at court, fast-track misconduct proceed- ings were commenced and a hearing was held at the first available opportunity, which resulted in him being dismissed as soon as was practical.” No minutes were taken of that disciplinary hearing in HAMPSHIRE County Council has promised “wherever pos- sible” to use stronger, more expensive fencing to keep live- stock off main roads in the New Forest. Cllr Rob Humby, HCC’s cab- inet member for economy, transport and environment, made the pledge after concerns were raised with the verder- ers by commoners warning of potential “carnage” if animals got through weakpoints onto 60mph routes. Cllr Humby, who is also dep- uty leader, told the A&T: “We are aware of the importance of robust, stock-proof fencing

Plans for three homes have already been approved behind the Grade II listed White Horse in Milford

the principle of the develop- ment in granting the last ap- plication and “thus that matter does not need to be considered again”. A response from NFDC waste management, however, said the plans “may not be suita- ble for our collection vehicles” and would “reserve the right to comment again” when more in- formation was available. The previous, approved ap- plication prompted nine letters sidered,” a summary of the Dor- set Police hearing stated. As reported in the A&T, fa- ther-of-one Brehmer was jailed earlier this year following a high-profile trial at Salisbury Crown Court over the death of Claire Parry (41), a nurse and mother-of-two, at the Horns Inn pub in Parley, near Christ- church, on 9th May. Brehmer was cleared by a jury of murder but admitted a charge of manslaughter. He was jailed for 10-and-a-half-years. The trial heard Mrs Parry had been having an affair with Bre- hmer for 10 years but had asked they meet as she was upset hav- ing discovered his affairs with other women. The sentence has been chal- lenged by Brehmer, who wants it shortened, and the Attorney General, who argues it should be increased. The Court of Ap- peal will determine the two ap- plications sometime in 2021, it confirmed to the A&T. As reported in the A&T, exist- ing post-and-wire barriers were criticised as not strong enough in a November presentment to the verderers by Tony Vander- hoek, from the Commoners’ De- fence Association committee. He highlighted fences beside the A337, A35 and A326 and claimed some repairs by HCC highway teams have not been up to standard. He called for wider use of post-and-rail type wooden barriers complete with wire stock-netting. The verderers noted that post-and-rail fencing was “con- siderably more expensive” than the post-and-wire alternative.

Mail delayed by Covid infections A decision by NFDC is ex- pected by the end of January after the deadline for public comments on 8th January. CHRISTMAS mail in Ringwood was hit with delays after two Royal Mail staff tested positive for coronavirus at the town’s sorting office. A number of their colleagues were forced to self-isolate and the Headlands Business Park base given an “intensive clean”. A Royal Mail spokesperson said: “Two colleagues have test- ed positive for coronavirus at Ringwood delivery office. We wish them a speedy recovery. “A number of members of staff are self-isolating through the Test and Trace service.” The spokesperson stressed Royal Mail took the health and safety of its workers and cus- tomers “very seriously” and had put in a “range of preventive measures” during the pandemic. of objection from local resi- dents and was also opposed by Milford Parish Council. A nearby resident claimed her neighbours were unhap- py with the “ill thought-out over-developed scheme” partic- ularly with the proposed loca- tion of plot one which was close to the boundary.

for 10 vehicles, landscaping and access from Keyhaven Road. As reported in the A&T, the homes would be constructed of timber with tin roofs to give the appearance of contemporary agricultural buildings. The application recognised potential issues such as the impact on the character of the area, noise, highways and exist- ing trees. However, it added that the council had taken no issue with

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Timothy Brehmer

mid-September, at which Breh- mer was sacked from the force for gross misconduct. “Despite an unblemished ser- vice record and a high degree of remorse shown by the officer, public confidence would be significantly undermined if any sanction other than dismissal without notice were to be con-

advertising feature for your business.

Promise over stronger roads fencing

beside main roads across the New Forest and this year we have embarked on a phased programme to repair or replace damaged sections. “A survey has been carried out of all Hampshire County Council-owned fencing across the New Forest perambulation and, working closely with the verderers, funding has been pri- oritised to deal with the worst sections. “Though Highway budgets are under significant pressure, I can confirm that the county council will consider using post and rail fencing wherever possi- ble, and practical.”


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