New Milton Advertiser 20th Nov 2020

Friday 20th November 2020 · 3 · · 01425 613384


Nurses take on chilly Channel challenge

Man admits attacking woman A HOLBURY man was ordered to do 100 hours’ unpaid work and pay £200 compensation to a woman he pleaded guilty to attacking. Matthew Minihan (31), of Springfield Road, assaulted the victim by beating on 9th July and admitted doing £30 damage to her car indicator. Sitting at Southampton Magistrates’ Court, District Judge Peter Greenfield told Minihan also to pay £180 court costs. Local Poundland in charity top 10 BARGAIN hunters helped Lymington’s Poundland store get into the top 10 branches which raised the most cash for children’s charities. The discount chain is supporting Make-A-Wish UK, which grants wishes for seriously ill youngsters, Tommy’s, which funds vital research into miscarriages; and Whizz Kidz, which sup- ports disabled children. Lymington’s High Street branch came in at number five, having raised nearly £6,080. During the past three years a total of £3.7m has been raised nationally. were “proud to be part of this fantastic initiative, and rep- resents a great way to help people out of poverty”. AROUND £1,500 has been raised by Fordingbridge Rotary Club for the Lend With Care charity that helps coordinate investments in start-up companies in poor countries. The money was part of a national effort worth £1m by Rotarians around the UK. Local club spokesman John Crossman said members Rotary club’s charity cash


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Pair raising funds for ill patients’ virtual day centre


TWO nurses are braving the cold with a sea swim equivalent to crossing the English Channel to raise funds for a virtual day centre for terminally ill patients during lockdown. Clinical nurse specialist Ra- chel Easton and staff nurse Hol- ly Warren support people with life-limiting conditions at the Macmillan Unit Palliative Day Centre in Christchurch. However, the centre is cur- rently closed and many of its clients are shielding at home, with little outside contact. The pair set themselves the challenge of swimming a total of 34km – the closest distance between England and France – to fundraise for Macmillan Caring Locally charity, which has helped them set up online services for their patients. Since 19th October, Rachel and Holly have been swim- ming a kilometre every day bet- ween Boscombe and Bourne- mouth piers, enduring rough seas. “We are actively adapting our service so that patients can still get together from their homes FAMILIES could soon be able to read about the traditional Christmas story while stretch- ing their legs on a proposed Covid-secure Nativity trail in New Milton. Members at a recent online full meeting of the town coun- cil welcomed a proposal by Liz Bastable, children and family worker at Gore Road’s New Life Church, for the recreation ground to host the contactless attraction. In a letter to the council, Ms Bastable said the idea was to provide a fun festive activity for parents and youngsters who have missed out on many other events this year due to the pan- demic. She thought the green off Whitefield Road and Old Milton Road was an ideal location, and explained how visitors would follow a short route marked out by seven signs. Illustrated with images of characters from the nativity story, each would include a QR code to be scanned by smart- phones to unlock a page of fun activities and questions. The trail would be aimed at the whole community, as well as families from the New THE road running underneath Holmsley rail bridge will be temporarily closed for an in- spection ahead of major engi- neering work to replace the A35 crossing. The C10 Station Road, near Burley, will be shut during off-peak hours on Wednesday 25th November as Hampshire County Council carries out the work. The footpath and bridle- way under the bridge will


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Rachel Easton (left) and Holly Warren are swimming a kilometre a day

using video conferencing,” said Holly (37). “This week we provided our first three online sessions in - volving yoga and quizzes and our clients were so grateful for the chance to interact with us and others. “We also hope to employ a range of therapists to widen the range of sessions we can pro- vide and also buy materials so people can take part in online practical sessions at home.” Rachel (43) said: “Holly and I both took part in the Mac-

millan White Christmas Dip at Boscombe last year, dressed as penguins, and really enjoyed it. “Obviously this is very dif- ferent to a one-off sea plunge. Each day for over a month we are getting changed on a beach, with numb fingers, sometimes in the rain and then swimming in the cold sea. “This week we have also had quite large waves to contend with, but there have been some high points, such as swimming under the stars. Thanks to the huge support we are getting –

115 county school fires in five years To sponsor Holly and Rachel, go to raising/rachel-holly-palliative- nurses FIREFIGHTERS tackled more than 100 blazes in schools across Hampshire during the last five years, with a fifth started delib - erately. The figures, obtained from the county’s fire service through a Freedom of Information re- quest, were released by insurer Zurich Municipal which is call- ing for sprinklers to be made compulsory in England’s insti- tutions. Foul play accounted for 23 of the 115 fires, with one Hamp - shire school sustaining signifi - cant damage. and a great deal of hot tea – we are actually enjoying it.” Neal Williams, trust secretary of Macmillan Caring Locally, said: “Rachel and Holly are out- standing medical professionals who provide a lifeline for their patients. “The fact that they are also willing to jump into the freezing sea to raise funds to support them is simply wonderful.”

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Plans for Covid-safe Nativity trail at town rec

01425 612594 to place an advertisement


The trail is suggested for New Milton recreation ground

Life Church and surrounding churches. “We have seen Covid-19 hit families hard this year, with very few activities on for chil- dren and families,” Ms Bastable wrote. “We think this trail would be a good, free and safe opportunity to spread a bit of Christmas joy as well as engage children and families with their community.”

Councillors agreed town clerk Graham Flexman should contact Ms Bastable to pursue the proposal. Cllr Geoffrey Blunden said: “I think this is a brilliant idea – as long as it ticks all the boxes on being Covid-safe, which it seems to do. “Anything which supports the community like that, I would welcome.”

Rail bridge road to shut for inspection

also be closed, with a signposted diversion route in place. Cllr Rob Humby, HCC’s cab- inet member for environment and transport, said the aim was to begin work on replacing the bridge in the next financial year. He said: “Until then, inspec- tions need to be carried out reg- ularly to monitor the existing bridge’s condition. “As with all on-site work, the engineers undertaking the work will take appropriate coronavi-

rus precautions and will adhere to government guidelines on so- cial distancing while they are on site. “We remind drivers to follow the diversion route and avoid cutting across minor roads, such as Holmsley Passage, be- cause any increase in two-way traffic on these minor roads will lead to damage to the verges which are part of the protect- ed environment of the national park.”













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