New Milton Advertiser 22nd Jan 2021
16 · Friday 22nd January 2021 · · 01425 613384
Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 15th January 2021: Breamore Removal of condition 7 of plan- ning permission 02/74096 to allow a change of use to use class B1(a) (b) and (c), The Old Railway Station, Woodgreen Road, Mr Currie. EllinghamHarbridge and Ibsley Dwelling house (lawful use cer- tificate for retaining an existing use or operation), Sunnyside, Merrilea Farm, Ibsley Drove, Ib- sley, Mr Rayner. Fawley External alterations includ - ing rebuilding part of roof from hip to gable to allow creation of one-bedroom flat at first floor, 151 Hampton Lane, Blackfield, Mr Kemmish. Fordingbridge Construction of a terrace to the rear of the property off of the first floor master bedroom, 65 Whits - bury Road, Mr Houliston. Dem- olition of existing outbuildings, erection of two detached dwell- ings with associated parking and landscaping (outline application with details only of access and scale), Land of Selwyn, Fryern Court Road, Burgate, Edgewa- ter Homes. Rebuild the roof tur- ret with weatherproof material due to it causing issues, 5 Syca- more Court, High Street, Sinclair Property Ltd. Proposed ancillary accommodation (lawful develop- ment certificate that permission is not required for proposal, Avon Lodge, Southampton Road, Cut- ler Associated. Hordle Side extensions, front and rear dormer, 8 Cedar Drive, Everton, Mr Thomas. Single-storey ex - tension forming enclosed porch to front elevation, single-storey extension to rear elevation, first floor extension to rear elevation built over existing single-storey extension and external cladding, 15 Firmount Close, Everton, Mr Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest National Park Authority during the week ending Friday 15th January 2021: Boldre Application under part 16 of the Town and Country Plan- ning (general permitted devel- opment) order in respect of the installation of a cabinet, East End 3 Cabinet, Site of Briarwood Cottage, Lymington Road, East End. Roof alterations, two-sto- rey outbuilding, solar panels, alterations to fenestration, two flues, render, cladding (amend -
Ringwood Erection of two-storey rear extension and detached garage / studio, alterations to existing front elevation dormer, instal- lation of additional dormer and alteration to dining room / porch roof, alteration to front elevation windows to sitting room, infilling side elevation windows to exist - ing ground floor store and bed - rooms one and two, re-roofing and general updating,111 High- town Road, Mr Hale. Totton and Eling Conversion of double garage / office to new residential dwell - ing, fenestration alteration to existing dwelling, 47 Barnsfield Crescent, Mr and Mrs Scammell. Single-storey rear extension, 28 Morpeth Avenue, Mr Bartlett. Whitsbury Extension onto the existing kitchen / dining area, Lushers Cottage, Fordingbridge Road, Mr Dominey. Decisions Hardstanding and access tracks (retrospective), Land at Greenbank and Sandhill Woods, Mr Brown. Single-storey rear extension, removal of exist - ing extension and outbuilding, Parvins Cottage, Lower Daggons Lane, South End, Mr Sims. Sin- gle-storey rear extension, new stairs to attic, re-open fireplace in sitting room (application for listed building consent), Parvins Cottage, Lower Daggons Lane, South End, Mr Simms. Fawley Detached garage, Nutmeg Cottage, Mopley, Langley, Mr and Mrs Harnett. Fordingbridge Shopfront alterations, disa- bled ramp access, Café One Hun- dred, Roundhill, Mr Clarke. Four detached chalet bunga- lows, garages and parking, as- sociated access (details of land- scaping development granted by outline permission 18/10838), Land off Mountfield, Driftstone GRANTED Damerham 20/00307 to allow minor materi- al amendment, Malwood Walk House, Stoney Cross Plain Road, Newtown. Single-storey exten - sion, South Lodge, Football Green. Netley Marsh Alterations of existing inter - nal access road and associated works, Carlton House, Ringwood Road, Woodlands. Sway Single-storey side and rear extension, roof alterations, flue, render, raised decking, demo- lition of existing conservatory, Pastures Mead, Brighton Road. Decisions GRANTED Beaulieu Application to vary condition 3 of planning permission 20/00575 for garden pavilion and plunge pool to allow minor material amendments, The Tukal, Dock Lane. Boldre Replacement garage, Hey- wood Close, Church Lane. Bransgore Carport, The Dell of Beckley, Beckley Road, Beckley. Burley Two-storey extension, roof extensions and alterations to facilitate additional habitable floorspace including new second floor, three dormers, porch, al - terations to fenestration, render, C3a) to canine physiotherapy clinic (use class Ee) (to incl. land to rear of 12 Hurn Rd), 14 Hurn Road. Proposed two bedroom bun- galow to the rear of existing property, with private garden, parking, turning and associ- ated garage, Land R/O 91 The Grove. Remodel, and addition of first floor to building at the rear of property, 6 Glenville Road. Extended rear dormer, 9 El - phinstone Road. Single-storey front and rear ex - tensions; 27 Imber Drive. Sever the land to the rear of Nos. 80 and 82, demolition of ex - isting property No. 84 and con- struction of 5 x 3 bed dwellings and 1 x 4 bed dwelling with asso - ciated access and parking; Land at 84 and to the rear of 80 and 82 Glenville Road. Change of use of agricultural building to arts and craft studios and workshops; Chewton Glen Farm, 9 Chewton Farm Road. New front porch and altera- tions to external materials and fenestration; 25 Chewton Com- mon Road. Demolish existing property and erect an apartment block consisting of 6x2 bedroom apart - ments, 2x3 bedroom apartments and 1x3 bedroom maisonette, parking and turning, bin and cy- cle storage; 171 Lymington Road, Christchurch. Rear/side single storey exten - sion, replacement of roof to cre- ate first floor accommodation, demolition of existing garage structure and erection of similar; 7 Wren Close. Single-storey rear extension, replace bay window on primary façade with French doors, in- crease opening of garage doors; The Cottage, 1A Bure Homage Lane. Non-material amendment to planning application: 8/20/0990/ HOU to amend roofline from ga - ble end to hipped roof; 1 Snow- drop Gardens.
and Mrs Poole.
Homes. Provision of a pre-fabri- cated building for use as a MOT testing station (within existing use class) on existing concrete base, Hythe Garage, Prospect Place, Mr Percy. Lymington and Pennington Replacement of sashes to two existing sash windows on the front elevation (application for listed building consent), 41 New Street, Mr Austin-Hunt. Two-storey side extension, porch, formation of terrace and associated alterations, chimney, single-storey side extension, rooflights, 3 Pippin Close, Mrs Tybinkowski. Rear and side ex - tensions, garage extension, 23 Southern Road, Mr Ade. Marchwood Rear extension, roof altera - tions for new first floor including dormer, replacement garage and carport, fenestration alterations, 21 Old Magazine Close, Mrs Al- lam. External wall insulationpro - ject, replace fenestration, fascias, soffits and rainwater goods, loft insulation upgrade and replace- ment tiles, 9-38 Africa Drive, 1-12 Burma Drive, 37-54 Mulberry Road, Dio. Accens.SD.MOD. Milford-on-Sea Dig a large pond in front gar- den, Green Gates, 15 Downton Lane, Ms Bass. New Milton Outbuilding (retrospective), 5 Fawcett Road, Mr Beckett. Rear extension and internal modifications, Charnwood, 6 Lymington Road, Scott Martin and Kim Traylor. Single-storey, flat-roofed, full width extension to rear of dwelling house, 9 Lyon Avenue, Mr Knight. WAS LAWFUL Hythe and Dibden Single-storey rear extension with a flat roof and lantern to replace an existing conservatory (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 44 Fairview Drive, Mr and Mrs Ashley. New Milton Single-storey rear extension to rear of existing semi-detached dwelling, all proposed materials to match existing house, sur - demolition of attached garage, removal of chimney, Ashenwood House, Castle Hill Lane. Hordle Change of use of stable build- ing and erection of polytunnel and netted area for snail farming, Livery Yard, Long Acre Farm, Vaggs Lane. Lyndhurst Single-storey rear extension, 12 Haskells Close. Redlynch Alterations to outbuilding, external alterations, levelling of ground, Tansy, Kiln Lane. Out- building to include a new home office and family space, Lynbro - ok, School Road, Lover. Woodgreen Two outbuildings, hardstand- ing, demolition of existing ga - rage, White Barn, Denestone Wood. Change of use of field from paddock to dog walking / train- ing area, Merry Tree Paddock, Land to the East of High Street. APPROVAL CONDITIONAL Brockenhurst Application to vary condi- tion 2 of planning permission 18/00497 for construction of mixed use development includ - ing seven two-storey dwellings, two three-storey dwellings, four office / retail units (use class A1 and B1(a) on ground floor and five office units (class use B1(a) at first floor level, carports, park - ing and associated landscaping, existing access retained, dem - olition of redundant industrial buildings, Former Redmayne Erection of a private jetty and decking, Mast House, 95 Mude- ford. Rear, side and front extensions, 39 Southcliffe Road. Extensions to ground, first floor and roof; 60 Wellington Av - enue. Installation of two roof win- dows; 8 Southcliffe Road. Single-storey side exten - sion; Maesgarth, 4A Highcliffe Road. Proposed front and rear two-storey extensions including rear first floor covered balcony, conversion of roof space, installa- tion of front and rear dormers; 64 Wellington Avenue, Christchurch In-fill rear extension, addition of rear dormer, altered window arrangement at first floor; 129 Mudeford Lane, Christchurch. Decisions GRANTED Alterations to dwelling house including new patio doors, sky light, window and raising of chim- ney, amendments to previously granted planning permission ref- erence 8/20/0207/LB, alterations internally: 1, propose new family bathroomat first floor; 2,Move in - ternal wall to the utility; 3, create an opening between the lounge and dining room, The Thatched Cottage, 1 Burley Road. Non-material amendment to 8/19/1262/FUL: refurbishment of existing retail unit (class A1), external alterations to facilitate sub-division into two units (class A1) (one unit for sale of food and drink), reconfiguration and re - duction of existing mezzanine floorspace, rear extension, re - configuration of car parking and other associated physical works, non-material amendment to pro- vide new cycle parking, reloca- tion of disabled parking bay and provision of trolley bay, Unit 1, Christchurch Retail Park, Bailey Drive. Single-storey side extension with a parapet wall around a flat
face water drainage to soakaway (lawful development that per- mission Is not required for pro- posal), 25 Lower Ashley Road, Ashley, Mr and Mrs Bailey. Ringwood Single-storey side extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 9 Meadow Close, Mr Cook. PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED Hythe and Dibden Single-storey rear extension with pitched roof and matching materials (prior approval appli- cation), 55 Malwood Road West, Mrs Davies. Single-storey rear extension (prior approval appli - cation), 10 Furzedale Gardens, Mrs Swainston. New Milton Change the use of the premises from current A1 (Ea) to A3 (Eb) (prior approval application), 3 Westcroft Parade, Station Road, The Naked Quench New Forest. DETAILS NOT REQUIRED Marchwood Proposed telecommunications installation, proposed 20mphase 8 monopole c/w wrapround cabi- net at base and associated ancil- lary works (prior notification to carry out Telecommunications Development), Cracknore Hard Lane, Hutchison 3G UK Ltd. PRIOR APPROVAL REFUSED Fordingbridge Two agricultural barns (agri- cultural prior notification), Fry - ern Park Farm, Whitsbury Road, Brookheath, Ms Watt. Two detached houses, associ- ated garages, parking and land- scaping (details of the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale development granted by outline permission 18/11567), Land of the Ingle, Fryern Court Road, Burgate, Mr Ross. New Milton Development of 16 dwellings with associated parking (out- line application with all matters reserved), Land on South East Side of Spring Lane, Ashley, AJC Homes Ltd. WITHDRAWN Fordingbridge Engineering Site, Station Ap- proach. LAWFUL Burley Application for a certificate of lawful development for con- tinued use of land and existing buildings as office (use class E(g) (i), but previously B1(a), Land at Blackmoor House. PLANNING PERMISSION REQUIRED Lyndhurst Application for a certificate of lawful development for proposed retaining wall, Treetops, Emery Down. REFUSED Fawley Change of use of part of field from agricultural use to dog walking use, Forge Field, Forge Road, Langley. WITHDRAWN Hale Outbuilding (demolition of existing), The Nook, Tethering Drove. Netley Marsh Application for lawful devel- opment certificate for continued use of outbuilding as independ- ent dwelling house (use class C3), Bluebell Cottage, Alpine Road, Ashurst. Sway Single-storey extensions, solar panels, fencing, paths, outdoor play area, associated landscap- ing, temporary altered access and siting of two cabins, remov- al attached shelter, Village Hall, Middle Road. roof with roof lanterns; 32 Add- ington Place. Demolish existing single ga - rage and shed at rear, refurbish existing single-storey rear ex - tension with new flat roof and new single-storey side extension, new access from Arcadia Road (amended description), 20 Arca- dia Road. Proposed single-storey rear ex - tension; 24 Thursby Road. Proposed single-storey rear extension to garage; 24 Thursby Road. Two-storey side extension; 34 Seaway Avenue. Outline planning application with details of access for consid- eration, for up to 38 dwellings, including affordable dwellings, public open space and landscap- ing with associated access, land east of phase 8 Hoburne Farm Estate. REFUSED Free-standing advertising dis- play comprising one 48 sheet panel and one 16 sheet panel; Land adjacent Fairmile Road. WITHDRAWN Erection of single dwelling with associated siteworks, Salisbury Road. Remove existing single-storey conservatory at the rear of the property, to be replaced with double storey extension, extend front porch, 27 The Buttery. LAWFUL Use of building as a separate unit of residential accommoda- tion, 117 Bargates. The use of a mobile home for residential occupation; 32 Tall Trees Park, 7 Matchams Lane. Ground floor rear extension to extend the kitchen and dining room; 17 Sycamore Close. Replace two rear windows with doors, 46 Mudeford. PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED Change of use from existing shop to dwelling - flat 2, 95 Bar - gates. Change of use from existing shop to flat, 95 Bargates.
Hythe and Dibden Single-storey rear extension, 29OaklandsWay, DibdenPurlieu, Mr and Mrs Campbell. Side-sto- rey extension (lawful develop - ment certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 11 Courtier Close, Dibden, Mr Hen- ry. Lymington and Pennington Works to install new extract ductwork to run internally through the building and flue to penetrate through the single-sto- rey pitched roof towards the rear of the property. The extraction will be for the use of new bake-off oven only and include a carbon filter located internally to remove any odour, 11 High Street, The Cornish Bakery. New dropped kerb with front parking, 38 Southampton Road, Mr Agnew. Erection of two three-bedroom detached dwellings, demolition of existing residential accom - modation and car garage, with associated works, The House, 51 Ramley Road, Pennington, Mr Savin. Milford-on-Sea Partial conversion of garage and new roof to form supportive living accommodation at first floor, Lymore End, Lymore Lane, Mr Walker. Replacement garage with side / rear single-storey ex - tension, 15 Whitby Road, Mr and Mrs Newbery. NewMilton Extension of playground to southern side of school buildings, Ashley Junior School, Normans Way, Ashley, Headteacher, Ashley Junior School. Raised patio to height of existing patio 2.1mwith a retaining wall, reinstatement of fencing at 1.8m high, garage conversion, 12 Ashley Common Road, Ashley, Pringle. Variation of conditions 2 and 5 of planning permission 17/11457 to allow amendment of the mechanical plant to retail building, Westcliffe Buildings, Sea Road, Barton-on- Sea, Co-operative Group Food Ltd. Remove existing garage and front entrance, construct single-storey side extension, 1 Branksome Close, Mrs Lawlor. ed plans), West Ride, Boldre Grange, Southampton Road. Brockenhurst Single-storey side and rear extensions, window, cladding, render, Watersplash House, The Rise. Burley Swimming pool, Little Hay, Moorhill Road, Shappen Bot- tom. Carport, store, wall, Oakley, Mill Lane. Copythorne Replacement front windows, Dybdale, Southampton Road, Cadnam. Fawley Single-storey extension, al - teration to existing outbuild - ing, Lakeside, West Common, Langley. Replacement roof, roof extension, two skylights, re-clad - ding, one replacement door, one replacement window, Beach Hut 20, Calshot Beach West, Calshot. Landford First floor extension, front porch, internal alterations to form two dwellings with shared entrance, alterations to roof, al- terations to doors and windows, Englewood, Lyndhurst Road. Lymington and Pennington Relocation of two polytunnels, one greenhouse, one storage shed and one water tank, new pathways, rainwater harvesting pond, Land of Northfield Nurs - ery, Lower Pennington Lane, Pennington. Minstead Application to vary condition 3 of listed building application Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christ- church were submitted to BCP Council during the week ending 15th January 2021: Re-development to provide for amix of Class E, Class B 1, B2 and B8 uses together with drive thru facilities and A3/A5 units (Also Class E / sui generis.), 143-147 Somerford Road. Sever plot and erect semi-de- tached two storey dwelling, 112 Somerford Road. Single-storey extensions to the front and rear elevations; 27 Brin- sons Close. Demolition of existing garage and conservatory, erection of two-storey side extension, 29 Kings Avenue. Two-storey side extension, 11 Avon Road West. Alterations to the front facade of the building, 95 Bargates. Enlargement of roof to provide further living accommodation, two side dormers, alterations to fenestration and enlargement of garage, 30 Jumpers Road. Erect conservatory/extension to rear of property and fit new flat window to replace bedroom bay, remove ground floor exten - sion and bedroom bay above, 10 Kingsway Close. Single-storey rear extension, first floor front extension and new porch, following demolition of existing single-storey addition and conservatory, 150 River Way. Removal of front boundary wall to enable widening of existing ac - cess to The Grove, 38 The Grove. Subdivision of the plots and construction of three new homes to the rear of the existing build - ings together with associated parking, access and landscaping (extension at the side of no.150 River Way to be demolished); Land rear of 150-156 River Way. Change of use of part of an ex - isting building and section of gar- den from residential (use class
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