New Milton Advertiser 25th December 2020

12 · Friday 25th December 2020 · · 01425 613384



Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest National Park Authority during the week ending Friday 18th December 2020: Ashurst and Colbury Replacement outbuilding, Timbers, 18 Cooper Road. Boldre New vehicular access, two parking spces, Battramsley Farm Cottage, Shirley Holms Road. Demolition of seven out- buildings (application for con- servation area consent for dem- olition), Little Hill, Furze Hill, Fordingbridge. Bramshaw Outbuilding (garage / work- shop), demolition of existing, Bramshaw House, Penn Com- mon Road. Single-storey ex- tension, demolition of existing conservatory, Fountain Court, Brook Hill. Conservatory and attached extension, demolition of existing conservatory (appli- cation for listed building con- sent), Fountain Court, Brooke Hill. Replacement agricultural building with external lighting, North Bentley, Fritham. Siting of a timber cabin for occupa- tion by an agricultural / forestry worker for a temporary period of three years, sewage treat- ment plant, demolition of exist- ing building, Grid Reference Su 28058 13932, Land of Wittens- ford Wood Farm, Wittensford Lane, Brook. Bransgore Carport (amended plans), The Dell of Beckley, Beckley Road, Beckley. Conservatory, Warwick Farm House, Beckley Road, Beckley. Burley Lymington and Pennington Replacement of existing damaged and rotting timber and metal windows with high performance uPVC equivalents, Court Lodge Nursing Home, Court Close, Colten Care. Re- moval of detached garage, proposed ground floor rear extension, proposed ground floor side extension, proposed first floor rear extension, new dormers, render to match ex- isting texture, timber cladding to the new ground floor areas replacement glazing through- out, 38 Broad Lane, Mr and Mrs Hanham. Partial change of use of ground floor from retail to residential use in association with existing residential use on the first and second floor, along with associated works, St Thomas Street, Mr Stevenson. External and internal altera- tions associated with partial change of use of ground floor from retail to residential use in association with existing residential use on the first and second floor (application for listed building consent), 28 St Applications THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest Dis- trict Council during the week ending Friday 18th December 2020: Fawley Demolition of existing rear extensions, single-storey rear extension to shop unit, stair- case and new access to first floor flat, 137 Hampton Lane, Blackfield, Mr Hill. Fordingbridge The erection of a detached double garage, single-storey extension, first floor extension, 24 Pennys Lane, Harris. Two agricultural barns (agricultural prior notification), Fryern Park Farm, Whitsbury Road, Brook- heath, Ms Watt. Hordle Swimming pool (size 10m x 3.7m) with surround patio, Or- chard Barn, Broadmead, Sway, Mr Scott. Hythe and Dibden The creation of a car parking space on land not owned by the applicant, including the forma- tion of an access from a public highway and construction of a gate in an existing bound- ary wall, Land adjacent to 11 St Johns Street, Mr Harrison. Single-storey rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 4 Haynes Way, Dibden Purlieu, Mr and Mrs Knight. Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christ- church were submitted to BCP Council during the week ending 18th December 2020. Erection of two-storey side extension with new cropped ga- ble above, single-storey rear ex- tension, rear dormer and front porch, 31 Gleadowe Avenue. Two-storey rear extension, 24 Wick Lane. Convert existing office space in to residential accommo- dation, Offices on the floors above and to the rear of 22 High

existing conservatory, first floor extension to existing garage to facilitate home office and utility room, Doubloon Cottage, Tile- barn Lane. Single-storey exten- sion, 6 Careys Cottages. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley One and two-storey exten- sions, roof alterations to facil- itate additional first floor hab - itable accommodation, Furzie Field, Highwood Lane, High- wood. Godshill Installation of thee antennas on existing mast and ancillary development, Communications Site adjacent Water Treatment Works, Sandy Balls Estate. Hordle Single-storey building with first floor storage for use as re - ception / office / tackle shop, creation of 16 parking spaces, Hordle Lakes, Ashley Lane. Landford Two buildings (use Class E), Land at Stock Lane. Lymington and Pennington Two outbuildings (demoli- tion of existing outbuildings), 3 Kings Huts, Middle Common Road, Pennington. New Milton Outbuilding (demolition of existing), Cotswold, Bashley Road. Redlynch Two-storey extension, roof alterations, four rooflights, ren - der, demolition of front exten- sion, Hazeldene, School Road, Lover. Ringwood Single-storey rear extension, three rooflights, porch, altera - tions to fenestration, flue, car - port, vehicular access, 14 Gate House, Barrack Lane, Crow. Outbuilding, In Excess Garden Barton-on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Cooney. Extension to ground and first floor, 19 Warwick Av - enue, Mr and Mrs Hitchens. Application for change of use / material change of a section of NFDC owned open spaces to widen an existing vehicle drive- way, revised parking layout, cycle storage, new bin store, and associated works, The Old Bakery, 2 Ashley Common Road, Ashley. Remove existing conservatory, construction of single-storey rear extension to bungalow, 38 Beechwood Ave- nue, Ms Coller. Ringwood Proposed loft conversion / extension – part of roof raised marginally – proposed internal layout changes, proposed new French doors, 90 Northfield Road, Mr and Mrs Beaumont. Internal refit of commercial unit and installing four new external windows, formation of new first floor, air source heat pump, Unit 8, Pintail Business Park, 165 Christchurch Road, Empower Energy. Sandleheath Demolition of existing barn and erection of replacement dwelling, Barn to east of San- dle Lodge, Main Road, Healthy Property Group Ltd. Sopley Change of use of pigsties into a self-contained holiday let unit with installation of glazing to former pig run openings, en- largement of existing windows in former pig sty area, works to roof structure, installation of fire door and associated works, Smugglers, 8 Sopley, Mrs Dunn. Internal and external works in association with change of use to self-contained holiday let unit including part removal and installation of internal partition walls, installation of glazing, en- largement of existing window openings, installation of inter- nal door opening, installation of fire door, installation of insu - lation, works to roof structure, works to floor, installation of log burner, bat roosts, (application for listed building consent), Smugglers, 8 Sopley, Mrs Dunn. Totton and Eling Creation of additional formal- ised on-site staff car parking, Millbrook Industries Ltd, Nut- wood Way, Millbrook Industries Ltd. Single-storey side exten- sion, April Cottage, Pauletts Lane, Calmore, Mr and Mrs Pike. GENERAL PERMITTED DE- VELOPMENT Totton and Eling A single-storey rear flat roof extension (prior approval appli- cation), 16 Barnsfield Crescent, fenestration alterations, patio / deck, 10 Manning Avenue. Re-roof house in natural slate to match existing, the Staithe, 117 Mudeford. Pitched roof extension to lounge and kitchen, 3 Cunning- ham Close. Single-storey rear extension and infill below existing box- bay windows, 6 Snowdrop Gar- dens. Minor material amendment to vary condition 1 on Appli- cation 8/10/0032 to elevation plans and make internal lay- out amendments. Variation of condition 2 of App 8/17/0624/ CONDR to amend the western

Installation of swimming pool, associated plant and surround to pool, Belton Hall, Bisterne Close. Denny Lodge Installation of a temporary site compound consisting of welfare cabin and storage container, Forestry England Ashurst Yard, Southampton Road. East Boldre Field shelter, Land to the rear of Wormstall House (formerly Woodland View), Rowes Lane, East End. Godshill Outbuilding, demolition two outbuildings, Street Cottage, Southampton Road. Applica- tion to vary condition 2 of plan- ning permission 18/00262, dwell- ing, detached garage with office over, sewage treatment plant, demolition of existing dwelling and outbuilding to allow mi- nor material amendment, Pay- sanne, Godshill Wood. Hyde Demolition of seven outbuild- ings (application for conserva- tion area consent for demoli- tion), Little Hill, Furze Hill. Lymington and Pennington Re-location of two polytun- nels, one greenhouse, one stor- age shed and one water tank, new pathways, rainwater har- vesting pond, Land of North- field Nursery, Lower Penning - ton Lane, Pennington. Lyndhurst Ancillary outbuilding, 25 Northerwood Avenue. . Minstead Agricultural store, alterations to existing agricultural barn, hardstanding, Ciuin, School Lane. Milford-on-Sea Internal alterations and re- Thomas Street, Mr Stevenson. Proposed loft conversion with dormer windows on the front and rear elevations, single-sto- rey front extension, 48 Fullerton Road, Pennington, Mr Ward. Marchwood Two-storey side extension to create new dwelling, first floor extension to existing dwelling and front porch, Arona, Pooks Green, R&B Developments. Milford-on-Sea Redevelopment of Brown- field Land for the erection of four dwelling houses with as- sociated access, parking and landscaping, Land rear of The White Horse, Keyhaven Road, Bayview Developments Ltd. Removal of existing conserva- tory, replace with new enlarged extension, 8 Park Close, Mr and Mrs Kitley. Single-storey side extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Freshfield, Barnes Lane, Mr and Mrs Pinnell. New Milton Erect first floor file store, 54 Crossmead Avenue, Mr Harris. Replacement rear extension, 4 Neacroft Close, Barton-on-Sea, Mrs Whitlock. Single-storey rear extension to rear of exist- ing semi-detached dwelling, all proposed materials to match existing house, surface water drainage to soakaway (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 25 Lower Ashley Road, Ashley, Mr and Mrs Bai- ley. Timber built outbuilding to the rear of the property (retro- spective), 10 Waterford Road, Ashley, Mr Woodroof. Ringwood Change of use from C3 to C2 (children’s home), howev- er no material change of use will occur (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 38 Winston Way, Kareen Rick- man. Single-storey extensions to front and rear of property, internal remodelling, 17 High- town Gardens, Mr Domanscy. Single-storey side extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 9 Meadow Close, Mr Cook. Totton and Eling Side extension with room over, rear extension over ex- isting dining room, 24 Broken- ford Lane, Mr O’Sullivan. Strip back existing life expired roofs and replace with new flat roof, roof lantern, rear fenestration alteration (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 66 Water lane, Mr Heath. Two-sto- Street, 22 High Street. Non-material amendment to planning application 8/19/0564/ OUT to list all approved plans/ documents for clarity, 1 and 3 Seaton Road and 424, 426 and 428 Lymington Road, Highcliffe. Single-storey rear extension with alterations to second floor glazing, 9 Waterside. Conversion of garage into of- fice and additional living space, 1 Hinton Farm Mews. Decisions GRANTED Loft conversion to create ad-

pairs, removal of lighting and cabling from front wall (ap- plication for listed building consent), Gun Inn, Keyhaven Road, Keyhaven. Netley Marsh Single-storey extension, re- moval of attached lean-to, Mer- rie Mead, 335 Woodlands Road, Woodlands. Redlynch Outbuilding, creation of new access (close up existing), re- placement oil tank in new loca- tion, Yew Tree Cottage, Vicar- age Road, Lover. Ringwood Application for a certificate of lawful development for con- tinued use of one third of the triple garage as a bedroom and shower room for the use of visit- ing family and friends, Chestnut Cottage, Cowpitts Lane, North Poulner. Decisions Internal and external repairs and restoration, replacement roof, Harrow Farm House, Har- row Road. Internal and exter- nal repairs and restoration, re- placement roof (application for listed building consent), Har- row Farm House, Harrow Road. Single-storey rear extension (demolition of existing conserv- atory), 276 Burley Road, Thor- ney Hill. Brockenhurst Single-storey front and rear extensions, front dormer win- dow with Juliet balcony to facil- itate first floor extension, first floor rear extension with balco - ny, alterations to fenestration, cladding, roof alterations to GRANTED Bransgore rey side extension, Leahurst, 305 Salisbury Road, Mr Yu. Roof alterations to include side dormers to extend first floor, single-storey rear extension, re- moval of existing conservatory, 53 Hammonds Way, Mrs Yates. Decisions GRANTED Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Retention of timber con- structed WC and store to rear of listed cottage, Thatched Eaves, Salisbury Road, Ibsley, Mr The- obold. Timber constructed WC and store to rear of listed cottage (application for listed building consent), Thatched Eaves, Salisbury Road, Ibsley, Mr Theobold. Proposed re-pro- filing scheme (scoping opinion), Blue Haze Landfill Site, Alder - holt Road, Somerley, Veolia ES (Landfill) Ltd. Fawley Alterations and additions to existing property, Woodber- ry Day Nursery, 1 Rollestone Road, Holbury, Woodberry Day Nursery Ltd. Strip and replace the roof due to degenerated condition; remove handmade clay tiles and store at roof level for reuse, 80% of existing tiles to be re-used with the remaining to be replaced with matching handmade tiles of similar age, replace under felt with new, replace timber batons (appli- cation for listed building con- sent), The Corner House, 76 Church Lane, Mr Andrew. Fordingbridge Change of use from A1 to sui-generis (tattoo studio), 23 High Street, Lovingink Tattoos. Lymington and Pennington Demolition of an existing bungalow and the construc- tion of a replacement dwelling, 40 Cowley Road, Pennington, JSAK. Single-storey rear exten- sion, 3 Brookland Close, Pen- nington, Mr and Mrs Ward. Marchwood Two-storey side extension with rear balcony, The Old Bak- ery, Hythe Road, Mrs Bailey. Milford-on-Sea Replacement of existing shed, erection of a single-sto- rey timber clad building to provide a garden / fitness room and storage, Danesmead, Wood Lane, Mr and Mrs Whitley. New Milton Rear gable extension, 70 Os- borne Road, Mr and Mrs Haigh. Two-storey rear extension, Rafters, 9 Dilly Lane, Barton- on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Higgins. Single and double-storey exten- sion to rear, 28 Highlands Road, ditional bedrooms, 104 Stour Road. Propose installation of hex- agonal barbecue hut, 39 Kings Avenue. Retention of garden out- building as ancillary living ac- commodation (retrospective application), 56 Huntingdon Gardens. Non-material amendment to application 8/18/0537HOU to amend rear first floor window and addition of flat roof area (retrospective), 55 Walcott Av- enue. Single-storey side and rear extensions, 11 Braemar Drive. Single-storey rear extension,

Mr Waterhouse.




Centre, Hangersley Hill, Forest Corner, Hangersley. Sway Two dwellings, demolition of existing dwelling and outbuild- ings, access and landscaping, The Cottage, Station Road. Wellow Greenhouse, Heatherdene, Canada Common Road, West Wellow. Replacement dwell- ing and workshop outbuilding, Laurel Cottage, Canada Com- mon Road, West Wellow. LAWFUL Ellingham Harbidge and Ibsley Application for a certificate of lawful development for exist- ing use of dwelling in breach of condition 7 (agricultural occu- pancy) of planning permission RFR 12855. New Milton Application for lawful devel- opment certificate for existing use of land as residential gar- den, Oakfield, St Johns Road. RAISE NO OBJECTION Sway Determination as to whether prior approval is required for proposed change of use of of- fice building (use class B1(a) to dwelling (use class C3), West- view, Station Road. RAISE OBJECTION Hale Creation of dormer window, alterations to doors and win- dows, rooflights, replacement balcony, cladding, roof lantern, rooflights to garage, alterations to garage doors (application for non-material amendment to planning permission 19/00517), Gatehouse, Hale Road. WITHDRAWN Hyde Creation of new access, drive- way (block up existing), Ivy House, Blissford Hill, Blissford. (screening Land south of Derritt Lane, Wyatt Homes. Sopley Residential development (screening request), Land south of Derritt Lane, Wyatt Homes. WAS LAWFUL Totton and Eling Single-storey rear extension (demolish existing conserva- tory) (lawful development cer- tificate that permission is not required for proposal), 6 The Redfords, Mr Vardy. WAS NOT LAWFUL Fawley Use of the site for outdoor schooling of children and adults in all aspects of forestry, use of the site for animal husbandry including the raising of live- stock including chickens and pigs, the construction of a stock proof pen measuring approxi- mately 20 metres by 15 metres. Use of the site each year for the temporary grazing of horses, cows and donkeys as neces- sary and also if required by the Verderers that animals graz- ing within the New Forest are to be temporarily taken off of the New Forest for any reason, and siting of caravan / shep- herds hut for forestry use only, (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Blackwell Forest, Chapel Lane, Langley. Proposed 1.8m high bounda- ry fence application and all as- sociated works, 1 Lichen Way, Mr Simpson. Martin Single-storey hardwood or- angery to side elevation, Reads Farmhouse, Martin Road, Mr and Mrs Fernie. Single-storey hardwood orangery to side el- evation (application for listed building consent), Reads Farm- house, Martin Road, Mr and Mrs Fernie. WITHDRAWN Marchwood Self-contained timber frame building at rear of property for carer and new garage to front, Solent Breeze, Cork Lane, Mr Betteridge. New Milton Single-storey rear extension, single-storey front porch exten- sion, roof extension and dormer additions in association with new second floor, outbuilding, Wood Croft, Brockhills Lane, Ashley, Mr and Mrs State and Hoskins. request), REFUSED Marchwood boundary landscape proposals, Hoburne Farm Estate Phase F, Meadowsweet Close, High- cliffe. Single-storey front extension, 23 Medina Way, Friars Cliff. LAWFUL The use of a mobile home for residential occupation, Plot 61 (Tall Trees, 7 Matchams Lane. Insert new side window, 44 Wellington Avenue. REFUSED Erection of single, dou- ble-sided sign within the riv- er course, River Course at River Avon, South of Castle Street.

Holiday let approved for old pigsties on greenbelt

CONVERTING former pigsties into a self-contained holiday let would not threaten the sur- rounding greenbelt, New Forest District Council has decided. Applicant Mrs Dunn was giv- en the go-ahead for change of use to a one-bedroom unit on land by Smugglers, a Grade II listed building with attached former farm buildings at 8 Sop- ley in Sopley, as long as several conditions are met. The development will involve the installation of glazing to for- mer pig run openings and en- larging existing windows in the former pigsty area. Work will also be carried out to the roof structure. Case officer Jo Chambers

said the proposal, which is lo- cated in the greenbelt and Sop- ley Conservation Area, would preserve the site’s openness and not conflict with policy. With bats present, the appli- cation included replacement roosts. A preliminary roost ap- praisal and bat activity survey report was submitted with a bat mitigation, compensation and enhancement strategy. The roost appraisal was among plans which needed to be approved in one of the condi- tions for the development being carried out. Another condition states the building must be restricted to holiday let use only.


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