New Milton Advertiser 2nd Oct 2020
12 · Friday 2nd October 2020 · · 01425 613384
Meals are prepared daily in our kitchen in Lymington using fresh local produce.All dietary needs are catered for. PLEASE CALL RICHARD OR SHARON ON 01590 671261 SETTERS FARM, MOUNT PLEASANT LANE , LYMINGTON MEALS ON WHEELS THE LUNCH BOX We can help you by supplying a delicious home cooked meal, made to order, small or large meals delivered to your door by Richard or Sharon.
Safetywork at Forest black spot approved
Road ban for drug-driver
Ambulance trust governors call MEMBERS of the public are being sought to become elected governors of the South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust. The organisation is seeking three people from Hampshire to join its council of gover - nors. Nominations must be received by 11th October and applicants must be over 16 years old. Trust chair Lena Samuels, said: “I would urge anyone who is passionate about their NHS and local health services to get involved and stand for election.” Visit www.scas.nhs. uk/about-scas/council-of- governors/governors-election (29), of Nightingale Drive, Totton, pleaded guilty to committing the offence on 13th February behind the wheel of a Mazda in Cross - house Road, Southampton. The city Bench fined Bland - ford £124 and told him to pay £117 in court costs. DRIVING in a car park while more than twice the cannabis limit resulted in a motorist having his licence taken away for a year by magistrates. Christopher Blandford A SHOPLIFTER who stole hundreds of pounds of goods from stores was ordered by magistrates to undergo drug rehabilitation. Leigh McLaughlin (25), who gave an address in Mill Pond Road, Holbury, admitted that she and one other this year stole confectionary and gin from three shops in South - ampton. McLaughlin also admitted two breaches of supervision requirements imposed follow - ing release from prison. The drug rehabilitation requirement was part of a nine-month community order imposed by the Southampton Bench. She was also fined £50 and told to pay £95 costs. Drug rehab for shoplifter
Notorious junction will be staggered after land-swap agreed
EXXONMOBIL FAWLEY SITE AND FAWLEY NORTH CHEMICAL PLANTS (TRADEBE & GEO SPECIALTY CHEMICALS) TEST OF PUBLIC WARNING SYSTEMS WILL BE TESTED CONSECUTIVELY 2.30pm and 7.00pm TUESDAY 2ND OCTOBER 2018 • Activation Sound – Two tone warble (for 1 minute) • All Clear – Continuous The public warning systems which would sound in an emergency are tested annually. NO ACTION by local residents is required as a result of hearing these tests. In the unlikely event of any changes to the planned timing, information will be broadcast on BBC Radio Solent (96.1 FM, 999MW). Visit the ExxonMobil section at for safety information and to hear the alarm. For further information, telephone ExxonMobil Fawley: (023) 8089 2511. To listen to a recording of the alarms, call Freephone: 0800 1693597 EXXONMOBIL FAWLEY SITE AND FAWLEY N RTH CHEMICAL PLANTS (TRADEBE & GEO SPECIALTY CHEMICALS) TEST OF PUBLIC WARNING SYSTEMS WILL BE TESTED CONSECUTIVELY 2.30pm and 7.00pm TUESDAY 2ND OCTOBER 2018 • Activation Sound – Two tone warble (for 1 minute) • All Clear – Continuous The public warning systems which would sound in an e ergency are tested annually. NO ACTION by local residents is required as a result of heari g these sts. In the unlike y event of any changes to the planned timing, information will be broadcast on BBC Radio Solent (96.1 FM, 999MW). Visit the ExxonMobil section at for safety information and to hear the alarm. For further information, telephone ExxonMobil Fawley: (023) 8089 2511. To listen to a recording of the alarms, call Freephone: 0800 1693597 EX ONMOBIL FAWLEY SITE AND FAWLEY NORTH CHEMICAL PLANTS (TRADEB & GEO SPECIALTY CHEMICALS) TEST OF PUBLIC WARNING SYST MS WILL BE TESTED CONSECUTIVELY 2.30pm and 7.00pm TUESDAY 2ND OCTOBER 2018 • Activation Sound – Two tone warble (for 1 minute) • All Clear – Conti uo s The public w rni g sy tems which would sound in an emergency are t st d annually. NO CTION by local resident i required as result of hearing these tests. In the unlikely ev nt of any changes to the planned tim ng, information will be broadcast on BBC Radio Solent (96.1 FM, 999MW). Visit the ExxonMobil section at www.fawleyonli for safety information and to hear the alarm. For further information, telephone ExxonMobil Fawley: (023) 80 9 2511. To listen to a recording of the alarms, call Freephone: 08 0 1693597 EXXONMOBIL FAWLEY SITE AND FAWLEY NORTH CHEMIC L PLANTS (T ADEBE & GEO SPECIALTY CHEMICAL ) T ST OF PUBL C WARNING SYSTEMS WILL BE TESTED CONSECUTIVELY 2.30pm and 7.00pm TUESDAY 2ND OCTOB R 2018 • Activation Sou – Two tone warble (for 1 minute) • All lear – Continuous The public warning systems which would sound in an emergency are tested annually. NO ACTION by local residents is required as a result of hearing these tests. In the unlikely event of any changes to the planned timing, information will be broadcast on BBC Radio Solent (96.1 FM, 999MW). Visit th ExxonMobil section at www.fawley for safety informatio a d to hear the alarm. For further information, telephone ExxonMobil Fawley: (023) 8089 2511. To listen to a recording of the alarms, call Freephone: 0800 1693597 E XONMOBIL F LEY SITE D FAWLEY NORTH CHEMICAL PLANTS PUBLIC WARNING SYSTEMS WILL BE TESTED CONSECUTIVELY 2.30pm and 7.00pm TUESDAY 6TH OCTOBER 2020 • Activation Sound – Two tone warble (for 1 minute) • All Clear – Continuous The public warning systems which would sound in an emergency are tested annually. NO ACTION by local residents is required as a result of hearing these tests. In the unlikely ev nt of any changes to the planned timing, information will be broa c t on BBC Radi Solent ( .1 FM, MW). Do you k w what to do in the event of the alarm sounding? Do you know if you are in th COMAH South PIZ? Did you know that in the event of an incident at Fawley and the COMAH alarm sounding, you should shelter in a building and tune-in to the local radio station? If the answer to these questions are ‘NO’ , visit the ExxonMobil section at for safety information and to hear the alarm. For further information, telephone ExxonMobil Fawley: (023) 8089 2511 To listen to a recording of the alarms, call Freephone: 0800 1693597
MAJOR safety improvements at a notorious New Forest junc- tion look set to begin this au - tumn after the verderers gave the go-ahead for a land swap. Work at Ipley crossroads, on the Lyndhurst to Dibden road, can begin once an area of land is returned to grazing near Sway. The realignment of a section of the road near Beaulieu will be undertaken by Hampshire County Council with warnings that road closures are to be ex - pected. HCC revealed details of the work at a meeting of the Verd - erers Court in June, when it was claimed that drivers, especially local people who regularly used the C97 road, were continu- ing to ignore recently installed ‘stop’ signs, and driving straight over the crossroads without slowing down. Under the plans, HCC will construct a staggered junc - tion by creating a new section of road on the approach to the C97, joining Beaulieu Road at 90 degrees around 50m south of the current junction. As a result, vehicles travelling east or west on the C97 would be forced to slow down to join Beaulieu Road. The report from HCC solic- itor Michael Renouf, conclud- ed: “A high number of serious collisions at Ipley crossroads and unsuccessful attempts to improve road safety at the junc- tion have resulted in the need to change the layout.” The meeting point of the C63 Beaulieu Road and the C97 at Ipley crossroads has become a major New Forest accident hotspot with two fatalities and 11 serious-injury accidents re- ported between January 2011 and August 2019.
Ipley crossroads has seen a raft of accidents resulting in death and serious injury (Photo: Google) It is predicted that without improvement work, the num- ber of accidents will continue to escalate. also benefit livestock in the area. arm of the C97 will remain shut for the duration. Temporary traffic lights will be used on the C63 Beaulieu Road as and when necessary.
As part of the plans, an area of Forestry England land of 663 square metres would be re - quired to create the new 102m access road, although by re - turning the old section of road to grazing, the Forest would gain back 591 square metres. To make up the shortfall of 72 square metres of grazing land, HCC has offered to remove one side of a triangular junction at Wilverley Cross, near Sway. The net gain in grazing land for the Forest for both projects would therefore be 771 square metres. HCC said it would use this as a ‘land bank’ to offset any loss of Forest for highways improvements in the future. It is anticipated the scheme will take two to three weeks to complete and that the western
CIVIC chiefs fear the pandem- ic could have a “catastrophic effect” on residents as figures revealed that the crisis could cost Hampshire County Coun- cil more than £200m. The authority, which delivers services including social care, highways and schools, is ex - pected to foot a £210m corona- virus bill by 2023, including to - tal predicted costs, losses and pressures, writes Maria Zacca- ro of the Local Democracy Re- porting Service . According to the authority, £102m is currently unfunded and a further £80m will need to be saved by April 2023. The government said it has provided councils with “unprec- edented” support. But civic chiefs said HCC needs “at least £52m” from the government to remain financially viable in the future. When asked whether jobs and services would be at risk, the county council said it is “far too early to speculate”. It said in the current financial year alone the pandemic is set to cost the council £160m – with around £83m of that unfunded. The county council said it needs to save £80m by 2023 to meet rising demand in services There have been many at- tempts to improve safety at the junction dating back almost 30 years, which include additional road signs, rumble strips and stop signs. Before settling on the pro - posed junction alterations, HCC considered a number of alternatives including visibili - ty screens, mini-roundabouts, traffic lights, chicanes and traf - fic islands, road bumps and a double staggered crossroads. However, these were deemed unsuitable due to their ‘urban- ising’ impact on the Forest and the damage they would cause to sensitive areas. HCC pointed out that slowing traffic would
ing to any subsequent coronavi - rus outbreaks. “It means that our total un- funded costs and losses rise to around £210m over the next three years – with the need for at least £52m from government in order to remain financially vi - able in the future.” The financial impact of Cov - id-19 will be discussed by mem- bers of HCC’s ruling Conserva - tive cabinet on Tuesday. Liberal Democrat Cllr Alan Dowden, HCC member for Bad- desley, reacted: “This will have a catastrophic effect on servic- es and they will have to balance the budget which will mean cut services. “When they come to do their budget then clearly if they don’t have the money it means even further costs are going to come.” In a statement, the Minis- try of Housing, Communities and Local Government said: “Hampshire County Council has received £61m in non-ring - fenced emergency funding. “Additionally, their core spending power increased by £55m in 2020/21 even before emergency funding was an - nounced. We will continue to work closely with councils.” Subject to receiving planning consents, HCC hopes to begin work at Wilverley Cross next month with the Ipley cross- roads improvements being un - dertaken after that. Confirming the verderers’ de - cision to support the project, Official Verderer Lord Manners said: “ There have been a high number of serious collisions at Ipley crossroads, and attempts to improve road safety at the junction have been unsuccess- ful. This has resulted in the need to change the layout. “Given the need to improve road safety, the verderers have given their consent to the pro - posals at Ipley crossroads.
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Council cash ‘catastrophe’ fears
HCC leader Keith Mans
such as social care for vulnera- ble children and adults. HCC leader Cllr Keith Mans said the authority was “in a strong financial position” when the coronavirus hit and it can “weather the storm this year”. But he added: “However, moving into the medium term, the situation worsens as we also take stock of growing demand in adult social care which we expect to increase further as a result of the pandemic, further lost income and council tax rev - enue, and the costs of respond-
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